Blood Princess and the Knight

27~Long planned (Part 1)

"Foolish blood spirits, open your eyes and see clearly who I am!" Lin laughed playfully, lowering her head and laughing so hard that her shoulders kept shaking.

The sudden drastic change caught everyone off guard. Before they could react, Lin had already inserted the dagger she pulled out from nowhere into Bai Ji's belly.

"You're not Lin..." Sensing the aura deliberately released by the other party, Bai Ji's eyes narrowed. "You are...Evening Star."

"Correct answer~ Long time no see, Her Majesty the Queen, and everyone. I wonder if you have missed me again after a long absence?" Duixing's eyes swept across the faces of everyone who were either surprised, angry or in disbelief.

"No need to answer, your expressions have already told me the answer." Duixing let go of the dagger, spread his hands, and walked past everyone.

"Pointy Ears, you" An emotional elder was pushed to the ground with a look from Muxing.

"I advise you to calm down." Duixing made a shushing gesture. "Use your brains and think about it carefully. Since I dare to appear in front of you from the dark, am I not fully prepared?"

"This city no longer belongs to you." As soon as Duixing finished speaking, fully armed elf soldiers poured into the square from all over the city, like a colony of ants emerging from the nest.

"No wonder I haven't seen the elven army before. It turns out that they are all hiding..." Gordon muttered in a low voice.

"Are you the Elf Queen?" Huo Lei asked in a deep voice.

"Elven Queen? That's right, but rather than this title, I would rather you call me the Elf Ancestor." Evening Star corrected with a smile.

"Aren't your pointed ears dead a long time ago?" Frightened by the pressure, Yana gritted her teeth and said in a low voice.

"Dead? Pfft, no way? You don't really think that gods will die, do you? Don't forget that I am the ancestor of elves... Anyway, mortals may not be able to understand it."

Mu Xing set his sights on Bai Ji.

"What a long-awaited reunion. Your Majesty the Queen, did you expect that in your thorough and meticulous plan, the two of us would meet again in this way?"

"...How did you enter the barrier?" Using the barrier established by the gods, even if the latter is also a creature of the gods, there is nothing you can do, or it will take a lot of effort.

In other words, she successfully sneaked into the palace before the barrier was erected.

"As long as I want to, there is absolutely no place I can't reach. After all, I am a god... Well, since you want to know so much, there is no harm in telling you. Let the dying person retain the right to know and understand. After all, I am very good. Merciful." Eveningstar grinned.

"Do you remember the scene when you met Miss Tina in the garden and took Lin for a walk in the flower garden?"

"Before? With Miss Lin..." As soon as these words came out, Tina was stunned, with surprise on her face.

Although she didn't know which past time it was, she was sure that she had no memory of taking Lin for a walk in the flower garden, because she had been staying in Liuli Palace to draw drawings before and had never been out, so it was impossible to go for a walk with Lin.

"I see." Bai Ji frowned. "Tina, you pretended to be for us."

"I'm not pretending to show it to you. In fact, I was giving orders to my lovely Lin at that time. I didn't want to be broken by you, so I had to ask Lin to cooperate in a play."

Bai Ji recalled the action of 'Tina' putting her hand on Lin's shoulder at that time. This action seemed like nothing at the time, but now that she thought about it carefully, this was the way Mu Xing sent a signal to Lin at that time.

In such a critical moment, people really have no room to doubt anything, let alone a person who is subjectively equated with death. In addition, Bai Ji will not be suspicious of people she trusts.

Even so, out of caution, Bai Ji used words to test Tina's authenticity.

"Miss Evening Star must have studied at the Drama Academy for a few years before she became the Elf Queen." Bai Ji teased, leaning on the city wall. "What a great performance."

"Should I say thank you for the compliment?" Muxing accepted Bai Ji's sarcastic compliment without hesitation.

"It seems that Her Majesty the Queen is at the end of her rope, but remember what I told you before we parted, no matter who wins or loses in this game of chess, I will be the final winner, right?"

"Whether you win or the outer gods win." Duixing smiled slyly.

"That's it." Bai Ji closed her eyes.

Suddenly, she figured it out.

Evening Star arranged a drama of playing with fire and burning herself to make people believe that after she was confirmed to be dead, she activated the Space Forbidden Curse before she died, and by the way blocked the passage to other planes to escape to Barand.

A series of measures were taken to prevent Bai Ji from escaping without a fight and force her to fight with the outer gods. To this end, she found a way to enter the ultimate black and become a divine creature.

After that, all we have to do is wait for the battle between the Outer God and Bai Ji. No matter who loses or wins, she will be the last winner of the Ying family. Because of the limitations of the Devourer, in the process of digesting an opponent who is almost the same size as herself, she will Will be extremely fragile

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