Blood Princess and the Knight

27~Long planned (Part 2)

"We have a question. What if we don't follow your wishes and die in extreme darkness?"

"Others can't, but if it's you, you can definitely do it. You just give me such a feeling." Mu Xing said, and then changed the subject. "But then again, even if you really have an accident, other devouring species will still come to Baland."

"In this case, let them fight to the death with the foreign gods, and it will be the same for me to go up and reap the benefits."

"Ha." Bai Ji laughed without meaning. "It seems that you think you are a god, but you don't know everything."

For example, Duixing knew nothing about the actual situation of Extreme Black. If it weren't for himself, I'm afraid there would never be a Devouring Species in Baland.

"There is no point in playing nice anymore, Miss Bai Ji, you are in doom today." Duixing narrowed her eyes, and when she waved her hand, the elf guards rushed to the top of the city and surrounded a few people.

"The biggest mistake you made was to keep my spy by your side. Who would keep the tools that once helped the enemy to harm themselves? You didn't do enough. If it were me, I would definitely put this kind of tool behind you." Dangerous items are completely destroyed.”

"Don't talk about victory now. If you lose later, it will be very ugly." Bai Ji pulled out the knife stuck in her abdomen and threw it to the ground.

"A backstab of this magnitude means nothing to you or me."

"It's meaningless." Mu Xing spread his hands. "This is just a way for me to say hello to Her Highness Bai Ji. Among the devouring species, naturally only devouring can completely kill the opponent."

"Do you think you will be our opponent now?" Bai Ji raised the sickle.

"I don't know if she is my opponent or not, but I know that Her Majesty Bai Ji, who is in the digestion stage, is definitely not my opponent." Mu Xing showed a smile that seemed to be successful. "I've been waiting for this day for too long!"

"Sinner, coupled with your divine nature, this can make me ascend to a real god in an instant!" Mu Xing approached Bai Ji. "I no longer need to live on land, I will be the new master of Baland!"

"You, the self-proclaimed god, are sometimes afraid." Bai Ji sneered.

"Afraid? Interesting, what am I afraid of?"

"Of course you are afraid of us." Bai Ji said matter-of-factly. "I can only defeat her when she is most vulnerable. You must have this idea in your heart, right?"

"So, even the invincible gods sometimes feel afraid.

"Such sharp teeth and sharp mouth can't save your life." Mu Xing said coldly. "Don't even think about using aggressive tactics against me, and don't even think about delaying time to seek changes. Bai Ji, you will stay here no matter what today."

"Be my nourishment."

【The Blasphemer's Hand】

Bai Ji summoned Bloodline Awakening. Different from the previous times when the cards were full of stars, this time only two cards were summoned.

One [Stars Resurrection] and one [Broken Cage], and they are both in buffer state.

Now she has no cards to use, and she has entered a weak state due to devouring and refining.

"Hahaha! Qian Donkey is at his wits end, isn't he?" Muxing laughed maniacally.

Bai Ji lifted the barrier expressionlessly, and after recovering part of her divine power, she winked with Gordon, who understood.

She held the scythe and rushed towards Duixing.

"Is this a suicidal charge?" Duixing held out a finger. "It's a pity that you can't even commit suicide now."

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Bai Ji was thrown back, but soon she found a fulcrum and continued to deal with Mu Xing.

"What can you do to me if you don't overestimate your capabilities and can't mobilize even a shred of your divine power?" Evening Star mocked.

"Everyone, gather around here quickly!" Gordon opened the magic scroll and shouted loudly while Evening Star had no time to visit.

"What are you going to do?" Upon seeing this, the elf soldiers immediately surrounded them, and then were pushed down the city wall by Gordon's prepared magic.

【Magic Push Lan】

"Damn it, stop them!" The elf soldiers who noticed the strange situation rushed up one after another, and the elf soldiers still on the top of the city also rushed towards them.

"Little brother, what are you doing?" Huo Lei picked up the elf officer who was about to blow the horn to call on his companions, pulled out the horn from his mouth, hit him on the head, and threw him Go down.

"Mr. Gordon, the elves under the city wall are coming up!"

"Get out of the way, watch my restoration fist!" Huo Lei punched the ground with his fist, and suddenly the stairs were reduced to steep stones.

"Wow!" The elf soldiers who were caught off guard all fell down.

"Tsk, what do you want to do?"

"Don't look over there, your opponent is us." The sickle chopped off a few strands of Mu Xing's hair, Bai Ji said coldly, no matter how tough she was, she couldn't hide her weakness, and her breath was slightly disordered. .

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