Blood Princess and the Knight

28~Separation (Part 2)

Success or failure can be determined in one fell swoop. Muxing has endured this moment for so long. Naturally, it is impossible to give up at this time. She also knows that if Bai Ji is not eaten up when she is most vulnerable, she will forever lose her chance to compete for the throne. Chance.

The competition between the two sides continued, but the few seconds seemed so long to everyone.

"Are you planning to add more food to me? Okay, I don't mind." Evening Star's devouring power has reached its maximum, and everyone will suffer.

"I will never give up the imperial sister to you!!" At the edge, Yana, who was very close to the strange hand, grabbed Bai Ji's hand and refused to let go.

"Difficult little girl, then you can be buried with your sister!!"

The people who were already at the end of their strength gradually declined. Fighting against the divine with mortal nature was simply a dream, and Huo Lei's support gradually reached its end.

"Damn it..." Huo Lei, who had countless veins popping out of his hands, roared unwillingly and roared towards the sky.

"Sister Huang, Sister Huang..." Seeing that Bai Ji's feet had touched the teeth of the strange hand, Yana smiled bitterly. "Yana will accompany you until the end."

The moment she touched her teeth, Bai Ji was sucked into her mouth as if some switch had been activated.

Despite this, Yana still did not let go until she was about to be sucked into the strange hand...

"Family members will remain together until death, so that's how it is. Is this the beauty that Qi Tu should protect?" Huo Lei lamented. "I will never let a beautiful relationship be ruined!"

"Is that the end..." Seeing that Bai Ji had entered the strange hand's mouth, Gordon gritted his teeth unwillingly, and at this moment, a white light flashed.

He looked back and saw a six-pointed star array flashing in front of the magic carpet.

"It's the end! Don't relax, everyone, work harder!" Gordon shouted.

"Yana, come on!"

"do not give up……"

"Hold on tight, don't let go."

"Look at my last one, the magical girl takes a plane!"

"Sister Huang, I will not abandon you."

The chattering words were all full of anxiety, and with Huo Lei's roar, a white light flashed by. 38Reading is the only website with the fastest updates for this novel.

"Hehehe, I said, you can't escape, just be my nourishment!" These words flashed in front of her ears.

Did Evening Star succeed? Yana didn't know. She only remembered that she never let go of her sister's hand. To view more exciting books, please go to 38 Reading.

Muxing slowly stretched out his hand from the gap between the dimensions. Looking at the closed palms, the joy in his heart could not be suppressed.

It was successful. Her long-term planning was not in vain. Everything was worthwhile. Everything developed as she expected. Although there were slight errors, fortunately, the results were correct.

She swallowed Bai Ji, and now she just needs to wait for digestion.

When the time is right, there will be no one on par with him in this world, and he will be the only true god and master of this world!

"My Lady Queen, my subordinates failed in their duty and allowed them to escape."

"It doesn't matter, my goal has been achieved, so what if I let a few little ants go?" Muxing didn't care about this. All she needed to do now was wait.

Bai Ji refined her body bit by bit, absorbing all her power and divinity. After that, she became invincible.

"Are we safe?" The first one to wake up was Gordon. He found himself lying in a green patch of grass and not far away from him, leaning against his other companions.

Huo Lei was knocked down on a big rock, Xiao Sha was hanging on a branch, and Tina was lying in the grass, and then

"Ahem, Mr. Gordon, can you get up?"

"Oh, sorry," Gordon stood up quickly.

"It's okay. Let's not mention it for now. Where are Her Majesty Yana and Her Majesty the Queen?" Nimu stood up, patted his robe and began to look around anxiously. 38 Reading.

"I don't know, I didn't see them two around."

As everyone woke up one after another, they looked around for Yana and Bai Ji who did not see them. Finally, in an open bush, Nim found Yana. There seemed to be someone lying next to her. Most likely it's Bai Ji.

"Fortunately, Your Majesty Bai Ji is fine." Nim breathed a sigh of relief. When he walked over to check on the two of them, he froze for a moment.

"Sister Huang, Sister Huang" Yana, who gradually woke up from her coma, realized the palm that was tightly interlocked with hers, and her heart suddenly felt peaceful.

When she turned her gaze to the figure to the side, she was also shocked and stiff. Read the latest chapters on Baidu Search 38 Reading.

The person lying next to her was not Bai Ji, but a very familiar blond girl.

This person is obviously not his imperial sister, she is

"This is Bai Hibiscus?!"

"How could this happen??" Everyone who came afterward was also shocked.


In the shadows, 'Ke'er' was observing everything with his fists on his cheeks and his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"How?" A white figure came over.

"Everything is moving in the right direction. Although there are some errors, it is inevitable after all."

"However, the errors are still within the controllable range. This time, we will definitely succeed."

"After all, I have no way out."

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