Blood Princess and the Knight

29~Are you a mother? (Part 1)

"She is Bai Jin?!" Looking at the person lying next to Yana, everyone was dumbfounded, not only because Bai Ji was missing, but also because someone who shouldn't have appeared in front of them at this moment .

"Is there something wrong?" Nim was the first to speak after a long silence. The experienced and well-informed elder covered his forehead with a look of disbelief.

"Why did the dead Your Majesty Bai Jin appear here, and where is Your Majesty Bai Ji?" Tina was also completely confused. Although the two people were the same person in a certain sense, there were still essential differences.

At least after Bai Jin's assassination, Bai Ji became more like a vampire queen, without any shadow of a knight in her body.

Everyone thought that Bai Jin's existence would slowly fade away like a shadow before sunrise.

"Your Highness Yana, what exactly did you bring back?"

"How do I know?" Yana held her head, expressing that she was also desperate when this happened. "I clearly remember holding onto Sister Huang's hand and never letting go."

"Let's not discuss these issues for now. Where is Her Majesty the Queen?" Looking around, Tina, who couldn't find Bai Ji, realized the seriousness of the problem.

After Tina's reminder, everyone shifted their focus back to Bai Ji's disappearance. They launched a search and almost searched the entire bush, but still could not find Bai Ji.

"Trouble" Gordon frowned slightly. "The teleportation location will not be far away from the radius of the center of the circle. If it is not found within the range, Her Majesty Bai Ji may not have teleported with us." For more exciting books, please go to 38 to read.

Recalling the scene of Bai Ji being swallowed by a strange hand during the teleportation, everyone's heart sank.

"Your Majesty Baiji, is it possible?"

"How is it possible? Her Majesty the Queen returned from the Ultimate Darkness and defeated the sinner. How could she be assassinated by such a level of conspiracy?"

"The elf queen who calls herself Evening Star has been planning for a long time and picked the most suitable time to take action." Gordon stomped his staff with some irritation. "You shouldn't have used space magic, you should have thought of it a long time ago"

"Without space teleportation, none of us would be able to escape the miscalculation. Unexpectedly, the Elf Queen not only survived, but also had planned it for a long time." Nimu sighed.

Muxing's plans are intertwined, and he expects that the battle between Bai Ji and the Sinner will reap the final profit. After all, if the defeated place is not swallowed up, the latter will make a comeback, whether Bai Ji wins or the Sinner wins. To win, they have no choice.

"What will happen if Her Majesty Bai Ji is really devoured by the guy who claims to be the ancestor of elves?" Xiaosha suddenly spoke, causing everyone to be silent for a while.

"It's nothing more than the second culprit." Gordon slumped on the ground, shaking his head, as if all his previous efforts had been wasted.

"By then, all races except the elves will be demoted as slaves, and the continent will be in dire straits."

"Hey, these elves are really cunning and hateful. With the mainland as a bargaining chip, can't we launch a new resistance?" Huo Lei said, clenching his fists.

"Resist? How is that possible, my Mr. Horley?" Gordon couldn't help laughing. "One sinner alone can completely destroy Baland, let alone the power of Her Majesty Bai Ji? This does not include Evening Star's own divine nature."

After hearing this, Huo Lei also fell silent, but pursed his lips unwillingly.

"It's hopeless." Gordon said dejectedly. "If Queen Baiji is gone, I can't think of another person who can save the continent."

"No, it's not time to give up yet, everyone." Yana, who was holding the shell pendant, acted unusually calm at this time. "If you give up now, it will really be over."

"So far, what's the use of talking about this."

"Of course it works!" Yana stood up and said. "The peace that my sister has worked so hard to achieve will never allow others to destroy it."

I thought we were ushering in the dawn of hope, but it turned out that in the dusk before night, during the ups and downs, the team's morale suffered an unprecedented blow. 38 Reading. Now they are so disheartened that almost no one is willing to respond to Yana.

"Don't forget, Evening Star is also a Devouring Species." Yana said wordlessly. "Since it is a devouring species, naturally it cannot escape the law of devouring species."

"During this devouring period, she will become extremely vulnerable. Now is the best opportunity to kill her. This opportunity must not be missed before it comes again!"

"Yes, Evening Star is also a Devourer. In this case, now is the best time to kill her." Gordon suddenly realized.

Everyone also bypassed their misunderstandings as if they were waking up from a dream.

"Yes, there is no time for us to be depressed. Now is the only time to kill the scourge." Yana's words gradually restored everyone's will.

"However, Evening Star is still a Devouring Species with divine nature. We are just a group of mortals with flesh and blood bodies. The gap is really too big."

"Looking at it this way, hope is still a bit slim. After all, we don't have Devouring Seeds here, and Her Majesty Bai Ji is no longer here."

"Who said hope is slim? Isn't my sister still here?" Yana smiled mysteriously, then lifted the blond girl's armpits and showed her to everyone.

"Isn't this our hope?"

Instantly, everyone's expressions became strange, especially Gordon's.

"Well, Miss Yana, you don't want to count on her, do you?" Gordon asked.

"Why not? Her ancestors were able to defeat the sinners, so she must be good at it. After the Holy Knight, she can't be so bad."

"Besides, she is my sister's other body. It's not an exaggeration to say she is another sister."

"Not to mention whether she is your sister or not, please put her down quickly, Your Highness Yana. It is not good to throw her around with a corpse."

"Corpse? What are you talking about, she..." After testing the body's breath and pulse, Yana fell silent, and then slowly and gently placed Bai Jin's body on the ground.

"The reason why this situation occurs is probably because Miss Bai Jin's body was separated from Bai Ji's body under the pull. Now this body is just a body without a soul."

"No, it was not separated by pulling." Nim, who had a little understanding of Devouring Species, shook his head.

"Her Majesty Bai Ji's soul was pulled out by Duixing, and what is left is the 'residue' that does not belong to that soul, which is the body of Shenglun Bai Jin."

"After all, for the Devouring Species, the soul is everything. If you lose your soul, you lose everything. But Her Majesty Bai Ji has more than one body. After her soul is taken away, Bai Jin's body remains.

"In other words, this is just a corpse..." Yana's eyes instantly became empty, and she knelt down on the grass with a snap.

"Yes, Bai Jin has died long ago. Even if the body has not died, a body without a soul is no different from death." Nimu sighed.

"Then, what should we do??" Yana looked at the sky blankly.

After losing the backbone of her sister, she immediately became helpless.

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