Blood Princess and the Knight

29~Are you the mother? (Part 2)

"Who, who's there?" The leaves in the jungle moved. Huo Lei, who had a keen sense, caught the movement in an instant, and casually pulled out a tree stump and held it in his hand.

As soon as the movement came out, swords were drawn, and everyone became alert like a frightened bird.

"If you don't come out, we will take action!"

"Hey, hey, don't do it. We are all our own people. Don't fire." A familiar voice came from the jungle, and then two men wearing partial armor came out scratching their heads.

"Landrito?" Yana was slightly stunned and put down the scimitar in her hand. "Why are you here?"

"This should be our question to you." Mu Ju frowned slightly next to him. "Didn't you go to rebuild your own family? Why did you run into us within a few days?"

"" Yana and the others lowered their heads.

"Isn't it possible? Her Majesty Bai Ji failed?" Seeing everyone's dejected look, combined with the fact that Bai Ji could not be found in the team, Landrito's eyes widened slightly.

"Failed? How is it possible? If it failed, what happened to the sky?" Mu Ju looked at the clear sky above his head in confusion.

"That's right. When we saw the sky return to normal, we all thought that Her Majesty Bai Ji had defeated the foreign gods and triumphed. Isn't that true?"

"Wait, who is that?" The sharp-eyed Muju took a few glances and saw the familiar golden figure lying among the crowd.

"Bai Jin?...What's wrong with her? I clearly remember that she's not..." Seeing the blonde girl's face clearly, Landrito was confused, and a row of big question marks appeared on his head.

"After a while, I won't be able to tell you why you are here."

"This is the ancestral land of Gulan. Where else could we be if we weren't here?" Landry said, scratching his head.

"After we parted ways with you, the princess took us back to our ancestral land. Although it is in ruins, it is the birthplace of the Quran after all. Many of the equipment can be reused with a little repair."

"So what happened? Shouldn't the Outer God be defeated? Where is your queen?"

"By the way, is Bai Jin okay?"

"As you can see, she has already." Gordon shook his head.

"...This is not the place to talk." Seeing that Tinayana and others were not in good condition, Landrito planned to take them back to the temporary city-state before making any plans.

"A lot of things seem to have happened in the past few days... In short, let's go to our city-state to take a rest and inform my princess of the specific situation. Can we find a solution together?"

Yana did not express her position, and Landrito took it as her acquiescence. They followed Mu Ju and Drito who led a small group of soldiers back to Cypriel, the former capital of Gulan.

After the erosion of the flood, the city-state looked unbearable to look at.

Most of the residential buildings only have one wall and a few pillars left, not even shelter from the wind and rain. In the market, only a few tattered cloth towels are left floating around. In the grand arena, only the original ten buildings are left. A few, like a round cake divided into a dozen parts.

However, although it looks miserable, it is many times better than the Blood Spirit Palace in the center of the disaster area. At least the general outline structure of the castle is still preserved.

In the city, a black-haired girl wearing a simple dress was sitting in front of the dressing table, arranging her hair.

"My Lady, the Lords of Bow Cross and Qiang Cross have returned from patrol." The guard walked into the palace and reported.

"Okay, I understand. There is nothing special to report. Let them go back to camp." Ji Yue said without looking back. Her voice was a little more cordial and gentle than the pretentious high-profile before. .

"They seem to have brought back an extra group of people."

"Refugees who are fleeing, take them in if you can. It's not easy for everyone when a disaster strikes." Ji Yue sighed.

"They don't seem to be refugees..." Before the guard could finish speaking, Mu Ju and Landrito stepped into the palace.

"Your Majesty, Princess." Both of them saluted Ji Yue.

"You're back? How's the situation outside?"

"My Lady, we met the vampires." Landrito and Mu Ju looked at each other.

"Eh? Blood clan?" Ji Yue was slightly surprised. "Shouldn't they be building their own capital at this time? How can they have enough time to come here?"

"My Lady Queen, things seem a bit complicated."

"Invite them in." After Landrito said this, Ji Yue became a little more sluggish, her eyes narrowed, and she lowered her appearance a little.

In fact, without Ji Yue's words, the people waiting outside the palace had already entered.

"Bai Jin??" Ji Yue froze when she saw the girl on Yana's back. The greeting she had prepared was stuck in her throat and she couldn't spit out a word.

"Bai Jin, Bai Jin...what's wrong with her? Is she okay?" Ji Yue leaned forward regardless of her appearance.

"Don't be excited, Sir Ji Yue, this is just a corpse." Yana gently placed Bai Jin on the recliner and said calmly.

"The could it be?"

"Miss Yana, please tell us what happened now."

Yana hesitated, and finally told the entire incident to the Quran people present.

"I see, I have already expected that those elves are definitely not good people." Mu Gu frowned.

"It's really not as good as God." Landry Takuya


"Let's not mention these things. Bai Jin has escaped. In other words, she can still be saved, right?" Ji Yue held Bai Jin's completely cold hand and said.

"Ha? Your Excellency Ji Yue, quickly clean your head that is filled with white hibiscus. Her soul is gone. Where is the hope of rescuing her??" Yana looked at Ji Yue in a funny way, as if she was laughing at her. Innocent.

"Wait a minute, I might really have a way to save Bai Jin." Ji Yue thought of something, and ran into her boudoir. After a moment, she took out a small black box, opened it, and found a small black box lying quietly inside. Just a small hourglass.

"what is this."

"I don't know either, but someone told me to use it in the most critical moment." Ji Yue firmed up her idea and put the hourglass on Bai Jin's head.

The hourglass instantly violated the laws of gravity, and the sand grains surged upward.

Following this, the injuries on Bai Jin's body recovered as before.

"Reversed the injury?" Yana was surprised.

"No, it reversed life and death." Nim corrected. "But this makes no sense, because this body is already an empty shell, and there is no second soul to control it."

Before Nim finished speaking, Bai Jin opened his eyes with closed eyes, stood up suddenly, and glanced at everyone, finally stopping at Yana.

"Are you, mother?"

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