"What I said before, I think it was called Bai Ming." Lilina thought for a moment and then thought.

"Bai Ming??" Landri Tuo and Mu Ju were dumbfounded, looking at each other not knowing what to say.

"Ah?!" Ji Yue quickly pushed away Landrito who was blocking her way. "You, you said you used to be called Bai Ming?!"

"It seems that this name is correct...what's the problem?" Seeing the black-haired girl who was so excited after hearing her name, Lilina was a little surprised.

"It's impossible, it's a lie..." Bai Ming's eyes made Ji Yue take two steps back. Those clear but unwavering eyes seemed so familiar at this moment, so familiar that she It’s hard to breathe…

"Yes, yes, it must be the same name. Yes, there are many people with the same name on this continent, not to mention that it is an alien plane. There is nothing strange about the same name. Well, there is a second person named Bai Ming. ,Isn’t this a very common thing, well, it must be like this..."

"Um, miss, are you okay?" Seeing Ji Yue holding her head and mumbling, Lilina's eyes flashed with worry.

Maybe she saw him right, or maybe she was congenial. She had a crush on this black-haired girl whom she met for the first time, so she couldn't help but pay more attention to it.

"It's okay, I'm okay... I was rude just now, Miss Lilina, can I ask your last name?"

"As for the last name, I don't quite remember it."

Seeing the other party's dazed look, Ji Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

Let's just say, how could it really be her? She just happened to meet someone with the same name as Bai Ming.

"But I remember that when I was still alive, they called me the Paladin."

"" Ji Yue's smile that she had just hung stiffened again, her lips trembling, fear and disbelief intertwined on her face. "Holy, Paladin??"

"Paladin, were you really called a Paladin before??" Ji Yue grabbed Lilia's shoulders and shook them constantly. Read the latest chapters on Baidu Search 38 Reading.

"Well, I also have this problem."

"My Lady, please stop it quickly. Don't get excited. Listen to what Miss Lilina has to say first." Landrito dissuaded her from the side.

"Sorry, I'm too emotional." After calming down, Ji Yue let go of Lilina's shoulder, her violet eyes still staring closely at Lilina.

"You were once a native creature of Barand, and you were called a Paladin??"

"Don't lie, and don't try to deceive me. No subtle facial movement of yours can escape my eyes!" Ji Yue came closer.

When it comes to Shenglun, especially Bai Ming, Ji Yue's ability to maintain a trace of sanity is already a great improvement.

"It doesn't need to be so complicated." Lilina said seriously, unable to understand Ji Yue's reaction. "What I decide to say will not be a lie - as a knight, I will not lie."

"Thump." Ji Yue collapsed and sat down. Landri Tuo and Mu Ten quickly helped her up.

"My Lady, what's wrong with you?"

"It's really you..." Ji Yue slowly stabilized her body with the help of the two people, unable to bear it anymore.jpg

"Well, everyone suddenly looked at me strangely." Looking around, Lilina tilted her head in confusion. Zero⑦ Chinese website is the only website with the fastest updates for this novel.

"Are you Paladin Bai Ming??" Yana looked at Lilina with a look on her face.

"Not now." Lilina replied without thinking. "My current name is Lilina, please call me by my current name."

"Wait, wait, this relationship is a bit messy." Gordon held his aching head. "Were you once Bai Ming?"

"To be precise, it's a remnant soul of Bai Ming." Lilina explained. "When the Demon God Tower was about to collapse, Bai Ji used her first embrace to help me escape from the ultimate blackness."

Isn't that just Bai Ming? If you think about it this way, the relationship between your two families will be in chaos. "Gordon stretched out his fingers and made constant gestures in the air.

"Bai Ji was once a human, right? Although she is the reincarnation of the Blood Spirit Queen, she is a descendant of the Holy Lun family and you are the ancestor of the Holy Lun family, right? When Bai Ji embraced you for the first time, doesn't that mean..." Gordon The explanation was unclear, and he could even imagine how confusing the relationship between Gulan and Blood Spirit would be after this.

The two races that were supposed to be life-and-death enemies were actually related to each other and were inextricably linked. I had to lament that fate was a trick.

"According to what you said, it is indeed a bit chaotic." Bai Ming frowned slightly.

"The Blood Spirit Queen was reincarnated into the family of the descendant of Saint Gulan. Isn't it clear to you? What's the mess?" Yana pursed her lips.

"But I really didn't expect it." Nim stepped forward and looked at Lilina with emotion in his heart. "I thought I wouldn't be surprised even if His Majesty revealed the truth, but the result was still beyond my expectation."

"I hope Your Highness Yana won't take this too seriously." Then, Nim smiled at Yana. To view more exciting books, please go to 38 Reading.

"What do I care about? No matter who she used to be, she is now a member of our Lasambo family. Let me ask you, what is your name now?" Yana pursed her lips towards Lilina.


"Well, she even admitted that she is from our side."

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