Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 31~Past and Present (Part 2)

Ji Yue stopped talking, with mixed feelings in her heart. The joy of Bai Ming's resurrection from the dead was intertwined with the feeling of being herded on her head for some reason, forming a taste that was even more indescribable than a cocktail. Check out more exciting books here.

"Although the blood relationship has not been officially established yet, it is only a matter of time if you think about it... Lilina, I am Bai Ji, your mother's sister-in-law. What should you call me?~~" Yana pointed at herself , said with a smile.


"Don't feel ashamed. Now that you are about to be reborn, you should say goodbye to your past self, right? Ah, of course, it doesn't matter if you want to retain your past character and temperament. I mean, you need to say goodbye to your past self. The identity must be cut off, otherwise it will be a split personality, neither lun nor distinction, right?"

"Well, I understand." Lilina thought clearly. After all, she didn't dislike Yana, who looked very similar to Bai Ji. She mustered up the courage to make up her mind and said to her. "Auntie."

"Hey~ my niece is so good~~"

Ji Yue covered her heart and her blood surged.

"From now on, I will be your aunt. Please give me your advice."

"Okay, auntie."

"It's okay. If you're not used to shouting, just don't shout for now. Just call me by my name." Yana didn't force it.

"No, the necessary etiquette must not be lost."

"Hey, this kid is really serious."

"What about me?" At this time, Ji Yue jumped out and pointed at herself with tears in her eyes. "As for me, Bai Ming, do you still remember me?"


Seeing Lilina's evasive eyes, the little bit of luck that Ji Yue still had in her heart suddenly disappeared.

"Um, who are you?"

Who are you.

Who is it?



Ji Yue cannot get up again and collapses.

"Your Majesty, have to be strong." Landrituo thought about it and couldn't seem to find any words of comfort, so he could only give Ji Yue encouragement and support and said this.

"Well, be strong." Mu Chu agreed stupidly.

"Me, strong?..." Ji Yue's mouth was bleeding. "Well, yes, I want to be strong and live with a smile..."

"You, you look familiar..." Lilina looked at Ji Yue, then at Landri Tuo and Mu Dou, and said with some hesitation.

"Senior, we are the descendants of the Gongshi and Qiangshi families respectively."

"Oh, I see, you are the descendants of those two people." Lilina looked a little surprised. "So who is this?..."

"Shinra clan."

"Your Majesty?" Lilina was stunned and subconsciously wanted to bow to the emperor and ministers, but was held back by Ji Yue.

"Don't call me your majesty...your majesty is not here." Ji Yue smiled at Lilina.

Lilina was not allowed to treat her as a monarch and a minister because Ji Yue was worried that doing so would make the vampires uncomfortable, treating Lilina as an outsider and giving her unfair treatment.

For the sake of Lilina's future life, no matter what, she must cut off the relationship with herself. To please both parties, she will only be someone who is neither inside nor outside, and in the end she will not trust either party.

Ji Yue couldn't help but touch Lilina's cheek. Although she knew that this face did not belong to Bai Ming, the soul inside only once belonged to Bai Ming. Lilina didn't say a word and just let her touch her. Soon, Ji Yue let go. With his hand, he gently pushed Lilina away.

"Go, you belong there now." Ji Yue smiled at Lilina.

"Oh..." Liliyan, who was just a fragment of her soul, could no longer remember who Ji Yue was. She just felt that the person in front of her was familiar, quite familiar, but she just couldn't remember who it was.

"Have I been 'born' by Bai Ji now?"

Lilina looked at her hands and the height difference between her and Yana, feeling inexplicably inconsistent.

"Bring her the mirror." Yana ordered.

"Eh? This person is..." Lilina took the mirror and looked at the beautiful figure reflected in it, and was slightly stunned.

This appearance and face are very similar to my former self, but there are some differences. People who are not familiar with me may not be able to tell the difference, but people who are familiar with my appearance will definitely be able to tell it at a glance. It is the only station in this novel.

"Lilina, there was an accident. You were released without enough time to recuperate. Fortunately, this body temporarily contained your soul." Returning to the topic, Yana returned to her serious tone. …

"This body is the same as mine."

"It looks very similar, right? Yes, this body is exactly my sister's other body. According to blood relationship, she is your descendant."

"I understand." Lilina nodded. “I’m in the body of my junior now.

Yana originally thought that Lilina would take some time to digest this huge amount of information.

Should it be said that it is the single-threaded way of thinking inherited from the Saint Lun family?

"Lilina, we need your power now." Yana stepped forward and said seriously. "Whether it's to save Bai Ji or the world, you need to wear armor again and go into battle."

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