Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 32~Respective training (Part 1)

"Rescue Bai Ji? Okay, I understand. I will rescue Bai Ji and save the world at the same time." Lilina didn't hesitate at all. After all, this was not the first time she had done this kind of thing, and she was used to it.

Well, as expected of you. Yana grinned and raised her hands. "Then, without further ado, we will set off after a short rest. After all, time waits for no one."

"As the saying goes, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Please allow me to lend a helping hand to you." Two knights, Landrito and Mu Ju, volunteered. Zero Seven Chinese update.

"Of course, our goal is to kill the demons who are causing harm to this world. The more power, the better. Anyone who wants to join can join us, no matter how late we are.

"Count me in." Huo Lei patted his chest. "When the mainland is in trouble, what does it mean to be a shrunken turtle and others to help?? I will be the vanguard!

"My quota is always there, right?" Gordon straightened his hood. “After all, a team of five cannot do without a ‘prophet’.

"Well, add me." At this moment, Xiao Sha, who was wearing an apron, raised her hand. “I also want to contribute to this continent!

Little girl Sha. Huo Lei frowned slightly. "We are not going on an outing. Don't make trouble. Don't forget that you are the queen and must be with your own people." "

"Hmm... I have to say that sometimes Huo Lei is quite good at talking. He choked Xiaosha to death with just one sentence. He hesitated for a long time and couldn't say a word.

"Yes, but"

"No buts, Miss Xiao Sha, to put it bluntly, everyone has to take care of you when you go. If you have something bad, how can we explain to your clan?" Huo Lei looked up seriously. Xiaosha who doesn’t start.

Let her be. "At this moment, Lilina said.

She walked up to Xiaosha, knelt down and stroked her golden hair. "This kid won't hold you back."

But... Huo Lei was obviously puzzled by Lilina's actions, and he said anxiously. "It's a war, please, this is a war. Letting a little girl go to the battlefield is just nonsense.

"In your eyes, is this child just an ordinary little girl?" Lilina stood up and slightly curved her mouth. "If I remember correctly, Xiaosha saved you from critical moments more than once before, right?"

"This..." Huo Lei blushed when he mentioned this matter. "Well, that wasn't an accident." Speaking of which, how did you know about this? "

"Part of the previous memories seem to have gone back." Lilina pointed to her sun. "Part of the memory about Bai Ji entered my head with some fragments after the separation...

"But Lilina, Xiaosha is still new to the world, and taking her to a battlefield where she has a near-death experience is extremely irresponsible to her." Yana seemed to agree with Huo Lei's statement, "I will definitely come in handy! Please let me I will go with you, don't worry, I will take care of myself." Seeing that everyone still did not allow her to follow, Xiao Sha said anxiously.

"She can take care of herself." Hearing this, Lilina said firmly.

"Okay, don't argue about this issue. Miss Lilina must have her own reasons for doing this...she is the only person here who has experience in fighting against divine creatures." Gordon stepped forward to stop her.

"Believe this child." Lilina said slowly. "Once upon a time, there was a child about her age who also made this request to me. At first, everyone judged people by their appearance, like you, until in the end, she proved her courage to everyone. Yes, this pair of cat ears, this head The blond hair, the purple-gold lotus barrier, and the stubborn temperament reminded her of a companion. "Even so, we can't take her on the road together until she proves her ability to protect herself." "Yana still disagrees.

"She will prove it." Lilina asked Xiang Xiaosha. "Is it

"Ah, yes, yes, I will definitely be able to prove myself!" Xiao Sha nodded quickly.

"Well, in between, you need a training session."

"Eh? Training?..." Xiao Sha looked confused.

"Yeah." Lilina nodded and led her to an open place. While everyone was puzzled, he picked up the stones on the ground and came to Xiao Sha.

"are you ready

"Hey, oh, ready." Not understanding what Lilina wanted to do, Xiaosha could only nod in confusion...

Without saying a word, Lilina threw the stone she picked up in her hand upwards.

"Yeah!" Seeing the gravity falling and the rain of stones falling towards her, Xiaosha quickly used the skill that the sub-cat people had honed over time: crouching down with her head in her hands.

"Crack, snap, snap!"

"Ouch, wow!. The stone hit Xiaosha's head. When she raised her head, she was already in tears. "Miss Lilina, why did you hit the nest with a stone...

"Try it." Lilina looked at Xiaosha expressionlessly.

"Try, give it a try?"

"Try to hold these rocks up with your barrier."

"You can't use the pendant," Lilina added.

"This, how is this possible??" Xiaosha's eyes filled with tears widened. "It can't be done. How could I possibly leave the pendant?"

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