Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 35 ~ Lair (Part 2)

"Is there any way to break it by force?" Lilina asked when the situation was at a loss.

"No, the difficulty of forcibly cracking is ten times higher than the difficulty of cracking the serial key. At least it is not something someone with my level of space can do." Gordon shook his head.

"In that case, if you crack the password honestly, you can get in, right?"

"Theoretically, this is true. The code can be cracked." Gordon pointed the end of his staff into a ball of air next to the door, and a string of unstable sorting characters appeared above the space door.

"There are tens of thousands of ways to combine sequences. If you try this one by one, I'm afraid you won't be able to crack it successfully even if you wait for years and months."

"Let me try." Lilina took a step forward.

"Try it?" Please go to see more exciting books.

"Oh no, I should say guess." Lilina turned to Gordon. "Mr. Gordon, is it appropriate for me to call you this now?"

"Why is it inappropriate? I've stressed it many times. I really don't like dressing up like this. I just have to do it!" Gordon said loudly, as if he was afraid that others would misunderstand.

"Okay, Mr. Gordon, I'll read out the notes. Can you help me try the sequence?"

"Okay, no problem." Although she didn't know what Lilina was planning, she just gave it a try and there shouldn't be any problems.

After Lilina read out a deep and difficult syllable, Gordon typed the corresponding characters on the sequence. He heard a sound like water evaporating, and the outline of a series of gears appeared behind the door. They were rotating rapidly. The connected door slowly opened, making a mechanical sound of creaking.

"Succeeded?" Everyone was stunned.

"How did you know the key?" Gordon was also surprised and asked involuntarily.

"This is quite a story, Senior Bai Ming, could it be that you not only know the Elf Queen, but are also very familiar with her?" Landrito had a strange idea.

"The password is the elf queen's birthday? An anniversary? Or some memorable event?" he guessed.

After what he said, everyone noticed something strange.

"I feel her voice," Lilina murmured. "She's in a very dangerous situation right now."

After saying that, she led everyone into the space door.

As soon as the scene turned, the castle buildings with green mountains and green waters instantly turned into a dark chaos. Under this, jungles and shrubs grew twisted, and the green leaves fell, like claws extending from hell. Destroyed houses, overturned carriages, and collapsed flags, the atmosphere of decadence and dilapidation spread everywhere.

There seemed to be a hill piled up in front of them. After everyone got closer and took a closer look, they showed ugly expressions.

Xiaosha covered her mouth, her stomach was filled with confusion, and she almost vomited it out.

The hill formed by the piles of broken bodies exuded a strong stench. Thin ropes wrapped these shapeless corpses together. A closer look revealed that these were not ropes at all, but the intestines of mortals.

Organs and green and red fluids flowed out from the deliberately sutured navel, and green bile and red blood clung to the corpse. The scene made even a battle-hardened warrior feel nauseous.

"These, what are these?"

Only Yana and Lilina in the team could remain calm and calm, while the rest of them looked uncomfortable.

"Is that Elf Queen such a heavy drinker?" Yana approached the pile of corpses.

"Elf's." Lilina looked at the corpse and said. "These corpses belong to elves."

"Elf's corpse??" Everyone was shocked after hearing this.

"Besides, it won't take long to die." Yana frowned and looked at the sticky liquid on her hands, took out a silk scarf and wiped it, and added. "At least he didn't die for more than a month."

"Why do the corpses of elves appear here? Could it be that they were attacked by people who also came to seek refuge?" Huo Lei tried to think about the problem with his not-so-smart mind.

"If you think about it with your head, you know that this is impossible. No one knows the key to this independent space, and it is impossible for anyone to have spatial attainments above the elves." Yana analyzed slowly.

"The only one who can do this is probably Duixing himself."

"Hey, look what is that?" Landrito pointed not far away, where there was another larger mountain pile. Not only that, but there was also a small river flowing along with it.

"Don't look any further, there are probably no survivors." Lilina shook her head. "Perhaps all the elves who entered here were killed."

"She killed all her subordinates in an extremely cruel way. What did she want to do?"

"Who knows, the guy who calls himself Duixing has always behaved very strangely." Yana frowned...

Keep moving forward, and only by moving forward can they find the answer.

Time waits for no one, and as each minute and second passes, Bai Ji's life becomes very worrying. After a brief observation, everyone moves forward non-stop.

And just as they passed by the blood pool, a burst of blood-red bubbles began to boil, gradually growing in size like eggs, and then burst open.

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