Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 36~Death (Part 1)

"Huh?" Gordon stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Have you heard any strange sounds, like the sound of something shilulu walking ashore from the water?" Gordon described it.

"No, right, you heard it wrong, there's not even a living person here, let alone any pools or rivers."

"Yes, wait a minute, are you talking about it coming from the blood pool?" Gordon turned his head and his cheeks turned pale.

Strange people covered in shilulu and covered in red, green and green sticky fluids were following them at a slow pace. They were wrapped with something like a conveyor tube. If you look closely, you will find that those were pulled from the blood pool. The large intestine that came out had clearly defined muscles and veins, like a skeleton that had been peeled off, with some tendons remaining from the injuries.

Landrito, who was the first to react, fired the long bow in his hand and accurately pushed a strange body back into the blood pool. Check out more exciting books here.

"Drink!" Wooden Tenon jumped up with the long spear and smashed it down hard. The spear blade easily penetrated the weirdo's body, but it was deeply stuck in it. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out.

"Damn it!" Facing the offensive launched by the weirdo, Mu Ju had no choice but to abandon the long gun and jump back.

With just a moment of effort, Landretto's bow was equipped with another arrow, and another weirdo was accurately pushed out.

"Be careful around you!"

As soon as Gordon finished speaking, at the same time, weird people walked out of the collapsed building one after another, like ants building a nest in secret.

"Recovery and repair fist!" With a loud shout, the troll's powerful fist hit the ground, and the stone thorns broke through the ground, defeating the weirdos that emerged along the way.

"Damn it, there's no way we can deal with this kind of quantity!"

"I can, please buy some time for me and come closer to me!" Gordon greeted, the staff glowed with dark blue light. At the same time, he entered deep chanting.

The weirdos will not give them any extra time. Without reason, they have only one idea: attack all living bodies they can see.

"These guys were once elves..." Yana frowned slightly. "What on earth turned them into this?"

"Could it be that they were also cursed because of being exposed to the power of the Devouring Species?"

"Don't worry about it for now, get rid of these disorderly beasts!" Mu Ju kicked away a weirdo who was trying to get close. He looked around and was suddenly stunned.

"Bow and cross, be careful behind you!"

"Don't worry." Landrito abandoned his longbow at the critical moment, unsheathed his long sword, and the monster who tried to get close was instantly cut into powder.

"Although I am best at bowing, my swordsmanship is by no means limited."

"That's not what I said, look behind you!"

A huge shadow covered his body. Realizing the problem, Landrito slowly turned his head. He met the eyes of the stitched monster made up of countless corpses and body parts, and the latter slowly raised his fist. , dripping with corrupt blood.

"Tsk!" Landrito, who could no longer retreat from this angle, was pulled back by a blood whip. The next moment, the ground he was standing on cracked.

"Huhu, thanks to Your Highness Yana for taking care of me."

"Who wants to take care of you? Yayan did not appreciate Landrito's thanks.

"Of course you are taking care of me. If you didn't keep an eye on me, how could you have saved me at my most critical moment?"

"Okay, I learned it. I won't save you next time." Yana said coldly.

"Hey, it's just a joke! Don't be angry, don't be angry."

"If you two want to quarrel, why don't you pick a time?" Mu Ju shouted.

The giant suture monster has dragged its huge body closer and closer to Gordon who is casting a spell...

"Recovery Construction Fist!" Huo Lei punched out with both fists and hammered the ground. Two stone cones rose from the ground, forming a circular barrier to block the weirdo. However, the latter didn't even look at it. The aura emanating from the huge body was directly Corroding and melting the stone walls, it was overwhelming.

"Restore the repair fist!" Huo Lei continued to hammer the ground, but this time he did not get any response. "Oops! We've run out."

"Queen Yacat, quickly use your invincible lotus barrier to think of a solution??"

"Me, me, me," Xiaosha looked around, covering her chest helplessly, and said weakly. "The pendant was left by me to my tribe."

"If you don't bring a pendant to defeat the Demon King, what are you thinking about?!" Mu Ju rolled his eyes and was speechless.

"I want to try, I want to see if I can leave the protection of the imperial sister and my ancestors." Xiaosha said nervously, grabbing her sleeves. For this reason, she would not hesitate to push herself into the mountains and rivers.

"This is so chaotic." As he spoke, the monsters were only a few steps away from them. Fortunately, they moved slowly, otherwise the corrosive poison would have splashed on them. It is the only station in this novel.

At this time, it was too late to resist, and Gordon's magic had not yet finished singing, so everyone placed their hopes on that person.

"Senior Bai Ming, what are we doing now?!" When everyone looked around for her figure, they found that the figure was no longer around them.

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