Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 41~Everything (Part 1)

"Mortals, how dare you..." The damaged navel slowly stretched out its buds, and Muxing never imagined that a small insect would take advantage of it.

"I will crush you all into pieces!" Because Bai Ji was rescued, Mu Xing lost part of her divine power, but at the same time, she was in a state of digestion and could not release all her divine power. After getting rid of the restrictions, she would be even more powerful than before. Difficult to deal with.

【Destroy the world and destroy the earth

The space shrank instantly, crumpled like a shrinking sponge, and the pressure came in the direction of everyone, like two invisible big hands closing in this direction, as if they were going to crush everyone into pieces.

In this attack, Duixing used all her divine power, and she was so angry that she vowed to crush all these pests that disrupted her plan into pieces.

The earth trembled, and the space was distorted and deformed, just like a cube being squeezed and shrinking inwards. The spatial coordinates gradually deviated from the original trajectory with the degree of distortion.

The invisible divine power was like the hands of the gods, closing together from opposite sides. This was accompanied by bursts of breaking sounds coming from the space. The collapse and fragmentation stopped close at hand, blocked by the purple-gold lotus barrier.

"Everyone, I can't hold on much longer..." Xiaosha mobilized her remaining strength and struggled to hold on.

Except for the inch of land protected by the lotus, all this space collapsed. Evening Star planned to kill everyone including this space.

She had the highest control over the space of destruction or regeneration, but the process of destruction was blocked by the blooming lotus.

"Damn it!" Duixing hated this barrier that repeatedly ruined her good deeds, and she wanted to pull out the hateful golden retriever kitten and cut it into pieces.

What she didn't know was that her emotions at this moment were exactly the same as those of the Ancestral God who was defeated by the five warriors.

"Here, most of our soul has been stolen. We can't activate the Annihilation. It's up to you." Bai Ji sat on the sickle and played with the only remaining card in her hand.

"You still have some reservations." Lilina, who was holding a sword, glanced at Landri Tuo and Mu Dou behind her with different expressions.


"I have been prepared for a long time. Today, let this old witch see the power of the three major Gulan Cross families.

"What a shameless statement!" Under Mu Xing's full force, the indestructible Purple Lotus barrier trembled, and Xiao Sha could no longer withstand it.

"Look at my recovery and construction fist!" Huo Lei punched the barrier. In an instant, the trembling barrier seemed to have been reassured and remained motionless.

Lilina, who had summoned the Radiant Armor, stood in front of Landrito and Wooden Tenon. The three of them formed a triangle formation and closed their eyes in a meditative prayer gesture.

"Be loyal and upright, would rather die than give in, protect the weak, and do not violate the laws of nature... I swear with my sword crossed to the sky." The Radiant Armor decomposed into fragments and turned into light spots that converged on Poliu.

"In the face of a strong enemy, don't be afraid...the cross of the gun will be raised to the sky." The wooden tenon threw the long gun into the air, splitting into countless long guns.

"Loyal and courageous, worthy of the God Emperor...swear with the cross in front of the sky." Landrito plucked the bow string, and the cyan light will ignite everything around him.

The three crosses guarding the Gulan work together, just like they did in the past, using the convergence of faith as a blade to spread the light of the knight's spirit to every corner of the continent.

Nature and instinct are common to living things, and the light of a mortal's spirit is the courage and perseverance to overcome nature, and the extraordinary will shown after gaining spiritual armor. This is the biggest light point of mortals.

[Qiāng Cross Awakening: Breaking the Thousand Demons Qiāng

[Bow Cross Awakening: Destroying the Starry Sky

[Sword Cross Awakening: Huan Tun

Thousands of long spears flew away, and along with the arrows trailing long cyan tails, the waves of the golden sword neutralized and absorbed the two forces, forming a super-large spell wave with earth-shaking power. The stream erupted towards Evening Star's navel which had not yet completed its rebirth.

"Mortals, don't overestimate your capabilities!" Even though Mu Xing clearly felt a hint of threat, she was unwilling to give in. The trend of survival forced her to divert her thoughts and release the equivalent spell wave to offset it as much as possible. The three beams of light converged into a wave.

【Soul Roar

The pure energy body of the powerful sonic attack was released, hoping to offset or weaken the cross wave flow of the Trinity. However, what she did not expect was that her weakening tactical attack was actually absorbed and merged.

Bo Liu, who has all the characteristics of the three awakened super-kills, naturally possesses the absolute devouring attribute of [Huan Tun]. Therefore, no matter what kind of attack, there is no way to weaken it, but will become a part of it.

The fluctuation was like a sharp sword that penetrated the Demon King's body and penetrated Evening Star, leaving a big cross mark.

"How...possible." Mu Xing's face was dull. "How could I just leave like this...become a mortal, be given to a mortal..."

"Boom, boom, boom!" The huge body tilted and collapsed, as if the dust had settled.

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