Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 41~Everything (Part 2)

The world was silent. At this moment, Kongsi collapsed, throwing everyone into a different dimension. Fortunately, the Purple Lotus barrier was still maintained, intercepting the distorted space fluctuations for everyone.

Gordon, who had expected all this in advance, had already recited the space incantation, raised a magic circle under his feet, and teleported everyone and Evening Star's body back to Barand.

Everyone looked at each other and walked over to confirm whether Mu Xing was dead.

"It's done." After using the magic test, Gordon said.

"Thumping..." Xiaosha, who could no longer support the barrier, sat down and lay in a big shape on the grass. Check out more exciting books here.

Huo Lei, who was relieved, also sat on the ground and breathed heavily. The three knights put down their weapons, and Gordon threw the scepter directly and sat on the ground.

No one cares about their extremely relaxed posture, because

"The joy and achievement of victory belong to the winner." Bai Ji smiled happily. "Celebrate everyone, you have won the final victory."

"I won, I actually won." Huo Lei murmured in disbelief. "We actually won."

"Otherwise? Is it normal for us all to be fucked by this old witch?" Xiaosha sat up and said angrily, but there was unconcealable joy in her words.

"We won." Landrito said to himself while looking at his hands. "We have conquered the gods."

"Haha! What's surprising? The power of all Baland's forces is concentrated together, and even the gods can't compare with their background. Don't forget, we are the descendants of the Nine Gods!" With joy in his mind, Mu Tenon He jumped over and slapped Landrito.

"The outer gods and the evil forces coveting this world have been completely defeated, and we have won a great victory! Hahaha!"

"Yes, all this is thanks to Mr. Gordon's wise command."

"No, no, I'm just the person responsible for guiding the way. I didn't contribute much. The people who really saved this continent are all the people here."

After the arduous battle, the triumphant people naturally praised each other, and their long-suppressed emotions were greatly released at this moment.

They won, they won, and ushered in the final peace for the inheritance of this continent. What could be more worthwhile than this?

They cheered heartily. Bai Ji, who was watching this scene quietly, smiled, but in an instant, her eyes became stern.

"Evening Star wants to run away!"

The exclamation made everyone react and turned around to see the spirit body quickly retreating towards the sky.

Everyone was immediately anxious. They were happy too early. As we all know, the Devourer can come back as long as the soul is still there. The body is like a piece of clothing to them. Unless they are destroyed from the essence, there will never be peace!

Bai Ji had already prepared the only two remaining cards.

Dusk Star's fleeing soul was immediately imprisoned in a soul cage. Realizing that she could not escape, she roared and cursed inside.

"As expected of Her Majesty the Queen, you are so cunning and cunning. We have prepared a soul cage in advance to prevent Evening Star from escaping." Gordon made a stern gesture.

"Sister, you are so thoughtful."

"Um..." Bai Ji looked blankly at the people who looked at her with approval, and raised the card in her hand. "We don't have to go out yet..."

"?...Ah? What do you mean, then who placed this soul cage?" Everyone was confused when they saw that the cards in Bai Ji's hand were indeed still in her hand.

"Are you talking about me?"

The familiar voice made everyone turn their heads. When they turned around, they saw the sharp-beaked bird mask that had appeared behind them at some point.

"You, Bird Sacrifice?? Aren't you already dead?" Yana said in disbelief.

Not only Yana, but everyone has not figured out why the Bird Sacrifice appeared here at this time. Logically speaking, even if he escaped, shouldn't he just find a place to hide when his master is dead? Just living an ignoble existence?

"Death? This kind of thing is just a formality. If Your Highness Yana wants to watch me die, then it's not impossible for me to perform a few live performances." Bird Sacrifice walked to the imprisoned Duixing with a playful smile, and the latter continued yelled at him and scolded him angrily.

"Come on, come on, stop saying those clichés, I'll be annoyed if you don't." Bird Sacrifice said impatiently. "Do you really think you are one of the Nine Gods? Oh, stop making trouble, you are just a personality, a pawn created by our Chaos Church."

"Your memory, including your settings, are all given by us. You are just a tool to collect and devour energy for me. Whenever I want you to kill yourself, you have to kill yourself."

The soul in the cage suddenly stagnated, and then the reaction became more intense.

"What, you don't believe it?" It seemed that the bird-faced man had reached his favorite part of the entertainment. He snapped his fingers and the cage suddenly disappeared...

"Then try escaping and see if you can disobey my orders." The bird-faced man said playfully.

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