Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 42~The truth of memory (Part 1)

It was as if his outlook on life had been greatly impacted and his whole person was denied by the world. After a brief moment of shock, Mu Xing's struggle became even more intense.

She is the only true god who has fallen into the mortal world. She has been occupying a corner of the world since hundreds of years ago, planning the opportunity to return to the Kingdom of God. Her thoughts have been deeply ingrained for hundreds of years, but now she has been directly denied by others. , denying her identity, even herself is false, and no one can accept it.

"Don't believe it? Then try running away and see if you can disobey my order." The bird-faced man looked at Duixing with great interest. After finishing his words, the cage restraining her disappeared.

Muxing immediately ran in the opposite direction, and before he had even taken two steps, it was as if he had hit some invisible and immaterial energy network. His soul was burned and he howled like a ghost.

"Do you understand now? I am your maker and designer. Your entire soul was shaped by me. How dare you disobey my orders?" The bird-faced man squatted down in front of the burned soul, pondering. Looking at her was like a human looking at a domestic animal in a cage.

"Nonsense, nonsense!" Mu Xing's face turned ferocious. "I am one of the Nine Gods, the Elf Ancestor God Evening Star! How could I be created by a mortal like you?!"

"Hahaha, this is just a setting I added to you. I gave you the identity of the original god and asked you to recycle the devouring energy for me and send you to death. As for me, I only need to squat back and watch the show. When the time comes, Just come out and recycle energy when the time is right.”

"Use your brain and think about it carefully. If you are really a god, why is it that Guizhou Donkey is so incompetent that he is so desperate?"

"Mortal, shut up! The angry-looking Muxing had murderous thoughts, but before she even raised her hand, she began to burn, and she lay on the ground with another burst of wailing, like a wriggling maggot. Check out Please come for more exciting books.

"How dare you get angry without my permission?" The bird-faced man's voice turned cold. "I am your god, you fake and shoddy product lady."

"Mortal, I will make you pay the price!..." Duixing gritted his teeth.

"Tsk, it seems I haven't given you enough despair." The bird-faced man chuckled and touched Mu Xing's head with his finger.

Suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar memory came back. In the picture, she walked down from a cold altar blankly, and a man wearing a bird mask appeared in front of her, raising his palm.

From today on, you are a god who has fallen from the mortal world. You must collect the blood of the gods and devour energy regardless of the consequences, so that you can return to the kingdom of heaven.

"Mortal! What did you instill in me?! Get these false things out of my mind!"

"On the contrary, the memories you firmly believe in are the false memories I instilled in you, and this sealed memory is the real one."

"Impossible, are lying to me!"

"In this case, please recall. Since you came from the Kingdom of Heaven, do you still remember what the Kingdom of Heaven looks like and how to get back?"

"Think about it carefully, you don't have any relevant memories, right? Of course you won't have any, because that kind of place doesn't exist at all, idiot!" The bird-faced man grabbed Duskstar's head, and a huge gap opened in his abdomen. The crack, like a monster's mouth, pulled out countless buds and sucked Duixing in.

"Ugh!..." Duixing's soul roared and trembled. She wanted to mobilize her spirit to repel him, but as the bird-faced man said, she couldn't go against the other person's wishes.

"There is no so-called Nine Gods in this world. Rather than nine gods, it is better to say nine Devourers." The bird-faced man said with a grin while admiring Dusk Star's final struggle.

"They participated in the campaign for the Divine Road. They came from different planes, but because they could not do anything to each other, they had no choice but to take root in Barand, forming the various races today."

The bird-faced man's words not only shocked Duskstar, but also everyone present.

The common belief that the Nine Gods are Baland creatures is now being told that the legendary Nine Gods are not gods at all, which they cannot accept at all.

"Yes, the gods you believe in can be killed. Even now, they may have died of old age for a long time, leaving only a ray of consciousness in Baland." After completely devouring Evening Star, the bird-faced man stalled Show your hands.

"This is simply nonsense. There is no need to argue with this heretic, just obliterate it."

"What nonsense? What is deep-rooted in your minds is a lie. After all, I saw it with my own eyes." The bird-faced man pointed at his mask and said.

"See it with your own eyes?...Did you?"

"Originally, the matter could have been resolved in the second era, but it was delayed by two eras. Why bother."

"Second Era?... So it turns out that it's not Baland who attracted the alien species, but you who attracted the alien species." Bai Ji looked at the bird-faced man meaningfully.

"The summoning of the evil god by the Chaos Church was also your work, right?"

"Well, this is Baland, which is the final place of competition on the Road to God. Naturally, the more Devouring Species that come to compete, the better... After all, the amount of Devouring Energy is a quota. If it doesn't reach that threshold, no one can Don’t try to be a god.”

"So you brought in the Sinner to absorb the energy that might be lost?" Deng frowned slightly. "You dare to bring in alien species as a bargaining chip, you are really awesome."

"If you didn't make your wishful thinking and Duskstar died on the way, who should you count on?"

"Of course I'm counting on you, Her Majesty the Queen." Bird Face

The man looked at Bai Ji with a smile but without saying a word.

"??What's the meaning?"

"How could I release only one experimental product in a century-old plan that is of great importance? If more experimental products are released, the success rate will increase. Which one of these experimental products wins the final victory, I will follow Did you win?"

Suddenly, everyone looked at Bai Ji with disbelief, and even Bai Ji took a step back subconsciously.

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