Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 43 ~The truth about God’s path (Part 2)

"Thump." Bai Ji fell to the ground.

"Sister Royal!"

All the planning was for today, he had been waiting for too long.

As early as the beginning of the second era, they began to lay a large net and sow the seeds of the Devouring Seeds on the earth, allowing them to devour each other and compete in order to become stronger.

Of course, this devouring power might not be enough, so he planned to lure in foreign devouring species to replenish his power, and then tricked Bai Ji into going to the Ultimate Black to collect devouring power for him.

Because of the principle that devouring species cannot coexist, he knows that there can only be one winner in the end, and no matter who that person is, there is a high probability that it is one of the seeds he sowed at the beginning. Even if not, with the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind, he has the chance There are countless ways to make the foreign devouring species in the devouring state die instantly.

The winner was determined from the beginning to be the one who had been strategizing for thousands of years.

In order to win the final victory and pick the fruit, he also searched for ancient books and read the documents, trying to find clues.

Finally, hard work paid off. After thousands of years of hard work, he figured out the key to becoming a god. Check out more exciting books. Not only did he need devouring energy that exceeded a certain threshold, but he also needed the organs of the Lord God. Coupled with the fragments of the magic circle that he had painstakingly collected, he was finally able to get his wish and meet the real Creator God of this world. , thus replacing it.

After gathering all the materials, the swallowing energy has exceeded the threshold, and all conditions have been met.

After he activated the magic circle full of excitement and anxiety, Jin Yao's light flashed, and with supreme majesty, he came to the plane of the Lord God and finally got a glimpse of the true face of the Creator God.

"This is..." Arriving at a plane filled with brilliance, the bird-faced man couldn't help but be stunned.

He was shocked by the scene before him, and at the same time, he also felt humbled by his own insignificance.

In front of him was a golden giant whose full appearance could not be seen. He just stood there quietly, and his power was clearly revealed.

No one can have the mood to destroy or replace this golden giant. It is like a kind of ideological imprisonment, as if the robe represents the power to build Baland, unrivaled and incomparable.

"Is this, is this the founder of Baland??" The bird-faced man's shoulders trembled, and his feet couldn't help but become weak. Even though he had absorbed the ultimate black body and the devouring energy of alien species, he still couldn't bear this. The supreme majesty.

In front of me, the bird-faced man was like a weak and miserable ant. "It's okay, it's okay." The bird-faced man wiped away the cold sweat. "Gods have no independent consciousness and can be controlled by humans."

He took out an ancient book, compared it repeatedly, and finally moved his gaze to the core of the groove at the heart of the god.

Wherever you enter, you can become the god himself!

The bird-faced man, unable to move under the gods, raised his chest.

Victory is in sight, why are you afraid and uneasy? Isn’t the plan that has been planned for thousands of years just for today? ?

Thinking of this, the bird-faced man mobilized his spirit and carried his body to the god.

He swallowed, walked through the air, and carefully walked into the groove of the energy core.

The moment he walked in, the energy core shut down, sealing his entire body inside.

"This?..." The bird-faced man who was locked in the groove was confused. "Are you going to start assimilating to the gods?"

"Well, yes, the assimilation is indeed about to begin, but the one who is being assimilated is not the gods, but you." At this time, another joking voice appeared in the realm of gods that should have been calm.

"Who is it??" The bird-faced man looked around cautiously, and finally saw a beautiful figure on the ground where he was before.

The woman had devil's horns, a plump figure, her fiery red lips lightly touched with her fingers, and her charming face was full of playfulness.

"You, who are you?? This is the realm of gods, how did you get in??" The bird-faced man was panic-stricken. He always felt that the woman's face looked familiar. Suddenly, he remembered it.

"Are you the little cat girl next to Bai Ji? How did you find me?"

"Find you? Please, you treat yourself too much. Do I need to deliberately come to find you?" Ke'er rolled his eyes. "Honestly, I've been in and out of places like the God's Realm thousands or hundreds of times. It's almost the same nature as my toilet."

"Who are you?? Do you also have the organs of the Lord God?"

"Oh, you're right." Ke'er stroked the pocket watch hanging in front of her chest.

"What do you want to do?" Now is the most critical moment, and the appearance of this woman completely exceeded the bird-faced man's expectations. He could only delay as much time as possible and negotiate conditions with the other party.

However, the other party seemed to have no intention of causing trouble at this most critical moment.

"What are you doing? I'm not doing anything. I just came over to take a look and figure out the progress. By the way." Ke'er pursed her lips. “Take a look at the embarrassing and unwilling death of a smart little dog.”

"? What do you mean? Don't mess around. When I become a god, I will give you glory and wealth."

"You're talking about a god?" Ke'er rolled her eyes. "Please, use your brain and think about it, if this can become a god, why have there been so many divine paths throughout the ages, but no god has been born??"

"Have you never thought about where those victorious Devouring Species went?"

"Of course they became gods and then went to rule other worlds!"

"Pfft! That's what you think

Yes, they are really yours. Yes, they have indeed become gods in a certain sense, but their existence has also completely disappeared. "

"What...are you talking about..." The bird-faced figure realized something, and suddenly, steam burst out.

The core in this giant's body began to operate. The bird-faced man's eyes were cracked. He felt that the devouring power all over his body was being forcibly extracted from his body. "What, what is this?! Let me out!"

"Ultimate Black, Immaculate White, God's Path was born for the purpose of selecting new gods. This is not accurate. To be precise, it is for the purpose of selecting the energy core of gods." Kerr grinned.

"The energy of the gods will also be exhausted one day. When the road to gods is opened again, it means that the power of the gods will be exhausted."

"In order to continue Baland's continuation, we launched the Path of God, allowing competitors from different worlds to fight to the death in order to extend the life of the god!"

"Why?" The bird-faced man's outlook was completely ruined. He was about to die from exhaustion and leaned weakly in front of the iron prison, staring at Ke'er. "Who are you and why do you know this?"

"Who am I? Well, since I've told you so much, I might as well tell you a few more." Ke'er smiled mysteriously.

"I am the founder of the Chaos Church."

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