Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 44~The calm months (Part 1)

The Church of Chaos was founded at an unknown time. According to research, this mysterious organization existed as early as the First Era.

Due to the extremely low profile of the organization, it has not received much attention from forces. A large amount of information and secrets within the church have been preserved from ancient times to this day. However, these documents are not accessible to ordinary church members. The level must be It must be more than a sacrifice.

As the helmsman of the contemporary Chaos Church and the general manager of church materials and documents, he has never found any clues about the founder of the Chaos Church in these scattered ancient collections. It can be said that the founder of this church is a mystery. existence, any information about him cleverly avoids information about him.

"Oh, now that things have come to this, you still don't want to tell me the truth?..." The bird-faced man, who was about to be sucked, fell down and said miserably, leaning on the iron prison.

"I don't have the bad taste to deceive a poor guy who is close to death." Ke'er crossed her arms. "Otherwise, where do you think the seeds of the Devouring Seed come from? Of course I brought them back from the Ultimate Black and the Immaculate White. The fact that the seeds appeared out of thin air in the arena is a weird theory in itself."

"You, you really didn't lie to me?..." The bird-faced man held on to the iron prison and looked at the devil with horns outside with his eyes wide open.

"As I said, there is no need for me to lie to a poor guy who is about to die. Besides...we are somewhat of a close comrade. To be honest, I am very grateful to you for creating this perfect situation today."

"Perfect situation?..." The bird-faced man smiled bitterly in a hoarse voice. He didn't know what Ke'er meant by the perfect situation, but assuming that she was really the founder of the Chaos Church, everything made sense. .

As the founder, she deletes the unnecessary ones from the documents left behind, leaving only what she wants to keep and part of the truth, and guides all subsequent participants to become tools to achieve her goals, one after another.

It turns out that he is just a chess piece, but he calls himself a chess player without knowing it. "Are you really the founder?" the bird-faced man murmured as if talking to himself. "The Church of Chaos was founded in the First Era. In the First Era, how could a mortal species survive for four epochs?" is the only point in this novel.

"Are you sure you want to know this question?"

"At this time, naturally I don't want to leave any regrets." The bird-faced man said weakly. "I have been planning for thousands of years to achieve the God's Residence, and I have used tens of millions of people for this purpose. In the end, I am just a pawn of others... It would be a lie to say that I would not be unwilling, but these are all my own fault, and my skills are not as good as others. I'm not the kind of person who can't afford to play, but if you can, please give me the truth."

"Okay, then I'll tell you another secret." Ke'er cleared her throat, and suddenly her voice sounded like that of an old woman in her sixties. "Little Mog, how are you doing? You're fine."

"You!" The bird-faced man almost straightened up from the ground.

Although the tone of his voice has changed, this tone is too familiar. There is only one person in this world who knows his name, and that is the deceased leader of the previous generation of Chaos Church.

"Since when have you been guiding me to have the idea of ​​becoming a god?" The bird-faced man lay in the iron prison, completely defeated.

"To be honest, even though you gave me so many hints, I still haven't figured out what your ultimate goal is." The bird-faced man sighed, claiming to be a wise man, and his life that has been active for more than a thousand years is about to come to an end. , although he regretted this, it was more of a relief. "As expected, I am too stupid, teacher."

"That's not the case. It's normal for my purpose to be unexpected by ordinary people."

"Ordinary people..." The bird-faced man laughed dryly. "I see. In your eyes, am I an ordinary person? This is simply the most vicious derogatory term in the world."

Ke'er was silent for a moment. "My purpose is simpler than you think, that is..."

When she was about to speak, the sound of the huge mechanical operation stopped, and the bird-faced man lying in it calmed down.

"This time, I have worked hard for you too." Ke'er closed his eyes and prayed. When he opened his eyes, the tall giant was still standing here, but it gave people a very extraordinary feeling, as if he himself It was like opening his eyes while sleeping. Although he remained motionless, he felt completely different from what he had just felt.

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