Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 44~The calm months (Part 2)

Time passed unconsciously, and several springs and summers passed peacefully in the blink of an eye.

The breeze blew through the countryside, and a few crisp and sweet cries resounded. It was a busy and vibrant scene in the early morning.

Farmers drove their livestock to the market and merchants loaded their goods into horse-drawn carriages. There was an endless stream of people on the streets and alleys.

In just a few months, King's Landing recovered its vitality, turning from a dilapidated ruin into a vibrant city with well-organized management.

News of the resurrection of the Blood Spirit Empire has reached the ears of the vampire refugees living in seclusion around the world. They who could not survive in the deep mountains and forests happily left. Now, although the Blood Spirit Empire only has one capital left, the situation is different from before.

It was thriving, full of hope and vitality.

And just today, an outsider visited here.

"Who is this? This is Junlin City, the capital of the Blood Spirit Empire. Unknown people are prohibited from entering." Two qiang blades crossed together, blocking the way.

Although the Queen did stipulate that all Vampire refugees who passed the review could obtain residence status in the city, the person in front of them was obviously neither a refugee nor a Vampire, and the soldiers became alert inadvertently.

"Oh, please tell Her Majesty the Queen that a friend from the Witch Clan has come to see me. I wonder if I can ask for a cup of tea." The hat curtain was lifted, and a very delicate face was exposed in front of the two soldiers.

"Friends from the Witch Clan? Okay, please wait a moment."

"Ah, isn't this Mr. Gordon?" Yana's eyes lit up as she happened to pass by the city gate, and she recognized the identity of the person outside the city gate.

"Your Highness Yana, you are well." Gordon politely took off his cloak and saluted.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for a few months. When we parted last time, Mr. Gordon clearly said that he would come to our place as a guest. He really made us wait. You are not allowed to leave today without saying anything."

"Of course, but coming here today is not just for Her Majesty the Queen's banquet."

"Are the results out?" When it came to business, Yayan straightened her expression.

The two walked side by side in the Blood Spirit Capital.

"That's right. Based on the research and inferences these days, I have already made a guess, but it has not been confirmed yet. I think it will be soon." Looking at the prosperous city, the sounds of buying and selling came one after another, and Gordon's mood could not help but change. A little better.

"Her Majesty the Queen is truly a natural manager... By the way, how is she doing?"

"Don't worry, my sister is not the kind of person who can't go through difficult times. Isn't it because her memory has been falsified? Memory can be falsified, but identity cannot."

"That's good. Speaking of which, Her Majesty the Queen's life is really full of ups and downs. One person has lived the wonderful life of several people."

"It's better to have less of this kind of excitement. A few lifetimes of excitement means a few lifetimes of pain. A little slack will make people unable to recover."

"That's right." The two chatted and entered the inner city palace unimpeded.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Gordon?" A passing female elder said in surprise when she recognized Gordon. Check out more exciting books here.

"Long time no see."

"Are you here to see Her Majesty the Queen?" The female elder smiled and pointed in the direction of the flower garden. "She is in the flower garden now."

The two walked into the flower garden, and people's eyes were mesmerized by the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers. It was summer, the sun was shining on the oily green plants, and the chirping of insects and birds brought a lot to this world. Peaceful.

"Sister, Mr. Gordon is here to see you."

The two found the girl working hard among the flowers.

"Eh?" Bai Ji, who was pruning the leaves of the plant, turned around. When she saw Gordon again, a calm smile appeared on her lips and she greeted him.

"Her Majesty the Queen is really in a good mood. She even started gardening." Gordon said with a hint of ridicule.

"I have nothing to do. It's quite boring to stay in the palace and drink tea all day. I don't need to take care of anything. I just want to do something within my ability." He was slightly lost in thought as he looked at the bushes swaying in the wind.

She thought of a guy who also liked to go out and mow the flower beds himself.

Lilias used to like to take one or two maids to the garden to cut branches and flowers, but now it's her turn. Is it fair to say that things have changed? She has reached this age. How many people are in the flower garden? After sitting down, before I could say a few words, someone hurried into the flower garden.

"Your Majesty Baiji, the princess is missing." The person who came was none other than Nimu. He was wiping his sweat and seemed to be in a hurry on the way here.

"Ah, this is gone"

"Gone? Why not?" Compared to Gordon's somewhat surprised reaction, Bai Ji was much calmer. She raised her tea and took a sip and continued to ask. It was obvious that this was not the first time this happened.

"I was just giving a lecture on economic regulation and management to His Highness, and I kept talking."

"You're playing hooky again, right?" Bai Ji stood up. "Come with us, we probably know where she is."

——————————————————————————The Imperial Guard soldiers standing guard in the palace are now panicking, because “your sword is so beautiful.” A small one The white-haired girl opened a pair of watery red eyes, holding her hands behind her back, quietly looking at the Forbidden Army soldiers who pretended to be dead and ignored her.

Judging from her appearance, the girl looks like a miniature version of Bai Ji.

"Play with me for a while, okay."

The Imperial Guards soldiers remained silent, trying to pretend they didn't see anything as much as possible.

"I command you as a princess

, give me your sword. "Seeing that the other party ignored her, the girl rolled her eyes and said wittily.

"Don't be embarrassed, Your Majesty, Princess. Her Majesty the Queen has given orders not to lend you weapons without authorization. We will be punished." The Forbidden Soldier said with a bitter face.

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