Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 47 ~Uninvited Guest (Part 2)

"Your Majesty Bai Ji, when disaster strikes, many Baland villagers who are not vampires gather outside the city, hoping to enter the city for shelter."

"Is that so? Open the city gate and let them in." Bai Ji sighed.

When a disaster is imminent, it should not be a time for intrigues. At least in this case, the Baland creatures should have the same enemy.

"By the way, it seems that the Queen of Gulan and Qitu have also migrated here."

"Ji Yue and the others are here too? Let them come to the palace quickly. By the way, call all officers above the rank of non-commissioned officer and ask them to come to the meeting hall."

"Okay, I understand." Nim carefully placed Lilina on the ground, and walked out quickly.

"You don't want to go back to the room?" Bai Ji lowered her body and patted Lilina's head.


"Listen, Lilina, no matter what our relationship was before, now, we are your nominal guardian and blood mother. We have the obligation to raise you gren and teach you how to survive and the emperor's mind."

"And you are just a child now and do not need to bear any obligations, do you understand?"

"Your Majesty the Queen, everyone has been notified."

"We understand." Bai Ji signaled to Gordon, who nodded. When the two walked out of the room together, Bai Ji was held by a small hand.

"Don't leave me..." Lilina lowered her head slightly.

The scenes overlapped.

"Don't leave me behind." Little Bai Ming gently pulled her mother's hand, her voice full of begging and hope.

The cold-faced woman shook off Bai Ming's hand without any scruples and pushed her aside angrily. "How old are you to be independent? How could I have a daughter like you?! Your father is so knowledgeable that I'm afraid he won't be able to rest in peace!"

"Bai Ming, do you want to disappoint your father?"

"Listen to me, you are the daughter of a once-in-a-century genius from the Shenglun family. You can't humiliate your father's family, you know?? You have to do better than him. To do this, you must spend twice as much as others. time."

"Others practice swordsmanship for three hours, but you need to practice for six hours, do you understand?! You have grown up, don't just think about having fun all day long, these don't belong to you, don't forget whose daughter you are!"

Being naughty is not Lilina's character, nor is it the nature of some children. They may just want to attract someone's attention.

What Lilina longed for most was the maternal love she had never received before.

Bai Ji sighed and hooked Lilina's little finger. "There's nothing I can do against you, so let's go together."

Feeling the warmth brought by her palms, Liliyan raised her head slightly. The warmth seemed to flow along her arms and into her heart. The conference hall of the Blood Spirit Palace was only activated at the most critical moment. Long seats were lined up, and everyone could sit down. There are hundreds of people, and today, this long banquet is packed with people.

Those who can sit here are the leaders of all forces, so there is no need to hide anything. Gordon directly disclosed his thoughts and interpretation of the world.

"To sum up, everyone, killing gods is the only way out now." After seeing the silence in the scene, Bai Ji's statement undoubtedly threw a huge boulder into the calm water, stirring up thousands of waves.

There was a lot of discussion below.

"We know this idea is ridiculous, but please think about it carefully. Apart from this method, do we have any way to avoid disasters? Although it is a last resort, we are already at the end of our rope."

"Don't you still have the option to escape..."

"Escape? Where to escape? Please tell us, sir." Bai Ji turned her head expressionlessly. "If you could escape, sir, you might not be able to see us in Baland."

"We have told you before that Baland's external space has been sealed, preventing everyone from entering and exiting. There is only one way left for everyone, and that is to fight to the end."

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into silence again.

Bai Ji did not rush. She knew that they needed a digestion process and time. There was no rush. Anyway, there was probably a little time left before the world was destroyed. It was enough to wait for them to come to conclusions and answers.

"Just fight." The first person to speak was Huo Lei, the current leader of the troll clan. "It's better than sitting still and waiting for death. Besides, what about the gods? The last one who claimed to be a god was defeated by us."

"Yes, we have no retreat and can only fight with our last breath." Landrito also agreed.

Following their statement, other small races also began to follow suit.

At the last moment, Fanzhong's courage overcame his natural tendency to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"Oh? You are so brave." Just as the scene was getting heated, a very unsociable voice came in.

Everyone looked at the girl who was sitting on the other side of the main seat at some unknown time. Check out more exciting books here.

"But as for these words, just say them. You don't really think you can defeat the gods, do you?"

"Why are you here?" Bai Ji stood up and stared at the figure formerly named Ke'er.

"Hey, you're a guest and you don't even get a cup of tea?" Ke'er said with a smile.

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