Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 48 ~ It can only be you (Part 1)

"The guests are here, can't they even ask for a cup of tea?" Ke'er sat on the bench minding his own business, legs crossed, and his eyes were full of teasing as he glanced at everyone present.

"We don't prepare tea for uninvited guests." Yana did not hide her hostility.

"Really, that's a pity. Fortunately, I prepared myself." Ke'er waved her hand, and a teapot and teacup appeared in her hands, and she began to drink for herself.

"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here. Please leave immediately, otherwise we will use force." Yana said unkindly.

"Who is she?" Lilina asked Nim who felt that Ke'er looked a little familiar.

"There's no need to worry about Her Royal Highness, she's just a heinous villain. She doesn't deserve to let you know her name." Nim explained.

"Invite me out? Why?" Ke'er blinked. "I think I've acted harmlessly enough, why do you still want to ask me out? You can just ignore me and continue the discussion." Update.

"Do you think we are fools?" Yayan stood up.

"Who took whom for a fool, Your Highness Yana." Ke'er took a sip of tea and her expression returned to calmness. "You don't think that because I'm not here, I don't know what you are discussing? No, no?"

"It doesn't matter whether I'm here or not, because every move you make can't escape my eyes."

"I have to say that you are really beyond my imagination. Of course, it is just that your stupidity is beyond my imagination. Defeat the gods? By you? How ignorant is this."

"Can the gods who created the entire Baland be able to deal with you, the remaining soldiers and crabs? Not to mention defeating him, you can't even stop him from destroying the world... In the eyes of the gods, you may not even be considered little bugs. Come on."

"What exactly do you want to do?" Gordon frowned. He had a very bad feeling. Even if this woman didn't plan all this, he still felt that she had something to do with it. Judging from the way her plan succeeded, it seemed Gotta come out.

"Destroy and reset Baland. You can't escape either. If you die, we will all die together. If you don't want to die, can you please stop dragging all of us with you??"

"Destroy and reset? What's wrong?" Ke'er spread his hands. "This deformed world should have been reset a long time ago. Even without my push, the ending would still be the same."

"Since it will be reset sooner or later, why not let that day come earlier." Ke'er showed a very evil smile. “Wouldn’t it be great to destroy this disgusting world together with the moths that live in it??”

"You are simply a complete lunatic."

"Thank you for the compliment, many people said so." Ke'er smiled and stroked his horns as he was praised. "But if you can, I would rather you call me a devil."

"I'll give you a piece of advice. Don't provoke the gods and end up with your soul destroyed. Moreover, not everyone can enter the realm of gods."

"Everyone, just wait for the world to reset and pray at the same time. There is nothing wrong with dying early and reborn early. I wish you good luck~ Hee hee hee." Amid a burst of laughter, Ke'er's figure gradually became transparent and then disappeared. go.

She didn't know if it was Bai Ji's illusion, but she felt that Ke'er looked at her deeply the moment she left.

"Is that guy a misanthrope?" Gordon pondered. "But why does it feel so inconsistent?"

Ke'er left, but the scene did not return to calm at all. The originally surprisingly unanimous voices became chaotic, and everyone had different opinions.

"I'm sorry, Her Majesty the Blood Spirit Queen. It's not that we don't want to contribute to this world. It's actually that we still have our own families and blood relatives, and we don't want them."

"Needless to say, since you have made up your mind, I will not dissuade you. If you are worried that I will kick you out because of this, don't worry, we are not so narrow-minded."

"Your Majesty has a kind heart, which I will never forget." Hearing Bai Ji's assurance, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him repeatedly.

"Your Majesty the Queen of the Blood Spirit, why don't you get up and evacuate with us." The leader of the dwarf tribe hesitated and said this. "We can dig thousands of meters deep into the ground. As long as we have enough supplies, it won't be a problem to survive this catastrophe."

"Everyone who comes here to take refuge, you have the right to choose. We will not force you, but please don't force us to do anything. We also have our own blood relatives and our own people." Bai Ji's voice was not loud, But it can make everyone listen with bated breath.

The majestic and inviolable queen's temperament is as dazzling as the winter sun, as if she exists there, and every word contains unquestionable meaning.

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