Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 48 ~ It can only be you (Part 2)

The sun shēnyin, the wilderness trembles, the world is heading toward destruction and reincarnation, every piece of land will be broken, and every inch of the ocean will boil.

God's sanction comes to Baland in person. Perhaps a few hundred years later, it will usher in a new life, but it will not be called Baland. This is the only scene in this novel where mortals are aware of their fragility and incompetence before disaster, and curl up like a turtle, hoping to survive until the gods appease their wrath - but this is just their personal wishful thinking.

No one can escape the sanction of the gods, just like the last world and the world before that, no civilization will remain.

Bai Ji didn't want to deceive herself, so she accompanied the dwarves to hide in the cave and shrink back. In her past life, whether as a knight or a queen, she had never escaped.

No matter what the demon that occupied Ke'er's body wanted to do, she had no way out.

Baland's last emergency meeting was held in the palace of the Blood Spirit Empire, and it ended hastily without reaching an agreement. The Queen may not have expected that these rats, who had been corroded by alien species and gods, and were frightened, could come to this last moment. Support her.

In any case, their decision could not affect the outcome, so there was no need to win over them. Afterwards, the queen came to her own small group.

The not-so-spacious room was packed.

"We're not too late, are we?" Bai Ji sat on the main seat with Lilina in her arms.

"It doesn't matter. After all, it should be some time before the world is destroyed. Well, it should be like this." Gordon glanced at the slightly trembling clock hanging on the wall.

"The barrier of the Blood Spirit Palace will not be able to hold up for long. I guess I have seen the clues. Those dwarves who are afraid of death are planning to dig on the spot and build a tunnel for refuge." Huo Lei snorted coldly, seeming to be worried about the latter's cowardice. The behavior is very disdainful.

"If it's a barrier, it should be able to hold up for a while." Ke'er said, clenching his hands. "If the barrier fails, just use my Purple Lotus to reinforce it. It should buy you a lot of time."

"I've met Her Majesty the Queen." The silver-gray-haired figure came over.

"Eh?" Bai Ji's eyes widened after she saw who was the person saluting to her. "Lin? Are you back to normal?"

"Thank you Her Majesty the Queen for your concern. Lin has fully recovered now." The silver-gray-haired girl lowered her head slightly. "What happened before caused trouble to Her Majesty the Queen."

"Your Majesty the Queen, the moment Dusk Star died, Miss Lin's body was liberated." At this time, Tina explained to the confused Bai Ji. "The ray of consciousness that controlled Miss Linlin was finally erased, and Miss Lin's own consciousness recovered naturally."

"That's it." Bai Ji hesitated. After all, a lot of things happened after Lin's main consciousness fell asleep. Well, a lot of things happened, and most of them were related to Lin herself. Although everything was fake Duixing's Conspiracy.

"It's good to recover." Bai Ji nodded, deliberately not mentioning what happened before. She was afraid that Lin would blame herself for this.

There are only a few of her blood relatives left, and Bai Ji doesn't want anyone or anything to hurt them.

Let the past be bygones.

Lilina in her arms tilted her head, looking curiously at this girl whose face was slightly similar to hers, but whose figure was completely different.

"Mother, who is she?"

"Don't be rude, Lilina. She is your cousin. Come on, call your cousin."

"Oh, cousin." Lilina nodded and looked around Lin's body before trying to shout.

Listening to the little Lilina calling her cousin in a childish accent, Lin raised her head slightly and subconsciously reached out to touch Lilina's head.

As if sensing the other party's pure kindness, Lilina did not reject it, but nuzzled Lin's palm like a cat.

Watching the interaction between the three of them, Yana smiled sincerely.

The warm scene between the family lasted for a while. Gordon cleared his throat and got down to business. He had to amplify his voice, otherwise his voice would be directly drowned out by the booming sound of meteorites outside.

"As for the situation, I explained your opinions at the previous meeting."

"Do you even need to say that? Of course I hit him!" Huo Lei raised his fist high and said.

"I haven't finished speaking yet, Mr. Huo Lei, I still have some private goods that I haven't revealed." Gordon said mysteriously. "The creator of Baland is in the Realm of God. It is not a place outside Baland. It cannot be said that there is no way to enter, but entering requires some hardware conditions."

"What conditions?"

Gordon looked around, his eyes fell on Bai Ji, and then sighed, and Bai Ji seemed to have expected it, showing a helpless smile.

"Mr. Gordon, don't tell us, we are the only ones who meet the conditions to enter it."

"I hate to say it, but as you may have guessed, yes, only Her Majesty the Queen has what it takes to get into it."

"Have certain divine qualities, and have been recognized by the main god's organs. I have personally taken away the organs and entered the ultimate black." For more exciting books, please visit.

"You are the only person who meets these conditions, Your Majesty Bai Ji."

"In other words, the only one who can stop the gods is us, and only us, right?" Bai Ji gently pushed Lilina into Yana's arms, as if she had already made up her mind.

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