Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 49 ~No longer needed (Part 1)

"We understand, how do we enter the realm of God?"

"Sister Huang, you, you won't really challenge the gods alone, will you?" Even Yana, who has always been very supportive and trusting of Bai Ji, can't agree with this idea.

"No! Challenging the founder of Baland by yourself is simply nonsense. No one can do it!"

"Mr. Gordon, please don't say these irresponsible words. My sister has lost most of her divinity now. She can't even activate the awakening spell. How can we defeat the gods?? You are asking my sister to die! "

"Okay Yana, Mr. Gordon is just seeking truth from facts." Bai Ji stopped Yana who wanted to say something more.

"Sorry, Her Majesty the Queen, I know this is a bit unhuman. You have your own choice, and we have no way to interfere. After all, you also have your own family, and your own." Gordon glanced at Lilina, who was silent.

"Looking ahead and looking behind, you do have some scruples when it comes to taking action, so still"

"It's okay. Mr. Gordon said this deliberately because he expected us to come to the rescue." Bai Ji spread her hands. renew.

"Sorry, in the end I have to trouble Your Majesty to make sacrifices. You have obviously done enough for this continent." After a long silence, Gordon lowered his head and said.

"Wait for a moment as a female wizard! Why do you sacrifice my sister every time? Understand, my sister has no obligation to save those soft-hearted people who prey on others!" Before Bai Ji could say anything, Yana stood up and proposed. Outcry.

"Yana, stop talking. You see, the ultimate black is not the same as it is said to be dead and lifeless. We are also back, right?"

"This is different...Sister, what we have to face is the real god of this world, how can we win..." Yana's voice became deeper and deeper, and she finally choked out tears.

"Whether we win or not, we will go. Even if we don't want to go, we have to go..." Bai Ji stood on tiptoes, rubbed Yana's hair like she did when she was a child, and then turned to the silent Lilina.

"Lilina, you must listen to your aunt and cousin. Don't be naughty. Don't let them worry."

"Don't make it sound like it's a separation between life and death, okay?" Lilina said every word. She hated the feeling of being separated from her closest family members the most.

"We'll be back." Bai Ji knelt down and rubbed Lilina's pouty little face. "We won't leave until we become a qualified vampire queen."

"Sister, there is really no need for you to do these things for those ignorant mainland remnants."

"Of course not for them, Yana." Bai Ji smiled. "We have never been saints. The reason why we do this is just to provide you with a good living environment so that you can live without worries."

"No, no! How is this possible? How can I let you, sister, go alone? I want to follow you!"

"Your Highness Yana, you have no divine nature and have not been recognized by the organs. If you trespass into the realm of gods, you will be annihilated on the spot."

"Shut up! This happened because of your nonsense!" Yana didn't listen to Gordon's kind advice. No matter what she said, Yana just refused to let Bai Ji go.

"Xiaoya, stop fooling around. We are not going for an outing."

"Sister, you can't go. If you go, it will be the same anyway. I don't agree! Absolutely don't agree!" Yana made a fuss, unwilling to let Bai Ji leave at all.

The crackling sound outside the window became more and more intense, which meant that the destruction of the world was intensifying, which could be seen from the increasingly larger cracks above the palace.

"Be obedient." Bai Ji rarely said forcefully in front of Yana. She shook off Yana's hand and pushed it away. "Mr. Gordon, what's the solution? Let's get started."

"Your Majesty Bai Ji," he looked at Yana and then at Bai Ji. This family farce made Gordon feel very guilty, as if he had become a villain.

"Mr. Gordon, we want you to know that we have 100% trust in you at all times." Bai Ji stared at Gordon quietly.

"I understand." Gordon took a deep breath.

"Without further ado, let's get started."

"Sister! You"

"Tina, Yana is not calm. Take her out and let her calm down."

"Miss Yana, let's go." Tina hesitated, and had no choice but to use means to freeze Yana and force her to follow her out of the room.

"Tina, what are you doing?! Let me go!"

"This is His Majesty's decision. Your Majesty, if we can't help, then we shouldn't interfere with His Majesty's decision, okay?"

"What do you know?! Let me go, you piece of ice!" Yana's voice became farther and farther away, and with the sound of a heavy door closing, the room returned to calm again.

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