Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 49~No longer needed (Part 2)

"What should we do? Mr. Gordon." Bai Ji asked, no longer caring about Yana.

"First of all, you need organs to go to the realm of gods." Gordon took out an ancient book and carefully translated it word for word.

"But as for the internal organs, the goddess statue has been taken away by the bird-faced man."

"It doesn't matter, don't you have another one?"

After Gordon's reminder, Bai Ji finally remembered that she seemed to have an unused organ in her body. As soon as she thought about it, she took out the Platinum Eagle Xun from her pocket that she had never used.

"This is Bai Ming's heart." The perfectly pieced Jin Xun glowed under the light, Bai Ji said subconsciously, while Lilina on the side also looked at the organ with a thoughtful expression...

"Is it okay to use it?"

"Of course, this is also one of the organs of God, Your Majesty Bai Ji. The organs of God are not only used to open the door to the realm of God, they have other uses." Gordon, who was reading ancient books, added.

"There are three organs, each corresponding to three extreme emotions. Only those who possess these emotions can exert their true effects."

"Hey, hey, don't look at me like that. I really only found this ancient book recently. I dare to swear to my ancestors that I am definitely not a person with ulterior motives or ulterior motives!" Suddenly everyone looked at me. Seeing that something was wrong in his eyes, Gordon immediately made a gesture of swearing to God.

"Okay, so what is the emotion corresponding to this heart?" Bai Ji sighed, feeling that she might have to take back her previous words about her absolute trust in Gordon for the time being.

"I don't know." Gordon spread his hands. "This book only introduces the internal organs in this paragraph, and there is no detailed introduction one by one, so I don't know either."

"Why did you stretch your crotch at a crucial place?"

"But, but, this is not difficult to analyze." Gordon thought. "Think about it, this organ Paladin Tu Baiming has used it. What is the most extreme emotion of the Paladin? I don't need to say more, right?"

"The ultimate emotion possessed by the Paladin? Isn't that the strongest spirit of riding earth?" Even an inexperienced person like Huo Lei could guess it, and everyone present could naturally think of it.

“But who has the ultimate chivalry spirit now??”

Gordon looked at Lilina, then at Bai Ji, and sighed in confusion.

After talking about Qitu, everyone turned their attention to Landrito.

"No, don't look at me like this, I'll be shy." Landrito scratched his head in embarrassment. "Although I am willing to go to the realm of gods, the hardware conditions are not up to standard. Moreover, I am not humble. When it comes to chivalry, I really don't dare to claim it."

This is the truth. To be honest, Landrito himself does not dare to claim that he is a knight. A knight who truly possesses the spirit of knights would rather bend than bend. They are brave and fearless. They dare to face the oppression of powerful people and are not afraid of the threats of life and death. , dared to directly remonstrate with the king's unjust acts, regarded honor as life, and regarded fame and fortune as dung.

Landrito asked himself, he couldn't do it. If he could, he wouldn't have acted as the marshal in the United Elves' siege of the Blood Spirit Empire.

The only real knights are the Holy Luns, those madmen who only pursue the perfection of swordsmanship and riding dirt all their lives, and have nothing else.

Although he is a madman, the madman's obsession is the most terrifying. In a certain sense, only the paranoid can become the purest knight.

"Is it originally for knights? It seems like we won't be able to use it anymore." Bai Ji casually threw Jin Xun to Gordon. "Let's get started. You will guide me on how to do it."

"Your Majesty, are you ready?"

"Can we say that we are not ready?" Bai Ji said playfully. She seemed to be in a good mood as she was about to face the true god. At least she was still in the mood to tell jokes to everyone present. "Whether you're ready or not, it's time to go. If you wait a little longer, the day lilies may get cold."

"Your Majesty, please do not move." Knowing the urgency of the current situation, Gordon took a deep breath, waved his staff, and lights rose from Bai Ji's feet.

Everyone stood up at this moment and looked at Bai Ji, with complex eyes containing respect, including the wooden tenon.

No matter what the purpose is, the vampire queen who always talks about selfishness and negative energy has really dedicated too much to this continent.

"Is this why we don't forget our original intention?" Looking at the shining medal in Bai Ji's hand, Landrito suddenly felt that maybe, that medal could still be used.

He didn't know why, but a voice in his heart told him that this queen would create a miracle again with that golden medal.

The halo of the magic circle changed from blue to purple, and then from purple to deep black. Amidst all the changes, Bai Ji's figure gradually faded away.

"Your Majesty Bai Ji, everything depends on you." Gordon said seriously. "But it doesn't matter even if you fail in the end. Even though you lose, it's an honor. We will come one after another and join you. See more exciting books. At the most critical moment of the magic circle, Ji Yue saw A cry of surprise.

"Lilina, what are you doing?? Come back quickly!"

Before anyone could react, Lilina quickly ran to the center of the magic circle and hugged Bai Ji's thigh.

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