Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 50 ~ Attention (Part 2)

The gods in the distance seemed to be very close to them, but in fact they were much farther away than expected. Perhaps it was because the gods were so big.

The closer you get to this golden giant statue that seems to have an endless height, the huge invisible pressure becomes more and more intense, as if it is moving with the entire Baland on its head, struggling to move.

Sweat flowed down her forehead and neck, and an inexplicable fear arose, causing Bai Ji to lower her head and not dare to look at the golden statue that was getting closer and closer.

This is not only a suppression at the biological level, but also an absolute crushing at the power dimension. Even Bai Ji, who has experienced hundreds of battles, has retreated in her heart and wishes she could run back to Baland for refuge now.

"I'm getting closer." Bai Ji stopped and let go of Lilina's hand. It was obvious that this sentence was meant for her.

"are you OK.".

Bai Ji nodded, gently pushed Lilina's shoulder, stepped forward, and took out [Gutmala, the dark ghost wings spread out, and drew a scarlet curtain.

She stepped forward, and the sickle fell down, hitting the god hard on the forehead. Just when the sickle was about to approach the god, time seemed to slow down for a moment, and then, Bai Ji, who was holding the sickle, was broken down into pieces starting from her arm. the most basic molecules.

The ownerless sickle fell to the ground, and in just one breath, the world returned to calm, which caught people off guard.

Lilina opened her mouth wide, trying to shout something, but a gasp appeared behind her.

"Huhu..." Bai Ji, who was kneeling on the ground, gasped, covering her chest, her face flushed, and she felt like her heart was about to jump out.

Death, yes, the moment she touched the god, she was already dead, and she was directly dismantled into the most basic molecules.

She stared blankly at her raised palm, as if her previous death was just a dream.

"What on earth is going on..." Bai Ji raised her head consciously and happened to see the pocket watch hanging above her head. It was frantically correcting its own time and restoring its body to what it was before it launched the attack.

"This pocket watch?..." Bai Ji was filled with surprise and doubt.

"Bai Ji, you..."

"We're fine..." Bai Ji signaled Lilina not to come over, picked up the scythe again, and launched an attack on the god. Then, as expected, the god himself was dismantled into molecules before he even touched him, and waited until he regained consciousness. He saw the pocket watch resting on his head again.

Is this infinite resurrection? Could it be that someone is helping me? Or is it because of the special position of the God's Realm that mortal species will not die directly in this place?

Bai Ji couldn't understand the principle and reason. Although she could be resurrected, she didn't know how many times she could be resurrected, and as far as the attack just now was concerned, it didn't even attract the god's attention.

In other words, in the eyes of God, she is not even an annoying fly.

Since physical attacks don't work, just try using the same divine attack.

Bai Ji, who has completely abandoned Baland's power system, is now in a very difficult situation. She cannot use Baland's spells, and her divine power is not enough for her to summon the awakening spell, so she can only use some general divine spells.

[Magic: Harvesting of Wrongful Ghosts

Countless wisps of howling ghosts stretched out their ferocious claws, spreading towards the silent golden giant, and penetrated into the giant's body.

"Has it taken effect?"

The next moment, Bai Ji got the answer.

The ghosts that had penetrated into the giant's body came out with even more miserable screams than before, and each one of them rushed towards Bai Ji like a mad dog with red eyes.

"What??" Bai Ji, who had no way to dodge, was hit by the ghosts. The ghosts blessed by the power of God directly caused her to explode and die. After a few seconds, Bai Ji regained consciousness again and looked at the sitting cross-legged with lingering fear. God, a feeling of powerlessness arises in my heart.

"Hehe, hehe" she put down the sickle and laughed.

In the original plan, she thought that her final outcome would be to be crushed into irrecyclable bat dregs by the gods like cookies. This was already the worst outcome, but she did not expect that the reality was even worse than she thought.

He risked his life and died three times without attracting the attention of the god. The latter was still focused on destroying Baland, as if he didn't even notice that an uninvited guest had entered his territory.

"This is truly a hopeless enemy, haha."

"Bai Ji" Lilina, who was watching all this from a distance, clenched her palms.

"But we won't admit defeat." Bai Ji stood up slowly, threw away the sickle, and pulled out the black sword that was full of broken and chipped holes.

"You actually don't even look at us. We have been fighting for so many years and this is the first time we are looked down upon like this. Hey, hey, let me tell you, this is a duel. Please be more serious!"

Bai Ji shouted, and struck the god's arm with a sword. Slowness came again, and the dismantling force spread to Bai Ji's body in an instant, but it seemed to be blocked by something. To describe it, it was like a spreading electric current. Hit an insulator.

The decomposed Bai Ji continued to attack, slashing and stabbing at the top of the god's head. Finally, the god seemed to notice a small fly that was constantly disturbing the top of his head.

"Have you finally noticed us? I tell you, please be serious!"

"Bai Ji, be careful!"

As soon as Bai Ji heard these words, she felt a shadow enveloped her.

"Boom, boom, boom!" God's palm fell from the sky like a fly, swatting Bai Ji to death on the ground.

"Bai Ji?"

After waiting for a long time, I still didn’t see Bai

Ji Susheng.

Did the number of resurrections run out, or was he unable to be resurrected due to a direct attack from God?

"Ahem, you're actually having sex." The battered corpse disappeared, and in its place, a blond girl stood up holding a sword.

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