Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 51~You are not a knight, but you are everyone’s knight (Part 1)

The blonde girl supported her body with mutterings in her mouth, as if she hadn't noticed the changes in her body yet.

"Bai Ji, you..." Lilina hesitated.

"Huh? What's wrong with me?" Bai Jin was slightly surprised after catching a glimpse of Lilina. "Lilina, why do you feel like you've become shorter again?"

"Mom, it's not that I've gotten shorter, it's that you've gotten taller." Lilina complained calmly.

"Am I getting taller?" Bai Ji seemed to have noticed the change in her voice. She looked at her body emphatically. As soon as she lowered her head, she saw the two peaks blocking her sight. She couldn't see her toes at all.

"Am I switching to Bai Jin?" Bai Jin pulled out a handful of her long golden hair. This was not a switch on her own initiative. It is possible that Bai Ji's body was temporarily damaged, so her soul had no choice but to Switched bodies.

Bai Jin checked the equipment on his body, and as expected, all items except for the broken body and the golden organs were taken away. In the true sense, they were gone, but they were all broken down into their most basic forms.

On the other hand, the giant god continued to focus on the big sphere in his arms after swatting the fly to death, ignoring Bai Jin at all.

"Be more serious!" Bai Jin, who had lost the ability to fly, took the weapon and slashed at the giant's knees. The latter remained motionless, as if this attack was not enough to scratch his penis.

"Lilina, help release the spell." The sword skills she mastered could not cause substantial damage to the god, so Bai Ji had to ask Lilina to help.

"Release the spell? Hey, Bai Ji, I don't know how, no one has taught me." Lilina rubbed her fingers, she was weak, pitiful, helpless, and very naughty.

"You don't need to teach this kind of thing to know. Just follow my thoughts and make gestures." The blood spirit's royal bloodline can easily learn the magic spells below the divine lineage without spending much time. It couldn't be simpler.

And there was no need for Lilina to learn it. Bai Ji directly gave Lilina the Gutmalajiāo which recorded the list of spells she had released.

【Summoning system Wushen virtual image

[Summoning Secret Detector

[Summoning monster spider

"Is this the summoning spell of the vampires?" Lilina, who was having a great time, had twinkling stars in her eyes, like a child who had found a new toy.

It has to be said that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead one generation after another. Lilina's talent can be said to be the envy of everyone. She only needs to master a little knowledge to cast spells immediately.

Of course, this is due to the environmental conditions in the realm of God that allow the use of the Barand system.

Lilina knew that Bai Ji did not expect these mortal summoned creatures to be able to harm the gods even a hair. She wanted to accumulate mortal power.

Seeing the necklace in her arms emitting a dazzling light, Bai Hibiscus pulled it out like a knife.

[Divine Release: Laurel Tree on Holy Land

The purple laurel broke through the shackles of space and rushed towards the giant god, but was split into two, forcibly changed its trajectory, and flew away from the god's skin.

"Even Yuehuang's divine energy was released..." Bai Ji tightened her grip on the sword.

Since divine release is useless, then

[Yuehuang: Release of mortal nature

Let’s dye the gods into mortals!

The earthy yellow beam of light shot out and poured on the giant god's face like mud, but the latter remained unmoved.

The chopping still had no effect on Qi. Obviously, Yue Huang's mortal transformation also failed.

"Bai Ji, the gods are the main source of Baland's divine nature, and Yuehuang was born from Baland..." Lilina stepped forward. "It's nonsense to expect Yuehuang to hurt God."

"Tsk..." Bai Jin put down Yue Huang and looked at the giant statue unwillingly. "Lilina, have you ever seen God?"

"I've seen it." Lilina nodded. "The memory is a little fuzzy, but I can still remember it. For example, the Jin Xun in your hand was obtained from the gods."

"I remember there were three copies of the organ. I got one, and another person also got one."

"Anyone besides you has organs??" Bai Ji was a little surprised.

"Yes, I remember it seemed like it took a long time."

"Then do you know where the gods' weaknesses are?"

Lilina thought for a moment and shook her head, "I don't know, because I haven't fought with gods before."

"That is to say, what I am doing now is Baland's first time." That's right, only a madman can think of killing a god, and only a madman can execute it.

Bai Ji doesn't think she is a paranoid lunatic, she just has no choice but to do it.

"Bai Ji, your swordsmanship is excellent." Lilina, who was watching Bai Ji's fight, complained. "After all, he is from the Shenglun family. How can he be so good at swordsmanship?"

"It doesn't hurt to stand and talk. If you can do it, come on!" Bai Ji, who had been beaten by God and had no temper at all, was ridiculed at this time, and she felt annoyed for a moment.

"My current physical foundation is too weak, otherwise I would also like to try it." Lilina said seriously.

"Then just watch from the sidelines, and you have the nerve to dislike me!" Bai Jin muttered unconvincedly, somewhat confident in his swordsmanship. Of course, if it was in front of the Paladin himself, that would be a different matter. .

"Fufufu..." Bai Jin was like a plumber, and she felt like her hand bones were about to be bent.

Watching all this, Lilina, who was yawning next to her, was suddenly hugged away.


"Boom, boom, boom!" The next moment, a huge white rock wall hit her where she was.

"Has God started to counterattack?"

"It's not a counterattack." Bai Jin, who was holding Lilina, looked up. The space in this cube had begun to crack with lines, and the purple void was revealed.

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