Blood Princess and the Knight

Volume 0 Did you think it was over? Prologue (Part 1)

The story ends here. After the legendary vampire queen ascended to the gods, she revived the people who had been sleeping forever due to the war, and became the eternal manager and guardian of this continent.

People live and work in peace and contentment on this continent, praising the Queen's great achievements. Her story is famous throughout history and has been passed down for generations. It has become a topic of conversation between people after dinner and is still talked about today.

A series of civil organizations worshiped her as a god and built temples for her. Every year, thousands of pilgrims come to the Blood Spirit Palace to worship devoutly, thanking her for her great kindness and admiring her boundless divine power.

Although this newly minted god has never appeared in front of any believers and rarely even left the Blood Spirit Palace, this sense of mystery and distance not only did not dishearten the believers, but made them even more fanatical.

The most commendable thing is that this god has not corrupted her heart with the passage of time. She relies on her divine power to dominate and act arbitrarily. She stays in her palace all day long and remains indifferent to the thousands of changes in the world.

She seemed to have lost interest in the mortal world, and lived a secluded life like a real god, not caring about worldly affairs.

Nowadays, the Blood Spirit Empire has naturally become the only superpower in the mainland, and its strength exceeds that of any previous period.

After the core energy crisis was resolved, the Blood Spirit Empire was the first to successfully recover, and established the Peace Messenger Association, which was directly governed by members of the royal family, aiming to resolve various disputes on the mainland and avoid war as much as possible.

Although the core is settlement and mediation, if the two sides really want to go to war and no one can stop it, the Peace Messenger Association will roll up its sleeves without saying a word and clenched its fists viciously to threaten.

"Boy, do you want to make things difficult for the Blood Spirit Empire?"

"Balander, come and go, ask who is the father??"

In this way, since its establishment, the Peace Messengers Association has successfully avoided countless upcoming disputes. Although it is beyond our reach, the effect it has achieved is remarkable.

The various forces in the mainland also had no choice but to compromise. First, due to the power of the Blood Spirit Empire, they had no choice but to do so. Secondly, the Blood Spirit Empire had true gods stationed there, and the people would not agree to a war.

Today's people are not as easy to fool as before. After accepting the teachings, they have defined peace as the highest form of stability. For peace, everything is worth it.

This is due to the church doctrine theory founded by Bai Ji as the true god.

Under the protection of the true God, the sentient beings of Baland firmly believe that peace will last forever in the world.

The story ended successfully.

Is it really a happy ending?

Dimly, Bai Ji felt someone touching the tip of her nose and calling her name constantly.

"yǎng, yǎngyǎng" Bai Ji closed her eyes tightly, subconsciously retracted into the quilt, and pulled the quilt to cover half of her face.

"No, don't do it. I haven't had enough sleep yet."

"Your Highness, it's time to get up." A helpless and slightly familiar voice called Bai Ji from the bedside.

"One minute, another minute to sleep"

"With your attitude, one minute may turn into half an hour of sleep."

"Gujigujihum." Bai Ji made a strange sound. "Don't bother us, we just finished saving the world, why don't we sleep a little longer?"

"This?" The waiting maid made a very surprised voice, and then Bai Ji felt a cool touch on her head.

"It's strange, I don't have a fever. Could it be that His Highness is asleep?"

"Why don't you have a fever... Wait, what did you call us?" Sensing that there was something wrong with the way the other party called her, Bai Ji suddenly woke up from the hazy mist. renew.

Looking at the surrounding decoration, although it is the familiar style of the vampire royal family, it is definitely not his own room.

"Where is this place? Why are we sleeping in someone else's room??" As soon as she woke up, Bai Ji asked three philosophical questions: Who am I, where am I, and what do I want to do.

"Your Highness, what are you talking about? The maid looked at Bai Ji in surprise. "This is your own room. If you weren't sleeping in your own room, where else could you be. "

The maid's expression didn't look like she was lying, and Bai Ji fell into thinking.

Why would we sleep in someone else's room? If it wasn't a prank, "What's your name?" Bai Ji, who didn't understand the situation, forced herself to stay calm and asked the maid's name.

"Your Highness, have you even forgotten my name?" The maid looked sad. "Have you really lost your memory? You have even forgotten Ke'er's name."

"Wait a minute, you said your name is Ke'er?" Bai Ji, with disheveled hair, looked surprised. "When did you become my maid??"

"What are you talking about, Your Highness? Ke'er has always been your maid?"

"No, aren't you a pink-haired Asian cat girl? How did you become a vampire??" Seeing the little blond vampire loli in front of her claiming to be Ke'er, Bai Ji felt her heart twitch and her outlook was affected. A blow.

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