Blood Princess and the Knight

Volume 0 Did you think it was over? Prologue (Part 2)

Cat people? You said Ke'er is a sub-cat person? …Should I regard this as His Highness’s first joke in the morning? "Although he said this, Ke'er's eyes were filled with uncontrollable shock and sadness.

His Highness has never been a joking person, and he has never stayed in bed... What happened today? His mood suddenly changed? ?

"Wait a minute, you said your name is Ke'er, then what is our name??" Bai Ji pointed at herself.

"You? Of course you are the first princess of the Blood Spirit Empire, Your Highness Solanya." Ke'er said matter-of-factly.

"Huh??" Bai Ji expressed that she shocked my mother.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you?" Ke'er looked worriedly at Bai Ji, who was covering her head and shēnying.

"Let us go through it." Bai Ji said with a trembling voice as she felt a memory recall with a huge amount of information.

Am I, Solanya?

No matter what she thought, the retrospective memory told her so.

So the invasion of alien gods, the Church of Chaos, Ke'er, defeating the true god, becoming a god... could all of this be just a dream of his?

All of this is fake, only what you are facing is real?

Or is it that I am in a dream now, the previous memories are real, and what I see now is false.

"Your Highness?"

Bai Ji raised her head and looked at the blond maid within reach. This sense of reality made her not feel that the scene in front of her was fake.

Solanya, Solanya’s words

Bai Ji was no stranger to this person. Rather, she was not a stranger. This person, who was known as the strongest vampire queen, was her predecessor. It would not be an exaggeration to call Solanya another her.

So I have traveled through time to Solanya? ?

Isn't it? As soon as he became a god, he put himself back into his previous body, and he could hardly tell which was real and which was fake.

"Gurgling..." Just as Bai Ji was thinking, there was a hungry sound in her stomach.

"Your Highness, you are hungry, right? You must be hungry after staying in bed for so long. Get out of bed quickly. I will help you put on your clothes and go eat. Hurry up. If you are late, there will be nothing to eat."

"Oh, okay." Let's put aside the matter of whether or not we can travel through time. The world is huge and there is no way to eat. If we don't fill our stomachs first, how can we continue to analyze the current situation and come up with countermeasures?

However, Bai Ji obviously did not understand the meaning of Ke'er's saying that there would be nothing to eat if it was too late.

Ke'er's service is very skillful. In her eyes, Bai Ji is just like a small clothes hanger. She can put on the one-piece skirt and tie it with a few strokes.

Bai Ji, who sat down to let Ke'er comb her hair, observed her own appearance in the bronze mirror.

The standard silver-haired red-eyed royal standard. The small and charming appearance is a bit green, giving people the feeling of a little bird. The excessively pale skin is mixed with a less conspicuous sallow color and has some cracks. The little fingernails of Solanya seemed to be malnourished.

Is this the future queen of the First Blood Spirit Empire? Bai Ji couldn't help but look closer.

Her cute face is full of timidity. Although her situation is as pitiful as that of the little match girl, there is no redeeming quality beyond that.

To put it bluntly, she has no temperament and has a weak character. Just from this girl's face, you can see the way she used to deal with things. Or maybe it's Solanya's predecessor as Bai Ji, which makes her feel the same.

Seeing this, Bai Ji had a subtle feeling.

Solanya seems surprisingly ordinary.

After taking care of her hair, Bai Ji let Keer pull her out of the boudoir and headed to the restaurant like a tofu man.

"Now, Ke'er, let me ask you, do you know a person named Lilias?"

"What kind of shredded radish is coming? Shredded radish? Your Highness, do you want to eat that? But it seems that there is no shredded radish in today's breakfast." Ke'er was stunned for a moment and then said.

"It's okay." Bai Ji shook her head, convinced that something had indeed gone wrong in her era.

At this time, Lilias was afraid that she was not even a cell.

"By the way, we should have a sister named Yana, right?"

"Your Highness Yana? Yes, that's right, but why did you ask about that person? I'm rude. I mean, why did you suddenly ask about your sister?" As if realizing that he had violated a taboo, Ke'er He immediately changed his words.

"Isn't it natural?" Bai Ji felt that Ke'er's question was strange. Does her sister care about anything wrong with her sister? Moreover, from Ke'er's tone just now, she seemed to be very dissatisfied with Yana.

While thinking about it, Ke'er had already dragged Bai Ji to the restaurant.

To be honest, the Royal Hall in this era seemed a bit remote, and Ke'er took Bai Ji to run several streets before reaching it.

When we got here, there were only a few people in the hall.

Bai Ji took a cursory look and found that this restaurant was unexpectedly simple and down-to-earth, not royal at all.

"We are here, Your Highness."

"Well, speaking of it, is the royal dining hall designed so simply?"

"Eh? The royal dining hall? Your Highness, this is not a royal dining place, but a dining area for the lowest level of the palace." Ke'er hesitated and said a little coyly.

"Your Highness, you have been deemed ineligible to dine with members of the royal family."


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