Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 1~Solanya and Yana (Part 1)

"What did you say?" Bai Ji was a little confused. "Why aren't we qualified to dine in the royal dining room?"

"Your Highness, have you forgotten everything?" Ke'er seemed a little embarrassed to talk about this matter, as if he was taking care of Bai Ji's emotions and couldn't talk.

"Due to some reasons, you did not inherit any bloodline from Her Majesty the Queen and were unable to cast the spell, so you were criticized by the ministers."

"So, because we have no bloodline, have we been expelled from the imperial membership?" Bai Ji frowned slightly.

"It's not that I am expelled from the imperial membership, but um, I plan to avoid meeting you as much as possible. Your sister, Her Royal Highness Yana, will also deliberately avoid contact with you." Ke'er observed Bai Ji's face carefully. The way.

"Oh, that means they all dislike me and don't want to admit that we are a family and have the same bloodline, right?"

Bai Jifeng's Qingyundan analysis made Ke'er a little surprised.

These things were taboos for His Highness in the past. If he mentioned them briefly, His Highness would always smile and reply that as long as he does not cause trouble to His Majesty, his face would become particularly ugly and his fingers would tremble uncontrollably.

Precisely because he was rejected by his family and criticized by his ministers, His Highness's body became thinner day by day. He did not think about food and tea, and stayed in his remote palace all day long, depressed.

Her Highness Solanya is a docile but weak-tempered person who cares too much about other people's opinions.

"That is to say, they dislike us and think it's embarrassing to eat with us, right? Okay, okay, we know, then it's okay if we don't eat with them." Bai Ji acted very free and easy, as if this matter was not a big problem. , don’t take it to heart at all.

"Ke'er, just help us get something to eat. We're hungry."

"Ah, oh ok."

Bai Ji narrowed her eyes when she saw Ke'er trotting to the kitchen with her long skirt in hand.

Ke'er, is she really the Ke'er in my impression, or is it just a case of the same name?

Bai Ji felt that the possibility of having the same name was unlikely. Although she had partial memory of Solanya, she couldn't remember exactly what the maid who had served Solanya looked like, but Ke'er gave her a very similar feeling, so she couldn't be wrong.

However, the Ke'er in front of him seems to be very ordinary. He should be Ke'er who has not yet obtained the main god's organs for reincarnation.

Bai Ji tried to summon her awakened bloodline, the Greedy Devourer, but failed as expected, with no bloodline response.

After all, the Greedy Devourer is the acquired bloodline that Ke'er installed on himself later. It's normal that the original Solanya didn't have it.

"Your Highness, Your Highness." As he was thinking, Ke'er ran out of the back kitchen in a hurry with a dinner plate on his head, his face with a little baby fat puffed out his cheeks, which was a little cute.

"Huhu, Your Highness, fortunately, we are not late. The uncle in the kitchen specially left some dishes for us. Hey, hehe, let's eat it while it's hot."

"Ke'er, Greedy Devourer, what are the organs of the Lord God?"

"Ah?" Ke'er was stunned for a while after hearing Bai Ji's explanation. "Your Highness, are you saying you want to eat organs?" Update.

"No, no, it's nothing." After observing the subtle changes in Ke'er's facial expression, Bai Ji was convinced that the Ke'er in front of her was just an ordinary vampire maid.

Of course, as a maid of a member of the royal family, the maid must also have some status. For example, Kerr herself is the eldest daughter of a blood viscount.

Bai Ji glanced at the food that Ke'er brought to the table. The simply processed animal blood and poor tea were indeed inferior to the royal meals.

But it's not to the point where I can't speak.

After a hasty meal to fill her stomach, Bai Ji decided to visit what the vampire palace looked like a thousand years ago.

Maybe it's because Bai Ji's mentality is different from that of ordinary people. Others would be thinking about how to go back after traveling through time. She traveled through time because she wanted not to miss this good opportunity and visit more often, otherwise her trip would be in vain.

"Hey, aren't you going to go back to the palace?" Ke'er seemed a little embarrassed by Bai Ji's decision.

"What, is it illegal to visit your own palace? It's not stolen or robbed. Do you think we are too ugly to be seen in public?" Bai Ji hugged her non-existent breasts and spoke slowly. said.

"No, no, Kerr doesn't mean that. Your Highness is the Queen's eldest daughter, how can she be associated with the word ugly."

"That's alright. Hey, you are familiar with this area. Please show us the way."

"As ordered." Seeing that Bai Ji was determined to go shopping, Ke'er had no choice but to pray that she wouldn't get into any trouble by walking around.

"Oh, this is the city wall of the inner city of the imperial capital. I see, it was of this scale thousands of years ago."

"Hey, Sir Soldier, your posture is very harmful to your bones. I suggest you relax your shoulders~"

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