Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 5~Pleasure (Part 2)

Are you kidding? She has beaten the gods and punished them. It is completely nonsense.

While Yana was sulking, the tempting big red tomato suddenly came to her, followed immediately by Bai Ji's heartfelt smile.

"Come on, you have worked hard after training for so long. Open your mouth and let me feed you."

"Even if you say so" she said this, but her body was very honest. Yana involuntarily moved her mouth to it, but the moment she opened her mouth, the tomato was withdrawn.

"Pfft." Bai Ji couldn't help but laugh, took a bite of tomato and looked at Yana who froze in a playful manner.

"You, you woman! Cunning, deceitful and evil!" Yana used what she had learned throughout her life and used all the curse words she knew so far to describe the girl in front of her who was teasing her.

After all, having received an orthodox royal education, Yayan couldn't curse at all. These words were more of a pleasure than insults.

Imagine a white-haired lolita using painless words to insult herself in an extremely hateful way. Just listening to Bai Ji felt that she had once again suppressed her sadism.

"Are you going to scold me again?"

"You woman must be sick, right?? After being scolded, you actually get more and more disgusting!" Yana said in disgust.

"Yana, let's do this. You want us to hit him with a stick, okay? Just one stick, hehe~" Bai Ji pointed her little fangs and pulled out a big stick from behind.

"You, what do you want to do? A pervert, a big pervert who loves to bully my sister!"

"Scream, scream, the training ground is big, and the isolation effect is also good. No one will come to save you even if your voice breaks!" Bai Ji held the wooden stick and slapped Chuo Yana's face, delicately His face was flushed again, and his face was filled with intoxication.

"Your Highness, please stop." At this time, a light voice broke into the situation.

"Finally planning to show up?" Bai Ji suppressed the blush on her face and turned to look at the masked woman who appeared beside her as if teasingly.

As a talented and proud daughter of the Blood Spirit Empire, it is very strange that the royal family does not send secret guards to protect her.

It is normal for a loser princess like Solanya not to have special protection. But Yana is different. A seedling that has not yet formed and will definitely be extraordinary in the future, will the royal family not send experts to protect it? impossible.

The moment Bai Ji entered the scene, she felt the vague gaze on her. She noticed the secret guard, and the secret guard also noticed her, but the difference was that she knew that the secret guard noticed her. The secret guard didn't know that she had noticed him.

"You don't seem surprised by my appearance."

"Unexpected, quite unexpected." Bai Ji looked at Yana with a half-smile. "We are really surprised that the master has been bullied to show up like this."

"You didn't show any malice." The masked woman said calmly. "If it's just a simple joke between sisters, there's no need for me to come in with my hands."

"Wait, wait! You, you didn't watch the whole thing, did you?" Yana seemed to understand something, looking at the masked woman with a look of horror.

The masked woman was silent, seeming to be thinking about how to explain to Yana, and then spoke slowly after a moment. "Don't worry, Your Highness, I won't tell anyone!"

"Sure enough, you watched the whole process, right?! Or was it broadcast live??" What happened so far has been known to a third party, and Yana feels like she is going to collapse.

Ke'er is on Bai Ji's side, and what she says represents Bai Ji's meaning, so it doesn't matter if she sees it, but it does matter if a fourth person sees it!

Yana is not stupid, she knows that the masked woman is a secret guard sent by her mother to protect her secretly. How can such a secret guard belonging to the Queen keep secrets for herself? ? Naturally, I can’t escape my mother’s eyes!

"It's over, it's over Yana is done." Yayan entered the dark mode again.

"Your Highness Yana's condition seems not to be very good, so I will take her away first."

"Well, let's go slowly without seeing you off." Bai Ji waved her hand.

"Then I won't accompany you. Besides, you are really secretive, Your Highness Solanya." The masked woman who turned her back said meaningfully. "He's very good at swordsmanship."

"It's ridiculous. It's just average. It's just a few tricks I learned by chance."

Regarding Bai Ji's somewhat mocking modesty, the secret guard didn't say much and left with Yana.

"Let's go, the drama is over and we are hungry too."

"Ah? Oh." Ke'er, who was following Bai Ji in a daze, had a lot of things to say in her heart, and she was full of questions. She even began to wonder if her princess had been replaced.

"Hurry up and catch up. If it's too late, there won't be anything to eat. We're still growing, so we can't fall behind on our diet." Bai Ji didn't think much about it. The long-awaited lesson made her feel refreshed.

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