Blood Princess and the Knight

6~The stimulated Yana

"Your Highness Yana, Your Highness Yana? It's already time to eat." Unlike Solanya, the unpopular and down-and-out princess, Yana lives in the palace of an orthodox royal family as a much-discussed daughter of heaven. , although due to the unique quality education of the Blood Spirit Empire, royal members must separate from their parents after reaching the age of twelve, but the palaces they are assigned have everything they need.

There are hundreds of maids responsible for serving, not to mention the guards and chefs responsible for the meals. They are definitely the top standard equipment of the royal family.

There is a luxurious king-sized princess bed, a dazzling library, and a spacious backyard. If you want to have dessert, please tell the pastry chef in the kitchen immediately. If you want to enjoy afternoon tea in the backyard, the maids will immediately prepare parasols and various tea sets and tea ingredients.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this kind of treatment. The current Blood Spirit Queen has even poured the love and hope that should have belonged to the first princess into the second princess.

Naturally, wise ministers will not stand in the wrong team, waiting for the day when the Queen announces the abolition of Her Royal Highness Solanya's status as the first heir, and instead appoints the second princess as the heir, and performs the first embracing ceremony.

As such a favored and proud daughter of heaven, Yana grew up bathed in the praise and respectful gazes of nobles and ministers from an early age, so much so that she thought that everyone's respect for her was natural. In this world You should bow to yourself like this.

With her extremely high character, she naturally cannot tolerate any stain in her life. This is something she cannot accept and is not willing to believe.

"I don't want to eat now, take it back." The door did not open as before, and Yana's dull voice came from inside.

"It's like you have no appetite. At least drink some soup. This is carefully prepared by the chefs. If you don't eat, you will definitely fall ill..."" The personal maid who was worried about the health of the princess was unwilling to leave just now.

"I said I have no appetite, take it away." Yana's voice was full of doubt. "Yes." In desperation, the maid could only take the hot meal away and look back three times, but the door never opened.

There is something wrong with Her Royal Highness Yana.

This is something that everyone in the palace has gradually come to understand. Ever since she went to and from the training ground that day, she has been like this. She shut herself in her room, forgetting about food and sleep, staying up all night to read. She was so extreme that she was afraid of wasting any time. She was simply killing herself. Eight lifetimes of hard work have been put to use.

Although the pressure on Her Royal Highness Yana is indeed a bit high despite being in the spotlight, with Her Highness’ talent, what kind of magic spell can’t be easily obtained?

What's going on with this sudden hard work?

The entire Liuli Palace was confused, especially the maids who took care of Yana's daily life. They were confused and couldn't figure out what stimulated His Highness.

As maids, they cannot interfere with the master's affairs casually. Naturally, it is difficult for them to ask. And based on Yana's performance, it is estimated that even if someone asks, they will not say anything.

The only secret guard who knew the inside story was hiding in the dark and keeping silent. At this moment, she was lying on a birch tree planted outside Yana's room. From time to time, she glanced at Yana who was studying hard at her desk in the room. A few glances.

It is said that only when you are under pressure can you be motivated. This sentence has been successfully applied to Yana. After receiving some love education from her sister, Her Highness Solanya, whom she had always looked down on, Yana changed her previous arrogant and arrogant character. I can concentrate on studying.

Judging from the results, it was good, but the effect was a bit too much. Her Royal Highness Yana went from one extreme to another, almost going crazy.

At this time, there were bursts of hurried footsteps in the quiet courtyard. The secret guard glanced in the direction of the palace gate, was slightly stunned, hurriedly rolled down from the tree, and walked forward quickly with her skirt in hand. maids together

"See Her Majesty the Queen."

A dignified silver-haired girl stepped out of the luxurious carriage. Her maid had already opened a parasol by the door to greet Her Majesty the Queen.

The girl who came down was very similar to Yana and Solanya. In fact, if they were not close friends of the white-haired group of the Blood Spirit Royal Family, it would be impossible to tell who they were from their appearance. They were remote aristocrats. We can only barely tell who is the queen and who is the princess based on their temperament.

Compared with the hairstyles of Yana and Solanya, this girl's hair accessories and clothing are a little less energetic and more solemn and solemn.

With deep black as the main color, paired with a long skirt woven with dots of dark red, and long silver hair braided, it is instantly gorgeous, like a noble and unattainable bright red rose.

"See Her Majesty the Queen."

"Yes." After the queen got off the carriage, she first cast a sidelong glance at the kneeling secret guard. Then she looked past the people kneeling on one knee and walked into the courtyard holding the scepter.

This is Her Majesty the Queen of the entire Blood Spirit Empire, Victoria Rasambo.

"Your Majesty, what's the important reason for your visit today?" The secret guard understood and followed Queen Victoria's footsteps.

"After being the princess's bodyguard for a while, you become more talkative than before, Lina."

Facing the queen's playful smile, Lina, who knew she was talking too much, immediately closed her mouth and followed quietly behind her.

"Why, did I come too suddenly?" "No."

"Haha, that's right. It's not a good idea to say something against your will. You've already written the words 'You know it's too sudden' written all over your face." The Queen teased.

"" Lin Na remained calm, but cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"My daughter has a mental health disorder, but if she takes a look at it, she is very incompetent.

Oh. "

"Your Majesty is really well-informed."

"Yana, that kid hasn't had a normal schedule for several days, right?" Arriving at the palace gate, the Queen's exclusive maid stopped knowingly and waited at the door.


"What happened?" "This is hard to describe."

"Oh? It's hard to explain in one sentence?" The queen looked at the girl jokingly, who she carefully selected to become the secret guard to protect her daughter's safety.

"It's not like you would say this. In what way is it difficult to explain in one sentence?"

"In all kinds of ways."

"The more you say that, the more curious I become~~" Queen Victoria narrowed her ruby-like eyes. As Yana's personal guard, Lina naturally cannot sit back and watch Yana fall into danger. So, The reason that made Yana irritated was definitely not some kind of threat.

"If you tell me, maybe you won't believe it."

"Why are you so sure?" As they spoke, the two of them had arrived at the door of Yana's room.

Victoria knocked on the door with her cane.

"Are you the food delivery guy again? I told you I have no appetite now and I won't see anyone. Leave me alone."

"You don't even see me, the king?" Victoria grinned outside the door. "..." After three seconds of silence in the room, there was a burst of hurried footsteps, and then the door was opened.

"Mother, why are you here??" Yana looked at the dressed-up Victoria outside the door in surprise and hurriedly invited her into the house.

"Why, does the mother still need to ask for instructions in advance to see her daughter?

"It's not like that, it's just...well, the room is a bit messy." "You can see that." Victoria chuckled as she entered the room.

Yana's room can no longer be said to be a princess's room. The books in the bookcase were randomly rummaged through, Arhats were piled up on the bed, and parchments were scattered on the floor, with some strange spells and symbols written on them.

"I know you are very successful, but..." Victoria sighed softly and rubbed Yana's head gently. "Pay attention to the balance between work and rest, do you understand, my dear?"

"Well Yana will pay attention." Yana blushed, and her relatives saw her indiscretion. Frankly speaking, she was very ashamed.

"Let's go." With that said, Victoria took Yana's hand. "Wrong? Mother, where are we going?"

"Where else can we go? Why don't I, the king, come and have lunch with me?"

"But" Yana glanced hesitantly at the pile of spell books behind her.

"It's not too late to study that kind of thing later, and it won't take up too much of your time. Moreover, research progress alone is slow. In this regard, Xiao Yana, you need an experienced teacher." Victoria looked at it with a smile. His own little daughter.

"Yes! Mother, Yana doesn't quite understand these things." "Yeah, take your time, let's go. It's been a long time since we, mother and daughter, got together."

Outside the courtyard, the maid had opened a parasol and prepared a small mat, as well as tea and desserts.

"To sum up, Yana, my mother feels that your main problem is that you pay too much attention to each move of the curse seal. It is too rigid and lacks flexibility. To put it simply, it is too much pursuit of form and gorgeousness and not practical enough. "

"Is that so?" Yana was stunned. What Victoria pointed out to her was very familiar to her, because not long ago, a big pervert ghost sister also made the same analysis to her, but she didn't take it seriously.

The meal time passed quickly, and Yana, who received Victoria's guidance, returned to the room to study hard, but Queen Victoria did not ask Yana about the previous things.

This is naturally something she has considered.

"Linna, what happened to this child Yana? Please tell me in detail." The Queen asked her loyal secret guard.

She was aroused by her sister. "Sister? Which sister?" Queen Victoria was surprised. "Her biological sister, your eldest daughter." "The secret guard said cautiously.

"Solanya??" "The queen's eyes widened. This may be her most rude moment.

"Yes." The secret guard thought for a while and told the queen every detail of the entire process that had happened before.

It’s unbelievable, are you sure she is Solanya and not possessed by something else?”

"Probably not, after all, there is her personal maid standing next to her." "It's really unexpectedly interesting..." Queen Victoria raised the corners of her mouth. "It seems that I will find time to meet my eldest daughter."

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