Blood Princess and the Knight

7~Does it look like a queen?

"Ke'er, what is the current year?" Bai Ji sat elegantly, supporting her head with one hand and holding a book in the other and asked nonchalantly.

Ke'er has become accustomed to His Highness's lifestyle of being indifferent to worldly affairs and completely out of touch with society.

Don't ask, just ask because she has amnesia, fever, and her mood changes drastically, and she won't know if she asks again. This touches on her knowledge blind spot.

"Your Highness, this is the calendar of the Blood Spirit Empire. Please take a look at it." Ke'er handed a calendar that was not very finely made to Bai Ji.

Bai Ji checked it briefly and felt that the current date looked a bit familiar.

Using her relatively complete view of history, she immediately remembered what stage she was in now, as well as the unexpected events before and after the timeline.

She also remembered that Queen Solanya's mother was called Victoria. She was a relatively mediocre queen in the history of the Blood Spirit Empire. She had political achievements, but after all, no major events that affected the safety of the empire happened during her reign. She couldn't see this. The specific abilities of a queen.

The reason why this queen is called mediocre has something to do with what she did later.

If Bai Ji remembers it correctly, in the next three months, a very serious plague will break out in the Blood Spirit Empire. The cause is unknown. It may be that a certain water channel is contaminated, or it may be due to some external cause.

A serious plague broke out in the Blood Spirit Imperial Capital. Since the blood race is naturally highly resistant to viruses, it is almost impossible to get sick. Therefore, neither the royal family nor the nobles nor the common people have any precautions against this plague. I think It's just an ordinary small virus. You can rely on virus resistance to fight it, and then recruit people to deal with it at the source.

But no one expected that this plague would be so terrifying, not only with a very high fatality rate, but also contagious. It was known as the Great Victoria Plague in history.

Generally speaking, if one member of a family is found to be sick, there is no doubt that everyone in the family will be spared.

Solanya's memory was incomplete, so Bai Ji did not witness this disaster with her own eyes. She imagined the tragedy of the Great Victoria Plague from the words recorded in history books.

Rumor has it that the Great Plague in Victoria left nine rooms in the imperial capital empty, and there was no place to bury the putrid corpses. They were left on the outskirts of the city, as high as mountains, with maggots and various scavengers clearly visible in the rotting flesh and blood. The imperial capital was filled with an unbearable stench.

Just from reading these words, you can tell how serious the plague was back then. It can even be said to be the most serious plague since the founding of the Blood Spirit Empire.

Of course, the impact of this plague was not only on finances, but also on national and military strength. The cause of the ten-year disaster in the Blood Spirit Empire was Queen Victoria's husband, the father of Solanya and Yana. Died from this plague.

Queen Victoria fell into despair and began to ignore government affairs and shut herself in her room all day long.

After all, she failed to survive this catastrophe. After seclusion, her temperament changed drastically and she became an arbitrary tyrant. She allowed corrupt officials to amass money crazily, increased taxes and exorbitant taxes, and enjoyed the complaints of the lower class people.

Perhaps in her opinion, it was the infection from the grassroots people that led to the death of her husband. So, with nowhere to vent her anger and sorrow, she turned her focus on innocent people.

After the death of Victoria's husband, the people of the Blood Spirit Empire suffered from harsh legislation and the people were in dire straits, which triggered several peasant uprisings.

Victoria didn't care about this, and just let the army suppress it, completely ignoring the demands of the people. Perhaps Victoria's heart died as early as the moment her husband died.

The body left behind is full of hatred for the world and disgust for perfection and happiness.

Fortunately, the queen's misbehavior did not last long. A group of noble ministers launched a coup to overthrow her and proclaimed her eldest daughter Solanya as queen.

At that time, although Solanya was a rare genius in the Blood Spirit Empire for a thousand years, she became a puppet of the nobles because she had no experience as a ruler.

This is one of the reasons why Solanya is called the strongest queen by later generations. After ten years, she created her own party members. On the surface, she obeyed the words of those arrogant ministers, making them think that she was controllable. Good baby.

The nobles did not take the child, who was not even a few years old, seriously and continued to get away with it.

On the other side, Solanya openly expressed her attitude, letting the enemy relax their vigilance, secretly handed over party members, and won over the local nobles. When the time was right, she pretended to let the nobles come to the palace to discuss matters, and then accused her of treason. He was captured on the spot.

When the powerful nobles were frightened and angry, they wanted to use the coup to let the little queen know their position and identity, but they found that the noble lords under their command had all turned into the queen's party at some point, giving them a They came up with a gorgeous backstab.

After that great exchange of nobles, the Blood Spirit Empire was completely settled, and Solanya also began to show her ambitions. Under her hard work, the Blood Spirit Empire gradually recovered its national strength.

Bai Ji glanced at herself in the mirror, which was Solanya.

The fair skin has a hint of malnutrition and sallowness, and the petite and exquisite body is curled up on the chair. If paired with a slender face, she does not look like a queen who can do great things.

She looked at herself in the mirror carefully, and couldn't believe that a girl whom I felt pity for would become a decisive and decisive iron-blooded queen in the future.

Although Bai Ji knows that the Solanya in this world line is not the Solanya known in her own world line.

At once

For example, the Solanya I knew was hailed as a rare genius in the Blood Spirit Empire at a young age, but the Solanya in this world line was just a weak girl who only knew how to arrange flowers and had no ambition to make progress.

We can't say that she is a loser, we can only say that she was born into an imperial family by mistake.

And regarding Solanya in her own world, there is absolutely no maid named Ker next to her.

This also makes sense. Solanya in the original world was already the product of Ke'er's reincarnation. Even the awakening bloodline was installed on her by Ke'er, so she naturally became a genius.

Solanya in this world is very unlucky. Ke'er hasn't picked up the Lord God's organ, which is the pocket watch, and no one has helped her at all.

Bai Ji dares to guarantee that if she hadn't come through it, Solanya in this world would definitely die in the next plague and coup.

Later generations may only mention her "birth and death unknown" in their records. It can be said that Ke'er created Solanya in another world line. Without Ke'er's help, Solanya might just be a drop in the ocean of history. After a while, people will not remember that this person existed. .

As for now

Bai Ji glanced at Ke'er, who was staring at her cutely beside her, and silently put down the book.

"I'm sure it won't work if I count on you at this time." Bai Ji said something that left Ke'er scratching her head.

"Your Highness, what do you mean by expecting me to fail at this time?" "It's nothing. You don't understand even if I say it, and you don't believe it even if you understand it." Bai Ji stood up. "Let's go, Ke'er, we have something to do."

"Wrong, what happened?"

"Farming." "Huh??" Ke'er didn't react for a long time.

You just walked out of the restaurant, why are you going to farm?

Compared to Ke'er, who obviously couldn't keep up with Bai Ji's so-called span, Bai Ji knew exactly what she needed to do now.

The upcoming plague is not incurable. In fact, the antidote is much simpler than everyone imagined. You only need to grind an herb into powder, neutralize mountain spring water and some fruit root grass to make the antidote. .

Unfortunately, because the Vampires did not pay attention to the plague, the pharmaceutical industry in the Blood Spirit Empire had almost no development. It took several years to find this formula, and the Vampires did not find it themselves.

In summary, the above-mentioned materials, except for the strange herbal medicine, are all available in the mountains on the outskirts of the imperial capital. The only thing missing is that herbal medicine.

If Bai Ji remembers correctly, some merchants in the Blood Spirit Empire have the seeds of that herb, and this herb grows very quickly, and it can become a plant in a few months.

Before the plague breaks out, I still have a lot of room to prepare.

Before purchasing, what Bai Ji needs is a large experimental field, as well as various fertilizers and agricultural tools.

Not to mention other things, as a princess, even if she is in a downturn, she still has her own backyard, right? Just cultivate it wherever she goes.

"What?! The backyard belongs to the royal family, we have no right to use it for reclamation??" Bai Ji was shocked after hearing Ke'er's description.

God, has Solanya been expelled from the imperial family? As the first princess, she has no right to cultivate her own backyard. It's simply ridiculous.

That would be troublesome.

Adhering to the principle of helping as much as possible, Bai Ji's plan is to borrow the authority of the princess to set aside a large area to cultivate fields, then buy seeds and fertilizers from merchants and farm tools, and then hire some people to come over. Just clear the land and that's it.

Now it seems that the authority of the princess is a joke. Solanya is definitely at the lowest level of the food chain in the palace. It is no wonder that the soldiers dare to give her the middle finger.

"Are you mistaken? We are the princess, the princess is wrong!" Bai Ji took a deep breath and said with a trembling voice. “We don’t even have the right to cultivate our own backyard??”

"Your Highness, it's useless for you to yell at me. These are the rules set by the Queen." Kerr said that she was innocent.

"That Trash Queen"

"Your Highness, please speak softer!" Ke'er quickly covered Bai Ji's mouth and looked around.

"What? Are you still afraid that the queen will teleport over and cause trouble for me?" Bai Ji snorted coldly.

It’s not her fault. Apart from Lilias, who has Bai Ji been afraid of? You are a queen, aren’t we also a queen? Who is afraid of whom? At this point, Bai Ji felt that she could not use gentle methods. Since If you decide to do something big, there should be no hesitation.

Thinking like this, Bai Ji rummaged through the closet.

"Your Highness, what are you doing?"

"Ke'er, do you think we look like a queen dressed like this?"?﹖ Is it possible for you to think about it??"

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