In front of the palace gate, the old butler stood upright in a decent dress. As a steward who has served the Blood Spirit royal family for more than ten years, in addition to loyalty, it is also a basic task to understand the personalities and preferences of each royal family member.

If you want to do this job for a long time, you need to have a deep understanding of the interests and hobbies of each royal family member, and like them. Not only do you have a good impression of them, but at least you can't make them hate you. As a well-educated royal family member, you have to work with these people. It is also very comfortable for people to communicate. As long as it is not a big mistake, the other party will generally not embarrass themselves.

The old butler, who was deeply loved by the royal family, also knew how to be grateful and fulfilled his duties. After handling matters, he would wait for his master at the door with the guards every day.

But today, a person he had never expected walked past the palace gate.


"Your Highness Princess? What are you doing?" Seeing the girl in front of him who was wearing a solemn black dress and a white feather top hat, the old housekeeper was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized something was wrong.

The face under the brim of the hat is slightly raised, and the noble temperament that seems to stand above thousands of people makes people sincerely surrender. The slight movement of raising the brim of the hat slightly and the body standing naturally are in one go. This aura that belongs to the queen is definitely not a knee-jerk. The two princesses can have.

"I'm extremely sorry. I forgive my dazzling eyes for mistakenly mistaking Her Majesty the Queen for Her Royal Highness the Princess." The old housekeeper quickly knelt down on one knee to greet his Queen.

Seeing this, the soldiers on the side also knelt down.

That power that belongs to the superior does not belong to the queen, so who else could it be? The old butler who has served the queen for many years will never mistake anyone.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, didn't you go out for a private visit? Why did you come back so soon?" The old housekeeper raised his head slightly, confused.

"Well, I forgot that I still had some things to explain, so I turned back." The Queen lowered the brim of her hat slightly, suppressed her voice, held her cane, and walked into the palace with textbook grace.

"Your Majesty, are you feeling uncomfortable in your throat?" The old housekeeper, who noticed something was wrong with his voice, was already suspicious.

"Well, I do feel a little uncomfortable. Why, Mr. Butler, can you make me feel better?" The queen grinned, her eyes full of teasing and teasing smiles.

"...I will prepare hot soup for Your Majesty." The butler, unable to withstand the pressure, immediately gave up, and the doubts in his heart disappeared.

I am really old, and even the queen has realized that I have made a mistake. Such a charming and sinister tease, with the right expression and tone can stir up waves in any male's heart.

But this is the queen's teasing. If you can't control it and dare to go up to it, then you'll be buried in the belly of a fish!

If not the Queen, who else could she be? Or who in this world is qualified enough to pretend to be the Queen of the Blood Spirit?

"Haha." The queen laughed lukewarmly. "You are as cute as ever, Mr. Butler."

The old housekeeper's body stiffened slightly, and then he quickened his pace.

The queen showed a smile and stepped into the hall unhurriedly. Her elegant and calm look was a model for noble ladies, which made the surrounding guardsmen sigh in their hearts.

However, this person actually panicked a lot.

No matter how you beat around the bush, what she is doing now is indeed pretending to be the queen. If her secret is exposed, she will really lose it. Bai Ji does not think that any minister will speak for this unpopular princess. She is afraid that she will be directly exposed by that person. The cheap lady was exiled abroad to fend for herself.

Although it is true that she is also a queen, in this era, who will recognize her? If she tells them that she is a queen who has traveled back from the future, who will believe it? Most likely, she will treat this useless princess as a delusional person.

This is also the reason why Bai Ji has difficulty moving.

If her identity in time travel was Yana, there would be no need to be so complicated. She could just act coquettishly and cutely in front of her mother, and it would be easy to talk about anything.

However, what she wore was that of an unpopular, loser princess. In terms of status and freedom, she was not even as high as some minor nobles. This meant that she would be unable to do anything in the palace and had to resort to unconventional means.

Thinking of this, Bai Ji, who pretended to be a cheap lady of her own, could only sigh in her heart that it was really difficult for her.

After entering the palace under the leadership of the housekeeper, Bai Ji slowed down and couldn't act too hasty, because she didn't know the way to the palace, and she couldn't act too slowly, otherwise her flaws would be exposed. The natural way of walking is the best choice. .

"Her Majesty the Queen has forgotten something. Just leave it to me. There is no need to waste Her Majesty the Queen's time."

"Mr. Butler, first hand over the imperial capital, no, the list of chambers of commerce in the entire Blood Spirit Empire to me."

"Okay, please sit down for a moment."

I have to say that he is indeed an old housekeeper who has served the royal family for many years. His work efficiency is beyond praise. Before Bai Ji had time to take a sip of hot tea, the documents she had sorted out were handed over to her desk.

Bai Ji took a cursory look and found that almost any chamber of commerce that could be named had branches in the imperial capital.

This is much easier to handle.

"Mr. Butler, please help me do something for the king, but it must be kept secret." Bai Ji has completely entered the role, showing the temperament and demeanor of her previous life as a queen. This is a way to make her subordinates feel awe and respect for her. Distant way of speaking.

"Please tell me from the Queen, I will go through fire and water without hesitation." Adding the word "confidential", the old housekeeper already knew the key to the matter, and his expression became solemn.

"It's the same as when you go to these chambers of commerce to buy something.

Things, Karuro seeds, the more the better, price is not an issue, you understand. "

"I understand, let's do it now." The butler would not ask more questions about what he wanted the seeds of Karuro grass for. This is why he has been able to work for so long. He would never ask about things that should not be asked by a servant like him. Ask, perfect

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