"Dear Solanya, can you tell me what's wrong with your clothes?" She raised her eyes and met Victoria's smiling face. Bai Ji secretly said something bad in her heart, but she didn't think so on the surface. Moved.

She knew that if her mentality collapsed at this time and her flaws were exposed, it would be the end.

If you confess, you will be put in jail, if you resist, you will go home for the New Year, and after so many years of battle of wits and courage with Lilias, Bai Ji still understands this.

"Mother, are you referring to these clothes? Well, I made my mother laugh. Because I didn't feel very comfortable yesterday, I forgot to take off my clothes when I went to bed. I woke up this morning and realized that I was still wearing..."

"Really?" Victoria smiled and tugged on Bai Ji's sleeves. "The quality of this dress is really good. It didn't show any wrinkles even after lying in bed all night. Is it the work of a skilled craftsman?"

"Yes, my mother has such good taste." It was obviously impossible to deceive Victoria. At this point, Bai Ji could only continue to act out the trick.

"Oh, look at my memory. I remember this dress was given to you by someone on a certain birthday, right?" Victoria looked like she had just remembered, holding her face in her hands and smiling as she looked at the increasingly stiff face. Baiji.

Ah, how dare this old fox! We have fallen into this old fox’s trap!!

"Ah, yes, we actually forgot about this kind of thing"

"Yes, how could such a thing be forgotten so easily." Victoria narrowed her eyes and gradually moved her face closer to Bai Ji, so that Bai Ji could feel her breathing close at hand.

"Well, can you please stop being so close?... We feel a little uncomfortable." "What does it matter? Mother and daughter are still so shy. Solanya is really unfamiliar with me as a mother."

She is already very aloof, okay? Leaving her daughter in a yard full of weeds and not paying attention to her for several years is no different from being relegated to the cold palace, right??

Knowing that she had been exposed, Bai Ji could only gnash her teeth in her heart, saying to her heart that this old fox was wary of her own daughter, she was simply not human.

There was nothing that could be done about being exposed. Bai Ji had just arrived and knew very little about the family. It would be difficult to guarantee the right number after just a little testing.

Bai Ji thought that Victoria's doubts about her were limited to whether she had broken into the palace without permission and forged her identity. Who knew that she directly thought of whether Solanya's identity was fake, and then directly tested herself? .

Bai Ji's heart skipped a beat as she looked at Victoria, who was gradually becoming more and more proud, with an expression like "You're showing your fox tail".

Don't be complacent, old fox, we still have our ultimate move yet to be unleashed. If you can't win online, then you can only call the jungler.

"Cough, cough, cough..." On the surface, it was Bai Ji's heartbreaking cough. In fact, this regular cough was a call to his teammates.

"Miss, are you sick again?" Ke'er pushed open the door and walked in, holding a glass of water and a few unknown pills on the plate.

"Ahem, it seems, yes," Bai Ji said weakly, picked up the pills and water, and drank them slowly.

"Is this?..." Victoria raised her eyebrows.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty was not feeling well a few days ago. He asked me to go to the doctor to prescribe medicine. Here is also the doctor's order." As he said that, Ke'er took out a sheet full of writing from his pocket. medical advice.

Victoria took a brief look, and her expression suddenly became strange.

"Solanya, do you have a high fever?"

"Yes, and because of the fever, a large amount of memory was lost. The doctor also said that due to limited experience, this rare disease rarely occurs in a thousand years, so it is reasonable to experience symptoms such as a drastic change in temperament and loss of memory. of."

Yes, when Bai Ji wore Solanya, Ke'er forced Bai Ji to see a doctor. This was indeed the order given by the palace doctor. As for Solanya's persistent high fever, that was even more unreasonable. Fake.

Before Bai Jichuan came over, Solanya did have a severe fever, and with the intensity of the fever, it wouldn't be surprising if she died.

Maybe that's how the original Solanya left, not necessarily. "" Victoria looked at the weak Bai Ji with a scrutinizing gaze, and then said slowly. "You go out first, I will take care of Solanya."

"As ordered." After completing the mission and sending out assists, Ke'er left. "Solanya." Victoria reached out and touched Bai Ji's head. "What's the

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