Blood Princess and the Knight

11~more than half a sentence

"Are you showing off your temper now? Come on, Solanya, do you know that it's childish to show off your temper at this time." Victoria, who was stunned by Bai Ji's accusation, took a deep breath and patiently explained to Bai Ji. .

"Although the Blood Spirit Empire appears to be prosperous and powerful on the surface, there are many internal hidden dangers and external threats that cannot be solved. The disadvantages have been accumulated for a long time. Maybe all it takes is an opportunity to light the fuse."

"So what?" Bai Ji disagreed. "Is it possible that you still plan to use my useless daughter to put out the fire? No, I am not capable enough. I am just a useless person waiting to die. Don't expect me to do anything for you."

"Don't be willful, okay? I know that you are resentful of my indifference, but this is related to the survival of the entire race, it is not a trivial matter." Seeing Bai Ji's attitude, Victoria gasped, and seemed to be angry in her heart. It caused quite a fire.

"What do you want me to tell you? What do you want from me?

"Tell me what you know more about." Seeing that Bai Ji's attitude had softened, Victoria's tone also gradually softened.

"Oh, you know so much. The knowledge in my head is all that I already have. What does prophecy have to do with it?" Bai Ji sneered. "Besides, aren't you very capable, Her Majesty the Queen? Why are you so humble now asking for help from my eldest daughter, who you usually don't like to see at all?"

"Solanya!..." Victoria squeezed the scepter in her hand, her immature brows knitting together. "You, you kid! You don't understand at all"

"I really don't understand." Bai Ji looked at Victoria coldly. "But at least I will never treat any child differently based on their ability. Treating them equally is what a mother should do." "

"And what did you do? Not only did you allow your subordinates to bully your own flesh and blood, but you also allowed them to form a chain of contempt between them after treating them differently. By then, brothers will be at odds and sisters will not be close to each other. This is the result you want?? "

"Maybe you are great as a queen, but to sum up, as a mother, you are unqualified. You have no qualifications or talent, and you don't even have the desire to do a good job."

"…." Victoria bit her pink lips lightly. With all the mixed emotions in her heart, she could only turn all the complicated emotions into a long sigh. "You have really changed."

"Why, the unscrupulous Majesty Victoria is going to attack her own daughter and forcefully open my mouth. Tsk, tsk, this approach seems to be in line with your personality."

Regarding the impression of the blood queen, with Lilias as a reference, Bai Ji preconceived the idea that no matter how bad the queen was, she would never be really bad. A tiger cannot eat its own children, so at least she would not be too cruel to her own heirs. It wasn't until she met other vampire queens other than Lilias that she realized that family love has a price tag, and the corresponding price tag is talent and future value.

"What the hell are you talking about."

"You can do it, right? If it were you, sacrificing an insignificant useless girl for the sake of the racial plan is completely excusable, right? Not only that, you will also be praised by future generations for it, and you will bear the pain to part with your love for the sake of justice. What."

After saying all this teasingly, Bai Ji snorted coldly. "Whether it's you or those people in Guizhou who stand on the moral high ground and point fingers at others, I hate them to a certain extent."

"This king will not frame his own daughter."

"Then let me ask you, which one is more important, racial justice or my daughter's life and fortune?" Bai Ji asked with a sweet smile.

"The palms and backs of my hands are full of flesh."

"Having a hard time making a decision? That's because it's not time to make a decision yet. When that time comes, I believe the decision you make will not deviate from what I said."

"First there was the empire, and then there was us. Even if the chips were changed to me or Yana, there is nothing I can do about this decision." Victoria said solemnly.

"That's your business, Queen Victoria, and please don't make excuses for yourself. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean others can't do it either. If it were me, I would never put racial justice first before family ties. "

The ones with high value are the royal members who are favored by thousands of people. As for the ones with low value, just discard them, just like Solanya in this world.

At this thought, Bai Ji became even more sympathetic to the original Solanya. "Did you know? Your daughter is already dead, but she didn't even wait for her heartless mother until the moment she died."

"Dead? What do you mean??"

"You can understand it yourself. I have no obligation to tell you this. I don't agree with you."

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