Blood Princess and the Knight

12~ I hope everyone is okay

"Troll Southern Tribe, chief's son attempts to stage a coup to overthrow his father."

"The eldest princess of the Asian Cat Kingdom has developed a new way of braiding her hair. The specific steps are as follows"


The subordinate in charge of the report stopped talking because the girl on the throne showed an impatient expression.

"It's extremely boring, isn't there anything worth paying attention to?" The black-haired princess sitting on the throne fiddled with her fingers, on which several rings inlaid with jewels shone brightly.

In the dazzling hall, she was like a king who embodies all the nobility and grace. The aura she released alone made people feel in awe, and they did not dare to raise their heads and look at her directly.

The throne and her are like the most noble and elegant jewels inlaid on the supreme crown. The natural beauty of the superior person makes people unable to resist.

"I didn't spend a lot of money to let you become a gossip paparazzi. Do you really know what I want?" The girl's body leaned forward slightly, her calm violet eyes sparkling with crystal light. She couldn't see any emotion, but she was Full of decisive killing.

"Hug, I'm sorry, my dear princess, but the world is peaceful recently, and we can't find the information you want even if we try our best."

"Can't find it? You said you couldn't find it, right?"

"No, no, no, no, we can find it, please give us some time..." Looking at the girl walking down the stairs, the people kneeling on the ground were so scared that their hair stood on end.

I saw her snatching the forms from several people's hands.

"I gave you so much time, but in the end, you just gave me these useless pieces of paper." The girl looked at the form in her hand, her eyes gradually becoming cold.

"The cost I paid is completely unequal to the gain, you know that, right? What, isn't this a very interesting piece of information?"

The body froze, and the few people who thought they would not escape this time saw the girl's curve.

"Victoria, Queen of the Blood Spirits, for some unknown reason, came into contact with her useless daughter who was born with a disability, and even agreed to some strange conditions for her. Isn't this very interesting information? It doesn't matter whether it's serious or serious. I almost missed it."

"You guys, continue to follow up on this matter, do you understand?" "I understand, I understand!" After hearing that they had escaped, several people responded quickly with lingering fear.

In the early morning, Bai Ji, who yawned and walked to the courtyard, was a little curious about the scene in front of her.

Ke'er, who was watering the flowers in the garden, hesitated, as if he had something to say to himself.

"Your Highness Solanya, this." Seeing Bai Ji coming over, Ke'er thought about it and handed a folded note to Bai Ji, asking her to make up her mind. After all, Solanya who woke up after a high fever was no longer the same person. She was no longer the soft-eared and opinionated eldest princess. After her temperament changed drastically, she attacked the world, the earth, and the air. Even the queen dared to stand up to her face to face. It seemed that there was nothing in the world that could make her change her temper.

Bai Ji glanced at Ke'er in surprise, and suddenly became energetic after taking the note. "Who gave you this note?"

"This morning, before dawn, a guy in a black windbreaker sneaked into the backyard and handed it to Ke'er." Ke'er looked very sad, as if he was too frightened to think about what happened before.

"Ke'er thought it was a palace assassin. I was scared to death..." She slapped her chest, as if she hadn't recovered from the previous fright.

"He gave you this and what else did he say." Bai Ji looked through the note and asked casually.

"No, he explained that he was not an assassin, and then he threw down the note and said it was the Queen's intention. Then he jumped and flew away." Kerr also made a golden rooster stand, imitating the moment when the other party left. look like.

"You are imitating a monkey." Bai Ji complained with a black line on her head. Now her attention was entirely focused on the geographical location marked on this note, and she was pleased but also a little confused.

"Ke'er, change clothes for me, I'm going out."

"Mistake? Are you in such a hurry? You haven't had breakfast yet, Your Highness."

"Eat on the way. Now, change my clothes." With that, Bai Ji quickly returned to the house. When she was about to change her clothes, she thought of something and put the clothes in her hands.

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