Blood Princess and the Knight

13~Insignificant things

Speaking of which, this wasteland on the outskirts of the city has never been well developed. Due to various reasons, it is not suitable for building buildings, but it is very suitable for farming. The queens of the past generations probably have not thought about using this land to grow crops. What.

"Your Highness, please walk slower." Ke'er followed pantingly, and saw Bai Ji finally stopped, holding her knees and hanging her waist, panting heavily.

His Highness ran faster than a carriage, and he seemed to enjoy it endlessly. It was hard to imagine that such a weak and sickly body could have such powerful explosive power.

"It's too slow. You really need to exercise more, Ke'er." Bai Ji wiped the sweat from her forehead and came to the hill on the outskirts of the city. From a distance, she saw You, who had been waiting here for a long time. Here comes the old butler, whose smile is getting thicker.

"See Her Royal Highness Princess Solanya." The old butler greeted her with a smile, looking kind and kind like a harmless old man. He looked at Bai Ji and said meaningfully.

"It seems like this isn't the first time we've met."

"Yes, indeed." Bai Ji nodded and gave the old housekeeper a polite smile. "When I was a kid, I remember my uncle, the housekeeper, came over to visit me."

"Is that that time? I see, look at my memory." "Mr. Butler, are the equipment and manpower ready?"

"Your Highness Solanya, everything is ready." The old housekeeper raised his hand to indicate to the workers behind him and the various tools needed for tilling and turning the soil. Of course, the most basic seeds were also collected.

"Well, that's good." Bai Ji walked forward and said hello to all the workers who were focusing on her.

"See the eldest princess." "The lowly workers knelt on their knees to show respect to the princess, who was the first heir to the empire.

"Do these people have experience?"

"They are all good cultivators from the palace and have rich experience. There are also some gardeners who are responsible for technical guidance."

"Very good. I would be very troubled if the rations given to me were some stupid young people who have never even touched a shovel." Bai Ji did not deliberately lower her voice, but said it very straightforwardly.

"Listen, since you are all good at farming, you should know what to do, how to perform your duties, and how to cooperate. That is your business. It is just a test of your ability. If you can't even do this If you can't meet the standard at all, there is no need for you to continue working in the palace." Bai Ji said coldly, her sharp eyes seeming to scan every subtle expression of everyone present.

Behind him, the butler smiled and said nothing.

"Without further ado, let's start farming." Bai Ji looked up at the sky. "The weather is very suitable for the growth of this plant."

"Then Your Highness Solanya, if nothing happens, I will go back to Her Majesty the Queen."

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Butler."

"Where is it? It is my honor to serve the royal family." The old housekeeper bowed respectfully to Bai Ji and left.

Ke'er held up the parasol prepared in advance and served the prepared tea to the small makeshift table.

In the scorching hot weather, it is inevitable to sweat profusely while working. Even if you have a parasol, it will probably not be much better.

Bai Ji did not leave, but stayed with them despite the scorching heat, which made the workers feel a little better for the princess.

"Sit down too."

"Wrong? But Ke'er only brought Your Highness your chair..." Unexpectedly, Bai Ji would ask her to sit down with him, Ke'er said in surprise.

"Then sit together."

"Sit, do you want to sit together??" Ke'er's eyes widened and her head shook like a rattle. "No, no, how can Ke'er squeeze into the same chair with His Highness?"

"If we ask you to sit down, just sit down." Bai Ji glanced at her, wondering why she was so flustered. "This is an order."

"Yes, I obey." Ke'er's pretty face was slightly red, and her naturally drooping hands were intertwined, looking very restrained.

"Isn't it uncomfortable for you to sit like this? Come in."

"Okay, okay." Ke'er moved her buttocks, and her buttocks and part of her back came into inevitable contact with Bai Ji's body.

Ke'er could directly smell the body fragrance on Bai Ji's body.

She glanced at Bai Ji secretly, but the latter's attention was not on her.

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