The story described in the note was very simple. Yana was kidnapped in the suburbs of the city.

Not to mention that assassins can be encountered around the imperial capital, Bai Ji couldn't understand why Yana's secret guards didn't protect her. Not only that, they didn't even serve as a warning or call for help.

Was there something temporary, or was the secret guard delayed by some accident and unable to come? In any case, the disappearance of the secret guard is closely related to the kidnappers, which means that this group of assassins had planned it for a long time, and their target was directly at Yana. And I was just incidental.

Bai Ji couldn't help but believe what this note said, because there was also a piece of white-silver hair attached to it, which was obviously cut off with a sharp weapon.

Bai Ji was forbidden to speak out and could only come alone. At the same time, she was also strictly forbidden to pass the news to anyone, otherwise she would act to rip off the vote.

For ordinary kidnappers, Bai Ji does not believe that they dare to fight against each other, but if the true identity of these kidnappers is assassins instructed by external forces, it will be different.

Damn it, they can really do it, and Bai Ji is sure that they do this kind of thing often.

If they see the army approaching, these desperadoes who are forced to a dead end will inevitably do irrational things. There is no need to mobilize troops. It is better to solve the problem by yourself without everyone knowing.

Bai Ji carried the shovel up the mountain, followed the information given on the note, and walked to a lush forest. The sun shined into the forest from between the leaves of the dense forest, reflecting small spots of light on the ground.

An astonishing bird call startled the birds hiding in the forest. Looking up, Bai Ji happened to see the flash of black shadow, heading towards the depths of the forest.

"Tsk, fooling Xuanxu." Bai Ji said disdainfully and followed.

When Yana woke up, she found herself lying on a cold and cold wooden bed. The gloomy atmosphere made her shudder. The sunlight reflected from the windowless stone window and shone on her body, but she could not feel the slightest warmth. .

She moved her body subconsciously, trying to stand up, but found that a rope was tightly wrapped around her, so that every joint in her body could not move.

"Hey, are you awake?" A rough voice frightened Yana, and she huddled in the corner like a frightened rabbit.

"You, who are you?" The tall man with a distorted and ugly face in front of her made Yana feel like she was about to spit out her breakfast.

As a pampered and pampered little princess, Yana had never experienced such treatment and stimulation. She even trembled when she spoke.

"I, I'm warning you, it's best to let me go now. Do you know who I am??" Yana swallowed hard and gathered up the remaining courage to say these threatening words.

"I know, I know, of course I know, the little princess of the Blood Spirit Empire, Your Highness Yana." The extremely ugly man said with a ferocious smile. "If I didn't know it was you, would I have kidnapped you??"

After the identity threat failed, Yana's face turned pale and her heart was ashen, and then she showed off with an ugly face and a trembling voice. "You, you know my identity and you still dare to do this. If my mother knows, you will definitely make you look good!"

"Hahaha, my lovely little princess, do you still expect someone to save you?" The big man looked up to the sky and laughed. "By the time your mother finds out that you have been kidnapped, you may already be a pile of bones."

"Me, us?" Yana's eyes widened.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you. For this trip, Your Highness Yana will not feel lonely. Hereby, we have tied your sister here. She has taken the bait now and will come to accompany you right away."

You can't beat that bastard woman. "For some reason, Yana, who was so panicked that her heart almost jumped into her throat, calmed down instantly when she heard Bai Ji.

The reason why I was caught by these rotten fish and shrimps was because I was attacked by a sneak attack. Before I could release the curse, that woman was different.

"Huh? Are you serious?" The kidnapper looked at him with disdain, as if he was kidding me. “Who in the entire Blood Spirit Empire, no, in the entire Baland, doesn’t know that the eldest princess of the Blood Spirit Empire is an absolute idiot??”

"Probably just the kind of eldest lady who only knows how to arrange flowers and cultivate the land. I've seen this kind of thing too many times. Hehe, I mean in bed."

Seeing how the kidnapper leader despised Solanya, Yana became less and less panicked.

Her current mood is a bit complicated. The feelings of a girl are always poetry. Which girl in adolescence has not imagined that her own prince charming can save her from falling into trouble?

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