"You were so handsome when you entered the arena, but you fell to your knees within three seconds of being so handsome??" Yana's voice was filled with anger and endless contempt caused by her failed hope.

"I thought you were such a badass woman, why are you such a loser?"

"This is my tactic. Everything is under control. If you don't understand, you don't have to yell. You are as uncultured as a village girl."

"Come on, you've been tied into a glutinous rice ball, and you're still under control?? I feel embarrassed for bragging like this!"

"Shut up, do you know what tactics are? Being arrested by tactics is different from being stunned and caught with no room for resistance."

"What's different? All I know is that your hands and feet are tied up as tightly as mine, and you're thrown on the bed!"

"Can the two princesses please be quiet? The two sisters became prisoners of bandits on the same day and were tied together. What a fate. Shouldn't we open a champagne to celebrate?" Looking at them tied back to back, they still feel The two sisters did not forget the bickering, the bandit boss joked.

"Mr. Bandit, can you help me stop her mouth?" Bai Ji leaned back calmly. "This girl's mouth keeps spraying like a crossbow. It won't be pleasant for you to hear."

"That's too much!" Yana was unwilling to be outdone after hearing this. "Before that, let's throw this guy to the ground. The wooden bed is too comfortable. She's not used to it.

"Okay, let me lie down on the floor. You sleep on this hard bed alone. I don't want to continue to be your pillow."

"Who is being whose pillow? It's because I don't want to be your pillow anymore! Saying that, don't lean against me... Why are you so close to me if you hate me?" Yana doesn't He retorted with conviction.

"You think I want to?" Bai Ji said expressionlessly. "If I weren't tied up, do you think I would be willing to stay close to you?"

"Huh, I don't care about that!" Yana puffed up her cheeks unconvinced. "It's okay to be held hostage, why do I have to be tied to a woman like you? Separate me from her quickly!"

"You two, please be quiet!" The two people's verbal battle made the bandit leader one big and the other big. Although listening to the two lolita yelling in childish voices is a bit annoying to some people. Enjoy it, but if you listen to it too much, your ears will get calluses.

"Both of you, please understand your situation and act like a kidnapped person. Otherwise, my men are not as patient as I am. Listening to your quarrel, they are all going to burn themselves out.

These words coupled with the disgusting smile of the big man made Yana's hair stand on end in fright, and she quickly lowered her head. At the same time, her body shrank back.

"Uncle bandit~ I have a few questions to ask you. Can you help me answer them?" Bai Ji disagreed, and the corners of her mouth naturally raised into a sweet smile.

"Tsk, that's disgusting." Seeing Bai Ji smiling at such a disgusting and ugly bandit, Yana tutted.

"Why do you have so many questions? Ask me, uncle, today

A good mood. "

"Whose instructions were you given?"

What do you mean?" As soon as these words came out, the bandit was slightly stunned and then

That is to say, the face is awe-inspiring.

"Literally, I want to know who ordered you to kidnap the blood spirit.

The princess’s?”

"Ha, your princess' imagination is really boundless. Let's

They are just a group of bandits. Whoever gets the bigger bounty will be kidnapped. "Mountain

When the thief leader said this, he paid attention to Bai Ji's reaction, and finally pretended to be a ruthless person.

said angrily.

"Hey, there are two princesses of Blood Spirit. They are making a lot of money this time.

After we get the bounty, we will go find some sisters."

"Looking for a lady? Isn't that boring?" Bai Ji tilted her head. "you

If we just want to find a few women to accompany us for kidnapping, then we are putting the cart before the horse.

"Instead of looking for those rouge and vulgar powder, - blood spirits with spotless blood and pure blood

Wouldn't it be more exciting and exciting to play with the princess?" Bai Ji played like a tiger and wolf.

The bandits who were listening to the words were stunned.

"Hey! You idiot!" Yana nudged Bai Ji hard with her elbow and whispered. "He turned around and sold both of us. What kind of operation was this? Did you take the wrong medicine? ? Wan-they are really making a big fortune, how can we two withstand it??"

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