Blood Princess and the Knight

17~Emergency treatment

In the Liuli Palace, which serves as the second princess's bedroom.

"It's strange, it's already evening, why haven't you seen your royal servant returning to court?" The maid in charge of Yana's meals was a little surprised, and the guard responsible for security at the door also felt a little strange, but they didn't pay much attention to it.

The master's affairs are not something that servants like them can interfere with. Although it is rare for Yana to forget the time when she goes out to play, they are not too worried.

Most people in the palace know that Yana is protected by secret guards directly subordinate to Her Majesty the Queen, so no one needs to worry about her safety.

After waiting for about a long time, the elderly head maid couldn't wait any longer and planned to take people to the outskirts of the city to have a look. If something really happened, she would have to report to Her Majesty the Queen immediately.

As soon as she walked out of the mansion with her skirt in hand, she saw the old royal housekeeper who was about to step into the courtyard.

"Mr. Butler?" Out of politeness, the head maid skillfully bowed to the old butler. "Are you here to see Her Highness Yana? I'm really sorry, but you came at the wrong time. Her Highness Yana is not here."

"Oh, no, no, I know Her Royal Highness Yana is not here." The old housekeeper carrying a bag of things handed it to the head maid. "I was entrusted by the Queen to come here to deliver something to His Highness."

"Wrong? Do you know where Your Highness Yana is now?" the head maid asked

"Well, I think it's probably in the outskirts of the city, with Her Highness Solanya." The old housekeeper thought for a while. "Early in the morning, I saw Her Royal Highness the Second Princess sneaking behind Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess. The two of them are probably still having fun to this day."

"So that's it?" The head maid suddenly felt relieved when she heard that Yana was playing around with her sister.

The head maid watched Her Royal Highness Yana grow up, and the head maid who regarded her as her own child knew very well that Yana, a child who looked proud on the surface, was actually very lonely.

Almost all her peers put her in a very high position, so that no one who came into contact with her dared to play with her.

Childhood without peers and companions cannot be called childhood. The head maid really hopes that Yana can meet a playmate who is congenial to her. After all, a withdrawn personality is not conducive to the growth of a child. She only spends time with maids who are not suitable for her age. But it doesn’t work.

People of the same age like Her Royal Highness Solanya, who bullied Yana as soon as she appeared, suffered the same fate. Yana talked about how she wanted to retaliate against her and get the situation back. In fact, I just wanted to find an excuse to have fun with my sister.

The head maid knew this, but she didn't say it out loud. She was well aware of Yana's awkward personality and knew that if she said it out, it would easily have the opposite effect.

In any case, Her Royal Highness Yana has a playmate, which is a good thing for her. Since this is the first time she has a playmate, it is natural for her to have some fun, right?

In this case, don't bother me. "Hmm? Your Excellency, Head Maid, what are you doing?"

"Sorry, I'm old and easily distracted. Thank you, Mr. Butler, for your hard work."

"It's okay. It's my honor to serve the royal family." The old butler smiled kindly and left with his hands behind his back.


My whole body was weak, every bone and every joint was extremely sore. It was so dark that I couldn't see anything. When I opened my eyes, it was no different than if I hadn't opened them.

This is how Yana feels now.

The body was cold, as if moving a finger would trigger pain involving nerves.

The consciousness is blurred, like a pot of porridge that has been stirred randomly. A bunch of memory fragments without any logic are scattered in the darkness and cannot be pieced together.

As she sank deeper and deeper into the abyss, she suddenly felt her body begin to warm up, as if a pair of gentle hands were touching her body.

The coldness was dissipated and the body gradually regained consciousness. Although the consciousness was still confused and the body was exhausted, it was as if it had just been a long-distance run.

"Are you feeling better?" A familiar voice without much emotion was the last voice he heard before he fell into coma.

It feels so heavy, as if something is pressing on my chest.

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