Blood Princess and the Knight

18~Can I call you Huangjie?

"Really, do you really want to do this?" "This is the only way so far."

"But, we are sisters! How can we do such a thing?! This is simply against ethics."

"Do you think I am willing to do this? This is my first time with this body. I am not forced to do this. Do you think I am willing to do this??" As she spoke, Bai Ji's face was stained with a hint of red for some reason.

"But I have always been on top of others, how could it be like this today?"

"This is really against ethics. It's so, so shameless!" "Tsk, I even took off my clothes and brought them to you and you didn't even get up. Are you not good enough?" Bai Ji frowned, her face Full of contempt. "If I can't fall in love with you, I'm still not happy."

Seeing Bai Ji fastening the belt of her dress, Yana's pupils narrowed slightly, and she didn't know where the strength came from, which in turn pushed Bai Ji, who was riding on her, to the ground.

"Oh? What does this mean?" Bai Ji did not struggle, raised her eyebrows, and looked playfully at Yana, who was riding on her, her face was red, and she was panting heavily.

"Hoo ho ho"

Intestinal eating is a normal thing among vampire lovers, but it is strictly prohibited among blood relatives. And this kind of behavior that seems to be fun between lovers is listed as one of the inappropriate behaviors. Naturally, it is a vampire. Points shunned and spurned by royal etiquette.

Yana, who received an orthodox royal education, was naturally taught that the shamelessness and filthiness of such behavior was contrary to her noble bloodline, but

But, today is an exception, isn't it? God Rassam and his mother will definitely forgive him for his unavoidable behavior!

The feeling of betrayal between biological sisters filled Yana's heart with strong shame and self-condemnation. However, amidst this one-sided negative emotion, there was a faint sense of wonderful pleasure, which caused her to have a feeling of putting this thing into perspective. The urge to get things done until the end.

Is this wonderful feeling a complete desire to survive, or some other impulse? Yana can no longer think about it. She only knows that her reason is about to be overtaken by instinctive desire, and she is about to do something that she will definitely do afterwards. There will be things you regret.

"Sister, sister, please help me."

"Oh? You have called me sister. It seems that your consciousness has begun to blur." Even though she was pressed down, Bai Ji did not show the slightest trace of panic. Instead, her face was full of playfulness.

"Speak clearly. How do you want me to help you? How can I help you if you don't explain clearly?"

"You, just don't move!" Yana, who hadn't eaten for a day, seemed to have reached her limit. Coupled with Bai Ji's previous temptations and verbal provocations, she was now like a wolf out of its cage.

She untied Bai Ji's dress in a messy manner, but her mind, which had lost its logical ability, could no longer recognize food normally, and turned the easily untied dress into a knot.

"What on earth are you doing? You've almost scratched my skirt and I haven't even started yet. I've been waiting for so long in vain." Bai Ji complained. "Let go, are you going to tie a bow on my chest? Why are you so anxious? I'm already lying down and why can't I run away?"

Even though she was Bai Ji, she felt a little awkward when she said these words. For some reason, the moonlight tonight became very ambiguous.

The hazy moonlight shines down, covering the night with a thin layer of silver gauze. Under the moon, the light immerses the girl's silver hair.

The silver-haired sisters hug each other, and their half-covered charm makes people think.

The silver gauze falls on the world, and Yana will never forget this night. The fair and tender skin is dyed with a few strands of holy white, soaked with bright red blood, supporting the pure moon, and the girl's face is filled with shame. of rosé.

This look will probably be engraved in her mind forever and never fade away


A spring night is worth a thousand dollars, and the ambiguous night is accompanied by a few cockcrows into the morning.

"Then, that..." "Then the scene the next morning was that Yana, with a blushing face and still recalling what she had done last night, hugged her clothes and hid in the grass to make a fuss, while the one on the side was calm. Bai Ji wiped the blood on her shoulders and neck and put on clothes.

"Last night, I, I..." Recalling her crazy actions last night, Yana felt like she had had a long and strange dream.

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