"Who among you can explain to me what is going on?" Victoria, who had just received the news, stood in front of the throne with a gloomy face, overlooking the servants kneeling below.

"The two princesses stayed away all night, and it took a day for Ben to receive the news. I want to ask you, what were you doing on the day when the two princesses disappeared?" Victoria couldn't calm down.

If she hadn't noticed that the secret guard didn't give her feedback in a timely manner as usual, Victoria might still be in the dark.

"It was my dereliction of duty. When I found something wrong, I should have checked immediately." Yana's head maid knelt in front of Victoria piously, her shoulders trembling. "If your Highness Ruoyana has any shortcomings, I am willing to pay for it with my life."

"Okay, get up, what's the point of talking about this now? If I kill you, Yana can appear in front of me safe and sound." Victoria said coldly, and she took a deep breath.

"Solanya's maid, where is she now?" "You mean Miss Kerr? As for Miss Kerr, she is waiting outside the palace now."

"Why don't you let her in?"

"This" the Imperial Guard hesitated, looked at Victoria's face cautiously, and whispered. "Including the servants of the eldest princess, no one is allowed to enter the palace without any important matters. This is a rule stipulated by your majesty yourself."

"" Victoria was at a loss for words. After thinking about it, it seemed that this was really the case, and she asked immediately. "How long has she been waiting at the door?"

"Her Majesty the Queen, Miss Kerr came here yesterday and said she had something important to do.

But because of your order, we didn't let her in. After all, you were not in the court at the time. "

"Let her in quickly." "Yes."

After a while, a small blond maid followed the soldier into the palace. It could be seen from the way she pinched her sleeves that she was very worried at this moment. You could see the dark circles under her eyes. She didn't sleep well last night.

"Ke'er, the maid of the eldest princess Solanya, the daughter of the Viscount, comes to see Her Majesty the Queen." Ke'er held up the hem of her skirt and performed a standard monarch-minister etiquette.

"No more gossip, Ke'er, do you know where Solanya and the others have gone?"

"I know, just yesterday, Her Royal Highness Solanya received a strange note. She did not tell Ke'er the content, so she asked Ke'er to pretend that nothing happened. After that, Her Highness Solanya disappeared, but I was so anxious that I wanted to tell His Majesty the news, but the guards stopped me."

"!?" Both the old housekeeper standing beside Victoria and the servants kneeling under the throne were stunned at this moment.

There was no other reason, but what Kerr said to Victoria already contained a sense of reproach.

How dare you blame the Queen in front of so many people. This is so bold.

"" Victoria closed her eyes slightly, how could she not hear the reproach in Kerr's words. "Get up, it's useless to talk about this now. Do you know which direction Solanya went?"

"I know, but there are so many mountains on the outskirts of the city. It has been two days since Her Highness Solanya disappeared, and Ke'er doesn't know if she is still in the mountains.

"This is all my fault, old slave." The old housekeeper felt ashamed. "I have long noticed that Her Highness Yana was following Her Highness Solanya, but I didn't pay much attention to it. After Princess Solanya explained the matter, the old slave returned."

"This matter is none of Mr. Butler's business. To be able to deal with the secret guard I sent out so silently, the other party must have been planning for a long time." Victoria frowned slightly. Knowing that the matter was urgent, she immediately mobilized the imperial army to go deep into the mountains. Looking for two princesses.

The Forbidden Army also knew that this matter was of great importance, and even the Queen herself took action. They did not dare to neglect, and marched towards the mountains in full force.

At this moment, somewhere deep in the mountains.

"Captain, what's wrong, there's news from the eyeliner. The Vampire Queen has noticed the disappearance of her two daughters and can't hide it anymore! The Vampire Forbidden Army is heading towards the mountains."

"Keep looking, and we will never retreat until we find these two little clays!" The bandit leader vowed not to give up. "They must be nearby. I am very familiar with the smell of vampire blood. They must be nearby!"

"But boss, the blood clan's imperial army has been fully mobilized. Looking at this momentum, I'm afraid the vampire queen is coming in person, leaving us not much time.

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