Blood Princess and the Knight

20~Victoria’s doubts

"Those two dead girls have fallen to the ground. Catch them quickly!" The bandit leader roared with anger as he saw the two girls falling to the ground hugging each other.

"Yes!" The bandit brothers, who had been severely manipulated by Bai Ji, all united, and their eyes were red. In shame and anger, they wanted to rush directly to Bai Ji and Yana, and kill these two tormenting bears. Kid caught.

"Sister Huang! They are coming!" Seeing the indifferent Bai Ji, Yana became a little anxious and grabbed Bai Ji's hand to remind her.

"Ok, I know."

"Aren't we going to run away?"

"Run away? Why are you running away?" Bai Ji said matter-of-factly. Then, she found a branch and fished out the sword that had fallen into the water.

"Now, if they want to escape, they should escape." Bai Ji picked up the sword, wiped it briefly, and took it out of its sheath.

This was the sword of the bandit boss. It floated away when it fell into the water. It was precisely because of capturing this detail that Bai Ji dared to fall from the tree and face this group of vicious bandits.

To deal with them, it is unrealistic to expect Yana, who has no actual combat experience and is out of shape, to rely on herself.

When the sword was unsheathed, Bai Ji was already surrounded by bandits.

"Hey, what are you planning to do, Your Highness the Princess?" Seeing Bai Ji holding a sword in a decent posture, the bandit leader who thought he was bound to win became happy.

"Why, Her Royal Highness the Princess likes to play with swords? That's okay. If there is still time, I wouldn't mind teaching Her Highness the Princess two moves." The bandit leader, who said he was sure of victory in the trapped beast fight, began to speak arrogantly.

The so-called weather has cleared up, and some people think he can do it again.

"Teach me a few moves, you?" Bai Ji raised her eyebrows and leveled the sword. "Okay, if you are really qualified to teach me a few moves."

"Oh, before that, I have to teach Her Highness the Princess another truth, that is, disobedient children will have their butts spanked!" The bandit leader, who was already full of flesh, was holding a head full of red envelopes. , looks even more ferocious, the kind that would frighten children in fairy tales.

It is a shame for a bandit leader who has been involved in extortion and kidnapping for many years to manipulate a man who is several dozen years old by a kid who is not yet an adult.

Although the merchant had to ensure that the goods were complete, he swore that after catching Bai Ji, he would spread the princess's ass, give her a taste of pain, and let her experience the power of the kidnapper leader.

The bandit leader, who felt that he had won before the battle even started, didn't even think about it. In order to show his calmness and calmness as an older man, he threw away the ax in his hand and picked up an ax casually. A slender wooden stick, and a few fiddles with the sword spin that looked very impressive.

"Children just don't know how high the sky is. If you don't experience the beatings from society, you don't really think that adults will be so easy to deal with, right? Come on, uncle will play with you with a branch. If you can touch him, uncle will

The bandit leader was very proud, but before he finished speaking, the bag in his hand

The branch broke into two pieces, and he himself fell down like a dead dog.

In a pool of blood.

"? ?What? The boys who were watching the excitement all held their breaths

Turning to look at the blood-stained sword in Bai Ji's hand - - - they

They didn't even see clearly when Bai Ji drew his sword. Their eldest brother suddenly

He fell silently.

"Boss, boss?" The bandit brothers hurriedly stepped forward to help, but this time

All of this was of no avail. The bandit leader had killed him the moment Bai Ji drew his sword.

Out of breath.

"What happened just now? The bandit brothers looked confused.

Apart from them, the only one with a different expression is the little star twinkling in his eyes.

Yana looked at Bai Ji like a little fangirl who met her idol.

"Sister Huang is so handsome!"

"Okay, your boss is here, what are you going to do now?"

?" Bai Ji killed the bandit leader without any hesitation.

The key information has been extracted from his mouth. In this case, people stay

It's of no use, just kill him, it's no big deal.

As for these cannon fodder boys who are not key figures, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals

Bai Ji still looks down upon him. What she dislikes the most is killing people.

I killed too many people in my previous life, no, I should say I killed too many things, Bai Ji

Everyone has developed a Buddhist mentality. If possible, she doesn’t want to carve

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