"But, it's not that I have any prejudice against His Highness's sister, Princess

Although His Highness and His Highness Yana are sisters, they cannot be compared at all. "

Lacey's daughter stroked the folding fan and said regretfully.

"Yes, yes, it is said that Her Royal Highness, as a member of the royal family, does not

Inherited even the slightest bit of talent from Her Majesty the Queen, but even the curse cannot be cast due to lack of blood.

Half of them can only stay at home arranging flowers and farming all day long. "Seeing this, the Mo Lan family

Qianjin also echoed. "Yes, eh, has your Highness heard of a rumor? The outside world is talking about it.

As early as in your belly, Her Majesty the Queen gave you all her nutrients,

And Her Royal Highness the Princess is a collection of the remaining scraps. This kind of

What you said is really too much. No matter how you say it, it is Her Royal Highness the Princess who is gossiping about this without permission.

People who gossip are really gossipy and talkative. "Although the Rhine daughter speaks one word at a time,

It is shameful for people who promote such topics, but there is no blame in their words.

meaning of doubt

Yana's face was sullen, and she put down the delicate white tea that had been brought to her mouth.

Porcelain art tea cup.

The two earls' daughters didn't notice the change in Yana's face.

The more they talked, the happier they became. They had no idea that the atmosphere of the tea party had changed.

The head maid, who was obviously aware of His Royal Highness's emotional fluctuations, was not easy to be direct.

Let me remind you that in terms of status, she is just a lowly woman.

It's just a servant. It's taboo to interrupt the noble lady's tea party, so I can only keep going.

He signaled the two daughters with his eyes to stop and stop talking about this topic.

However, these two daughters did not notice the look in the head maid's eyes, and even if they did, they probably wouldn't care.

As a child, even if he received an aristocratic education, he has been exposed to it since he was a child.

The same is true for aristocratic children. They can't hide things in their hearts.

I couldn't control myself and said what I was hiding in my heart - JL -

At first, I heard from a friend that "there are rumors from the outside world, but later on...

It directly turned into unabashed words such as "I feel", "I think" and "feeling".

"As for the successor, it really has to be the extremely talented Her Royal Highness Yana.

The eldest princess is just dissatisfied that the throne is not passed down to her eldest daughter, so what if she wants to inherit it?

What a skill, who could let Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess's bloodline fail to live up to expectations? "

"Your Excellency Mo Lan, you are telling me this, the future queen of the Blood Spirit Empire.

Who it is, Her Majesty Victoria has probably already decided, it’s not anyone’s turn to say.

Tao four. "Lacie scolded, but there was not much blame in her words, more like

It's echoing.

"I made a mistake. After all, Her Majesty the Queen doesn't have any

You can't just listen to the wind and rain.

"But Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, has been robbed of her throne. She will really let it go."


"What can we do if we don't give up? Your Highness Yana has such a great advantage.

So what if you are not convinced? No one in the Blood Spirit Empire is willing to support

A princess with no virtue and incompetence is in power. If that happens, the world will be in chaos.

You're trapped!" As he said this, the Rhine daughter took a sip of tea, and then her face suddenly changed.

She looked ugly. Out of aristocratic restraint, she did not spit it out immediately.


This application? "Laiyin Qianjing wanted to ask the servant what was going on with the tea and why it tasted so strong, but he suddenly remembered that he was not

Not at home, but at the tea party of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

No, how could such a smell appear at Her Royal Highness’s tea party?

What a bad tea??

The daughter of Mo Lan also noticed this and looked doubtful.

But I was embarrassed to say it.

"How is it? Does it taste good?" As if seeing the confusion between the two of them, Ya

Na asked with a smile.

"Well, Your Highness Princess, the taste of this tea is very unique. What is it?


"Hey, do you think it tastes bad?

"No, no, I just think the taste is a bit...well, the taste is very unique,

Very personal. "The two flattering daughters naturally dare not fall in front of Yana.

Zi bluntly said that this tea was terrible to drink.

"Hey, don't you two recognize this kind of tea?" Yana held the tea with a look on her face.


"Uh, uh, I don't really know it, but if I feel the taste..."

"This tea is by far the most popular tea in the Blood Spirit Empire.

This tea is picked from deep mountains and old forests. It has the effect of prolonging life, detoxifying and nourishing the skin.

The effect of refining essence and spirit.

Although the two daughters didn’t quite understand what they heard, they felt like they were very powerful.

After all, with so many functions, it must be a very high-quality tea.

However, what they don’t know is that these are the common effects of tea.

As eldest ladies, they are busy learning etiquette and socializing all day long, so how can they have time to relax?

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