Blood Princess and the Knight

25~The great plague that comes as expected

"You two, are you really okay?" I smiled in my heart, but

On the surface, Yana still had a face full of concern. "Is there something wrong with what my chef cooked?

"No, no, there really is no noble lady, she can only be

A mute who eats Coptis chinensis cannot express his suffering.

The royal princess’s tea party, if you really dare to find fault with this, then you are really falling for it.

Face, in the Blood Spirit Empire, as a noble, if you don’t have good relations with the royal family, what else can you do?

Do you want to eat the good fruit?

Besides, Her Royal Highness the Princess ate the same amount and nothing happened.

What happened? It’s impossible for Her Royal Highness to deliberately harm herself, right?

The two rich ladies shook off this thought and smiled again.

"That's great. I thought my food and snacks were not as good as yours."

What about the taste~" Yana rested her head on her folded hands and said happily.

"It's nothing, just Mo Lan Qianjin inadvertently pushed her face away.

He took the tea and snacks in front of him and smiled awkwardly. "I had eaten before coming here

After dinner, I also drank tea and had snacks. It’s hard to refuse His Highness’s hospitality, but I do

I really can't eat anything. "

"Yes, me too." Lacey's daughter also followed suit.

"You guys had the same meal?" Yana raised her eyebrows.

"Isn't it? We are saying that we should have been together before -

Time for lunch. "

"Oh, that's it." Yana nodded in understanding, and then

Na pulled the two of them to chat about a lot of things. The two daughters were very surprised why Yana, who had been silent before, suddenly became talkative. As time went by,

They gradually realized something was wrong -

At first they could agree with each other a few words, but as time went on, their

His face became worse and worse, and he held his stomach a little, hoping to relieve the pain in his abdomen at this moment.


And as they held it in like this, their faces naturally became worse and worse.

No way, no way! I really can't bear it anymore!

In the end, the physical pain defeated reason, but it was hard to take the initiative to bring it up.

After leaving, the two daughters had no choice but to hope that Yana would notice that they were getting more and more unhappy.

His expression was normal, and his movements were no longer restrained.

However, Yana turned a blind eye to their abnormal behavior and still pulled her

They, talk to them non-stop.

Time passes, and gradually, the lonely dusk replaces the vigorous morning sun

Under the parasol in the royal courtyard, Yana still looked like she was still unfinished and had a lot to say.

This is a trend that you are not allowed to leave without having a good chat today.

The two daughters, who were so depressed that their faces turned red, couldn't bear it anymore.

To guard against the physical behavior of being almost embarrassed, I can only ask to leave.

"Your Highness, um, you see, it's not too early now. It's already

It's dusk

"Yeah, yeah, we've been chatting all day without realizing it." The two thousand

Jin forced an ugly smile.

"Hey, is it already dusk?" Yana pretended to have just noticed,

He cast an apologetic look at the two of them. "Sorry, I lost track of time while chatting.

"It's okay, I often chat with my friends and lose track of time.

"How about I ask the chef to prepare dinner and we can continue chatting?" Yana's

The smile gradually turned into a little devil.

"No, no, no! No!" - Thinking of another midday meal

During the meal, the two aristocratic ladies turned pale with fright and actually got up and ran away.

"Pfft haha! Looking at the backs of the two of them, Yana finally couldn't help it.


"Hey" the head maid who watched the whole process sighed.

I feel sorry for these two innocent children, they obviously just want to please Yana,

But I don’t want to flatter the horse’s legs.

"Hmph~~ Sir Maid, I'm hungry.

"The kitchen has prepared meals for you." Understand His Royal Highness's wishes

The head maid said respectfully.

"Yeah, but not these desserts." Yana bared her fangs and said,

Tea is okay, but does she know that these blood-stained dumplings are not something that can be eaten?


"do not worry."

After torturing these two disgusting aristocratic daughters, Yana was naturally heartbroken.

The mood was exceptionally beautiful, and even my appetite increased greatly.

Time passed day by day. These days, Bai Ji did nothing but eat.

When sleeping, I stay in the fields all day long taking care of my own plants. The fields

Medium-length herbs swayed in the wind, and under the scorching sun, young gardeners planted their bare feet

Yangyang, a breeze blows by, and the river ripples.

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