Blood Princess and the Knight

28~ Pressing step by step

"If you don't want to bleed, stay where you are." Bai Ji said in a cold voice.

Across the entire bedroom, one person struck with a sword, but his momentum was like that of thousands of troops, instantly shaking the whole room.

It shocked everyone in the room.

At this time, Victoria went back and forth and happened to see the house

Scenes of internal confrontations, tensed-up people with stiff faces, and people holding pendants.

Bai Ji, who had a cold expression on the sword and kept releasing killing intent, saw the prince's hand again.

The soup inside was empty, and he instantly understood what had happened.

"Your Majesty the Queen! You are finally back, eldest princess!

Meet a girl

The king came back, the Duke became excited, and probably only Wei Wei was the only one in the room.

Doria needs to take action to suppress this ignorant princess.

Victoria sighed helplessly, blinked and looked at Bai Ji,

He opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say to this grown-up JL.

Separated for a long time, she and her eldest daughter seemed to have no relationship at all.

Talking about common topics, I want to say something but don’t know where to start.

"Why didn't you tell me when you came?" Victoria was silent for a long time.

Squeeze out a sentence.

"Where can I find you?" Bai Ji raised her eyebrows. "Found you, Daylily

It's all cold. "

"Your Majesty the Queen, the eldest princess acted recklessly during the prince's illness.

, actually forcibly poured an unknown liquid into His Excellency the Prince, and his heart is to be punished.

I hope Her Majesty the Queen is aware of this!"

Bai Ji glanced at the Duke, who was kneeling on one knee and crying, and thought that this guy was falling out.

It's faster than flipping through a book. Just a moment ago, he acted like he was incompatible with himself. He was obviously the one who made the first move, but when the master came, he started to pretend to be aggrieved.

"Your Excellency, please don't say these nonsense." The prince frowned slightly.

The Duke's remarks and actions against Bai Ji gradually made the Prince feel disgusted.

He was now wondering if these princes and nobles had

Is this how the clan treats his daughter? "My dear, are you feeling better?" After hearing the prince's angry words, Wei Wei

Doria didn't care about its content for the first time. Her eyes lit up and she paid attention.

When the prince arrived, his breath was much better than before.

"After being reminded by Victoria, His Excellency the Prince was stunned at first.

, and then smoothed his chest, with a hint of joy and surprise.

"Ah, I just drank the medicine Solanya gave me." The prince said lovingly

His eyes were on Bai Ji.

"Mr. Doctor, please excuse me." Victoria said to the palace who was following behind her.

Doctor Ting indicated, and the latter nodded.

Although there is no cure for this condition, a simple test can do it


""After checking the prince, the old doctor was dumbfounded. "

Amazing, really amazing

"What's wrong?" Victoria's expression remained unchanged, but there were a few ripples in her heart.

Yi and Yana on the side were also very nervous.

"It's amazing that Your Excellency Wang's condition is stable." The doctor said with a smile on his face.

Incredible. "Not only has it stabilized, but it has even begun to subside. This simple

It is a miracle in the medical field!

After hearing this, the members of the royal family looked at each other, and suddenly felt flushed. They lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the prince or Bai Ji.

His Excellency the Prince was really cured of his illness just because he took two bottles of

It was just a potion, which they never expected.

"I've said it before, how could my daughter harm me?" the prince smiled.

He groaned as he looked at the nobles whose faces were so beaten that they were speechless.

"Aren't there any other hidden dangers?" the Duke said reluctantly.

"No, no, this old man can guarantee it. I believe it won't be long.

His Excellency the Prince's condition will be completely cured. Of course, we must continue to supply medicine.

OK. "As he said that, the doctor turned his attention to Bai Ji, and his eyes instantly

Get hot.

"I dare to ask Your Highness the Princess, where did this panacea come from?"

He is a figure in the medical field and the chief physician of the Blood Spirit Palace. This doctor is a

An out-and-out medical madman, he is naturally very enthusiastic about this magical formula.


"I made it myself." Bai Ji spread her hands. "This is the only home in the world.

"You made it yourself?" The doctor's eyes gradually showed admiration.

and awe.

"Oh no, I didn't make it. To be precise, it was made by my hands.

The researchers made it, I was only responsible for issuing orders, it was just a coincidence

Just mastered a recipe.

"What are the ingredients you use?"

"-A medicinal herb called Wangyou."

"Wangyou? This herb is not expensive. The old doctor was startled after hearing this.

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