Blood Princess and the Knight

29~-Go to the offensive

"Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, prepared for a rainy day and made clever plans, but she made them without any warning."

As for the start time of the plague and the antidote formula, this is beyond the scope of logic.

Oh no! Could it be that Ratsambotu dreamed of Her Majesty the Princess?

How can I save the Blood Spirit Empire?" The Duke's voice was full of cynicism.


After this, all members of the royal family will be full of suspicion and suspicion.

The light hit Bai Ji.

"Yeah, this is too strange. Point

"Now that I think about it, how is it possible? A useless princess does this?

The act of not burning the migration salary is not right in the first place.

"I don't want to speculate on the eldest princess with the worst ideas, but the fact is that

This. "

Words like this kept coming, even though she was speaking in a low voice, Bai Ji still

Yes heard.

"You guys, have you had enough?" The prince looked at the nagging Gui coldly.

clansmen. “My daughter, who previously suspected that there was something wrong with the medicine she gave me, is now pregnant again.

I suspect it was my daughter who poisoned me. In addition to your suspicions, there should be something more serious.

Do what you want?" Don't get me wrong, Your Excellency, what the Duke said is not unreasonable.

ah. "

"Yes, we just want Her Royal Highness the Princess to explain.

There is no malice. "The prince protects his daughter to the death, but Victoria has no expression.

Although their attitude was clear, the nobles still didn't dare to speak too frankly.

"No malice? You know in your heart whether there is malice or not.

The king only knows that when the king was ill in bed, all you could do was stand by and think about it.

Nothing outside. "Seeing these nobles, big and small, acting unabashedly in front of me,

After slandering his daughter, the prince with a gentle personality rarely got angry.

However, he also knew that the seeds of doubt had been sown, and today even if he

Even if I can protect Bai Ji, I can't guarantee that these big nobles will be suspicious of Bai Ji in the future.

This is very detrimental to Bai Ji.

"What's the matter? Maybe the imperial sister got Rasambo's

Instructions, do you have any questions?" Yana puffed up her chest and was very polite.

road. "Your Majesty the Duke, we don't need anyone else to comment on the affairs of our Royal family.

Fourth, please respect yourself. ”.

I overstepped my bounds, and I'm sorry for that. "The Duke saw this

He apologized decisively and glanced at Bai Ji.

Since Yana has brought out the royal family's private affairs, in order to avoid suspicion

, even as a Duke, he could only stop there, Queen Victoria still

Here it is.

He also didn't expect that the royal family would be monolithic, protecting this family from top to bottom.

The eldest princess who is unhappy with her position, and even her rivals for the throne, the second princess in the palace


As long as the other party clicks, the royal family can't do anything to the duke.

The vampire clan adopts a feudal system, and the lord keeps a large amount of power within his own territory.

The authority is almost equivalent to that of a king, but he only submits to the king out of faith and loyalty.

The royal family did not dare to push them too hastily unless they had to.

However, the royal family is always the royal family, and they control the faith of the entire Blood Spirit Empire.

All the blood people are believers in Rasambo, Rasambo-

The clan is the orthodox one. If the royal family gives an order and demotes the lord to a rebel, then

The common people under the lord's rule, even the personal guards, may rebel.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Duke to rashly do such an outrageous thing.

Things, even the powerful Blood Spirit nobles in the previous life did not dare to abolish women.

King, but a puppet emperor who did not hold power was installed to facilitate control.

At least a big lord doesn't have the ability to resist the royal family.

The Duke said no more. His goal had been achieved, and everyone present was

The nobles were suspicious of the eldest princess.

"I don't mean to offend you, I just think about the empire. Princess Princess

Be generous and don't blame. "The Duke bowed slightly to show his piety and


In just a few words, Bai Ji was easily pushed into the quagmire of suspicion.

The situation was very bad, and Victoria remained silent from beginning to end.

The nobles were all wondering if the queen also had feelings for their eldest daughter)


The prince looked at Victoria with some annoyance, as if blaming her.

Why don't you speak up for Bai Ji at this time?

Victoria watched the drama in silence, as if she had no idea at all.

I saw a signal from my husband.

She wanted to see what Bai Ji would do when she was in an absolute disadvantage.


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