"I traced the source of this tea gifted to the prince. It was the Duke.

My lord, your cousin, how do you explain this?" Bai Ji smiled.

He groaned and looked at the Duke, whose face gradually became stiff.

"Your Highness, Princess, this kind of thing cannot be joked about.

"Do you think I'm joking with you now?" Bai Ji threw

He handed out a piece of information and almost threw it in the Duke's face.

"I think you should know this cousin? I wanted to follow the clues to find out -

The records of people entering and leaving the palace, but I don’t have the authority to do so, so I can only let the woman

Your Majesty, please do it for me. "Said, Bai Ji once again moved her gaze to Victoria.

On Asia.

"Your Majesty, I have no contact with this cousin. Although we know each other,

But just seeing that the situation was not good for him, the Duke immediately asked

Victoria explained, hastily putting aside her relationship with her cousin.

Clean and tidy.

"Don't worry, Duke, I think so too, so please

Don't get excited, Duke, just wait a little bit and wait until we find out clearly.

I will return your innocence one by one. "Bai Ji teased, implying that there is no

It doesn't matter what you say about the relationship, it won't matter until we find out.

"I hope so. I mind telling you now that there is a plot to kill the prince. Woe to you."

The suspects suspected of disrupting the empire are arrested and interrogated!" Before Bai Ji could say anything,

The Duke was the first to speak, speaking righteously, vowing to prove his innocence.

Bai Ji narrowed her eyes, hoping to cut off the cunning lizard's tail.

"Send the order to arrest this person for interrogation." Glancing at the information

Afterwards, Victoria handed the vellum information to the personal imperial guards.

After receiving the order, the captain of the Forbidden Army responded and left.

This incident is finally over. On the other hand, Bai Ji seems to have also been killed.

Targeted. "I made a mistake." The Duke looked at Bai Ji meaningfully and said

There is something in it. "The eldest princess is really well prepared and has put a lot of effort into this.


"In general, after all, if possible, I would prefer to be in a relationship with

Be a princess forever in a place where there is no competition. "

"Really? That's it." The Duke nodded, as for Bai Ji's words

Bai Ji didn't know whether he listened or believed it.

Although she is not an innocent person, what she just said was indeed true.

That's right.

It took a lot of effort to travel through time, and I wasn’t a princess who was just eating free food and waiting to die.

What a pity, Your Highness.

I was tired of being a queen in my previous life. I had to go to court every day and stare at those dried

The orange-skinned face couldn't stop looking at him, but he still had to maintain a close yet majestic smile.

I can't even lean on the throne when I'm sitting on it, it's really troublesome.

Wouldn't it be nice for him to be a rice bug who doesn't care about anything and doesn't ask anything?

As long as the country does not suffer catastrophe, as long as there are still people to support it,

If you are alive, then everything doesn’t matter, just do whatever you want to do, eat

He yawns while sleeping and occasionally teases Ke'er and that's it.

To be honest, this generation of the Blood Spirit Royal Family is really not that good. She would not take action unless it was absolutely necessary.

The play was over, and the princes and nobles walked out of the room one after another, with various expressions on their faces.

Different, but with similar thoughts - the rumors are wrong, this long

A princess is definitely not a simple character!

After a while, there was only a family of four left in the room.

Bai Ji yawned and walked towards the door.

After the matter was resolved, there was no need for her to stay here.

Let’s leave the room to the real family.

"Solanya was about to step out of the room with a soft voice.

The voice stopped her.

Bai Ji stopped and couldn't help turning back to look at the bedridden patient.

The prince looked much better. "Is there anything wrong, Your Excellency?

Realizing that her words were wrong, Bai Ji paused and saw as expected

The prince smiled bitterly.

Bai Ji hesitated to speak. There was nothing she could do about it. From her perspective,

It seems that she is just a time traveler and does not belong to this era.

Man, the real Solanya may be gone long ago, she is just a resurrected corpse.

Travelers who travel through time do not have much sense of the world.

His Excellency the Prince felt bitter in his heart. He had not seen this person many times since he was a child.

The child in front of me doesn’t want to call him father, but what’s wrong with that? It’s wrong.

It was also her own fault. She had never experienced the love of her parents since she was a child.

It's natural to be unfamiliar with them

Regarding this point, the prince is also very helpless. If he is not forced to do so,

How could he take the initiative to isolate his daughter?

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