After waking up from the wine, there was a period of haziness and confusion, mixed with tears.

With the cracking pain, Bai Ji felt like her whole body was about to burst.

"Ah, ah, milk, cream cake~~" She has not yet returned to consciousness.

He was mumbling some strange words.

Not only has the consciousness not recovered yet, but the body is also craving for it

The softness under the pillow is irresistible.

My eyelids are so heavy, um, I don’t want to open them

I don’t know how long it took to maintain the status quo, but my consciousness gradually recovered, and Bai

Ji's lazy eyes opened little by little. Although she had a splitting headache, she felt that this

She felt that she slept very well, and the pillow in her arms was soft and elastic, allowing her to cling to it.

Lianwan waited until she saw clearly what was underneath her.

White flowers - pieces, as soon as you open your eyes, you will see a piece of white flowers, and you will be in eight colors.

The fish-like claws entangled the person under him tightly, but the person involved was sleeping soundly.

I don't know this.

This isn't the worst part. Moving his eyes downward, Ke'er's clothes

The laces of the dress skirt were roughly torn open, and they fell down to just above the waist. -

Bai Ji was dazzled by the sight of the uneven 'mountain ravines' that were beginning to take shape.

Face flushed.

This little girl is not very old, I didn’t expect to be like this.

This was Bai Ji's first reaction, and then she began to think about why she

He would lie on the same bed with her in this ambiguous posture.

Suddenly, she felt as if she was holding something in her hand, and raised it -

Look, his face turned pale.

It turned out to be Kerr's skirt

Did you do all this?!

Bai Ji swallowed hard and looked disheveled~shoulders naked~

The expression on her face gradually became weird.

Could it be that I got into a mess after drinking? ?

Due to drinking too much, Bai Ji couldn't remember last night at all.

What exactly have I done? Just looking at the situation so far, I am very confused.


At this time, she was completely sleepless. She left Ke'er and sat on the bedside, gnawing her fingers and reading

Looking at Ke'er with soft cheeks, an emotion was brewing silently in her heart.

But when L woke up at noon, it seemed that there was something wrong with his chest.

The soft things were moved away. She was not used to it, so she woke up early.

Well, she was also very tired, so she would probably sleep until the afternoon when she woke up.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, and her first reaction was to confirm the current time.


"woke up?"

"Huh? Your Highness, oh, sorry, I overslept." Ke'er tidied up -

I removed my messy hair and looked in the direction of the familiar voice.

I found Bai Ji sitting on the head of the bed, but her posture was very strange.

She turned her back to herself, sitting cross-legged, her petite body seemed to be covered

A layer of slightly mature color, just hold a cigarette between your fingers and puff out the smoke

Circle said, 'I will be responsible for you.

"Breakfast is on the table. If you are hungry, you can

You can go down and have a meal. "

"Oh, that, Your Highness? What's wrong with you?" Ke'er felt that now

There's something a little unusual about Bai Ji. She can't tell exactly what's abnormal.

"It's nothing. If you are hungry, go and eat quickly. Don't stay hungry." Bai

Ji turned around and looked at Ke'er meaningfully. "After all, you are now,

Can't go hungry. "

"Ah? Oh, thank you for your concern, Your Highness. Your Highness has to do some errands."

Bai Ji shook her head and looked at Ke'er affectionately. "It doesn't matter, although

Although it was an accident, the child was innocent. "

? ?" Ke'er's posture stiffened when she got out of bed, and she reacted after a moment.

Come over, your head moves towards Bai Ji like a clockwork.

"Your Highness, what are you talking about?"

What does it mean that the child is innocent? ? But L roared in his heart

"Huhu Bai Ji breathed out lightly, pretending to be deep, but this

No matter how she performs the actions, she looks weird and weird.

She moved over, patted Ke'er's shoulder, and then threw herself into Ke'er's arms.

middle. "Although it's ridiculous, you still have to value your body. After all,

"You are no longer alone."

"Ah? ?" Ke'er was stunned when she heard the news.

, she was confused, and then she immediately reacted.

"Your Highness, what are you talking about?"

"Ke'er, I'm sorry, it's all because I said it was an accident, but

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