"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" Ke L, who was carrying big and small bags, almost walked away.

She fell down the stairs, but luckily a hand caught her from behind in time.

He forcibly stopped her from losing balance.

“Hoo ho!.

What a risk, thank you, Your Highness. "

"There's no need to carry so many things at once, come one by one, I don't have to

So urgent. "Bai Ji poked Ke'er's nose. "I want to take a few more looks.

There is no need to rush out of this old house.

"That's right." Ke'er agreed with emotion, and she glanced around

In this old house, every plant and tree furnishing is so familiar and yet...

It makes people reluctant to leave.

From the time Solanya could remember, they lived together as a master and a servant.

Here, this old house is weathered and the stair railing is broken.

The furniture is also very old. If you take it out badly, others will think it is ancient.


But they have lived here for too long, and they even look like this

Feelings arose in this not-so-spacious house.

Although this mansion is old and dilapidated, compared with other buildings in the imperial city,

It may be said that it is extremely narrow, but it carries an important part of Ke'er's memory.

When he first came here, Ke'er was a little disgusted and felt that this place

The environment in the mansion is far worse than that at home. This kind of mentality is different from Solan's.

Gradually changes occurred in the day and night getting along with Ya.

She gradually began to adapt until she was completely used to it. Today, they

As I am about to leave this old house where I have lived for several years, I can't help but feel a sense of reluctance in my heart.

"Your Highness, what do you think will happen to this old house after we leave?


"Who knows." Bai Ji spread her hands. "Maybe it will be torn down, after all.

No one lives in it anymore, so there's no point in leaving it to take up space.

"Tear it down?" Ke'er's eyes showed reluctance.

"What, you don't want to give up?" Bai Ji raised her eyebrows.

"Your Highness, don't you feel reluctant to give up?

"Yes, but people always have to look forward." Bai Ji sighed. "This building

I will never forget the memory this house left for me.

"Okay, we've almost finished packing our things, it's time for us to leave."


Menial tasks such as carrying items could have been left to maids or servants.

It's done, but neither Ke'er nor Bai Ji want some personal items.

Others came to touch it, so the two of them had to do it themselves.

After walking out of the pavilion, the carriage was already waiting in front of the weed-covered courtyard.

Today, they are about to take a new step -

Once moved into a new home.

The new home does not refer to the imperial palace, but to an idle location in the imperial city.

's mansion.

After all, the imperial city is large and there are few people living there, so there are still quite a lot of idle mansions.

Any one you pull out will be bigger and more luxurious than this old house.

Of course, this is not the main reason why Bai Ji advocates moving out.

Victoria insisted on giving herself a lot of maids and servants.

The registration record to prevent yourself from rejecting or even expelling these maids means that if you don't take them in, they will become homeless children.


Most of these maids are women from declining aristocratic families.

When you come to the imperial city, if you serve a certain royal family, then the noble family

It is not impossible to follow the rapid development.

For example, Yana's head maid is the eldest daughter of a small noble family.

It is precisely because the eldest daughter of the family serves the current second princess that the family

The relationship between the family and the royal family has become much closer, and their life has been very prosperous in recent years.

Therefore, many nobles are willing to send their daughters to the imperial city

I just wanted her to get married to some prominent nobles with royal blood.

Traditional ones would be better.

And if these girls who work as maids in the imperial city are expelled from the royal family,

There is a high probability that their original family will not take them in again.

Most of those who were expelled from the royal family were guilty of transgression.

Some people don’t want to get involved with them, and even if they get involved, they would just want to end the relationship with them as soon as possible.

Even if it's his own flesh and blood, it's the same.

The reality is so cruel.

To sum up, after being expelled from Victoria, these people who served except

Girls without any skills will face the fate of having a family and being unable to return.

But Bai Ji is not a philanthropist after all. Accepting them is only part of

The reason, the bigger factor is that Bai Ji doesn't want Ke'er to work too hard.

From now on, only Ke'er will be responsible for cleaning such a big house.

Just let the maid do the dirty work, Kerr just needs to follow her

Just have a chat with her while pouring tea.

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