A few days of fishing have passed, and the first round of knockout is coming to an end.

The players overcame all obstacles and entered the second round of knockout. As the only one

As a contestant who had a bye, Bai Ji returned to the competition as a matter of course.

"It's good to stretch your muscles and bones a little." Bai Ji moved her wrists and feet.

Wrist, pick up the event schedule form to check your opponents and games.

After jumping over everyone to find her own column, Bai Ji looked at it and saw

A somewhat surprising name.

"Mura?" Bai Ji raised her eyebrows. Her opponent is Mula? That's it.

Even though she was working as a maid, she also came to participate in the competition in her spare time? ?

Bai Ji thought of something and began to look for a certain Taoist figure on the noble seat.

Ying, it took some effort. After all, Maura was not dressed as usual today.

Bai Ji felt a little strange in her maid outfit. She was dressed as an aristocratic lady.


Sensing that someone was looking at her, Miss Mulla subconsciously looked in that direction.

Xiang looked around and saw Bai Ji waving to her with a smile on her face.

"!! !" Mulla immediately turned around like a frightened little turtle.

The bag retracted, and after pretending not to notice, he looked at the Duke sitting next to him.

The adult whispered something.

I don’t know if Victoria was deliberately operating behind the scenes this time.

In the first match, he actually chose such an opponent for himself.

Withdrawing her gaze, Bai Ji no longer paid attention to Moura.

Bai Ji did not choose the special seats specially provided for the blood spirit noble family.

Instead, she had someone get a civilian seat for herself. After dressing up, she would not attract anyone's attention, and she could also listen to what the people thought of her.

The competition is quite interesting.

"Tsk, all four Gulan people have advanced, and no one can meet their opponents.

Both the blood spirits and other races were completely defeated. "

"Her Highness Yana and Master Baer, ​​who have the most potential, were eliminated in the first round.

Come on, this is unbelievable

"Anyway, although the remaining contestants on our side are not few,

But they are all names I have never heard of, so there is little hope.

"Don't make a conclusion so early, maybe a dark horse can emerge -


“Don’t be ridiculous, what dark horse can compare with these four Gulan monsters?

Woolen cloth??"

"If we lose again this time, Blood Spirit's face will really be lost."

"Why don't you leave this thing alone? The princess was eliminated in the preliminary round, why don't you

Do you really think there is such a thing as face?

The discussion in the audience has never been over, and most of them are friends and relatives.

My family of three came to watch the game, so we all sat next to each other. The game hadn’t started yet.

I was bored and chatting away my boredom. Most of the topics I talked about were about the vampire clan again this year.

He stretches his hips in various ways, marveling at the talents of the Gulan people.

"You can't say that. Your Highness the Princess has tried her best, hasn't she? You can do it.

Come on. "

"I'm going to do it in the morning!"

"Then what did you say?"

"Speaking of which, it seems that there is another princess participating in the competition. Why didn't she see anyone?

"Eldest Princess? It seems that she got a bye, right?"

"Hey, tell me, will the eldest princess give us a surprise?


"Brother, you don't live in Saplan, right?" Two people who obviously didn't know each other

The audience was chatting together, and another person looked at this person with a strange face.

Strangers chatting.

"Uh-huh, I don't live in Sappland. My family lives in Stone City."

"That's normal. It's okay if you haven't heard rumors in such a remote place.

strangeness. "The other man had a clear look on his face. In this era of underdeveloped information,

In ancient times, rumors were often spread by word of mouth, and many people from remote rural areas were connected to the city.

I've never been to the town, so it's normal to not know what's going on outside.

Although there is a magic spell that can be heard, the magic spell is not something that ordinary people can

It can be used only by nobles with talent and blood, and cannot be used by civilians.

, the people living in remote areas only know that the ruler rules them

Her Majesty the Queen is a god, but she doesn’t even know her last name.

"Your Highness the Princess, it seems that she is called Solanya. I am not asking for it without permission.

Slander, this is a well-known thing. "The man repeatedly emphasized his own lack of

Only after he was guilty did he speak. "That princess has a very low sense of existence and has been living in a simple place for a long time.

Come on, do you know why?

"Why?" The man looked confused.

"Because that princess is a loser with no talent. She comes out to meet people.

Isn’t this a disgrace to the royal family?” The man said to his chat partner in a serious tone.

He said it with a very understanding look.

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