Blood Princess and the Knight

57~Existence that breaks common sense

"Ahem, due to Miss Mulla's temporary departure, according to the competition

Rules, I declare that the winner of this game is Her Royal Highness Princess Solanya

'For a long time, the referee announced the winner amid a period of embarrassment and embarrassment.

The arena was in an uproar.

"What do you mean? This is a purchased actor?"

"This Miss Mura couldn't have colluded with the royal family and deliberately let Sai

Right?" It is inevitable that everyone will think so. At the beginning of the game, I did not say anything about stretching my hips, but just covered them.

You ran out of the field with a face on your face. You told me that there was no concession to the competition. Who would believe it? ?

"In order to prevent the eldest princess from losing so ugly, I understand this,

But that’s a bit too much, right?” “Yes, the eldest daughter of the Leforno family might become a dark horse.

Yes, it’s a pity”

And in this chattering discussion, Bai Ji and the royal family are undoubtedly lying on the ground.

The gun was fired, and he was accused of colluding to buy a match without doing anything.

Duke Leforno in the stands was also very embarrassed, thinking to himself that you are such a naughty person.

Even if it's a handicap, don't make it so obvious. Don't you even act? Sit down.

The prince and Victoria, who were not far away, also looked confused. Finally

This can only be attributed to the fact that Mu La couldn't bear to do anything to the young lady he spent all day with, so

Withdrew from the competition voluntarily.

"Did I get into trouble again? In the stands, hands were entangled.

) L looked around uneasily.

"It's really boring." Wei Na withdrew her gaze. At first she thought

This eldest princess with amazing words must be extraordinary, but she didn't expect to be so ordinary and vulgar, just like the vampires that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

Looking for someone to give in to the game, regardless of whether it is obscene or not, this method is really

Too imbecile, only those who look down on themselves from the bottom of their hearts and feel that they are worthless

Only those who cannot defeat their opponents would do such a thing.

If even he feels that he is worthless, then this person is really - -

If you want to gain respect from others, you have to start by respecting yourself.

"Your Highness, there is no game for us today, and I don't think there is any.

It’s necessary to read on

White stood up with some disappointment and took a deep look at the arena.

Bai Ji is still calm and composed.

Maybe he really misjudged the relationship between the eldest princess and those enamored people.

There is no difference between the nobles who are vain and pursue respectability too much.

Although it is a little suspicious that the handicap is so obvious, it is completely unexplainable.

What happened to this sudden situation? The Leforno family has been closely related to the royal family for generations.

Make good friends, and deliberately lose the game to make the audience dissatisfied with the eldest princess and come to them.

There is no benefit at all.

Then the only thing the eldest princess can do is persuade Miss Leforno herself.

It's just that some details were not handled well, leading to the current embarrassing situation.

If Her Royal Highness the Princess is really such a person, she is not qualified

as his opponent.

White shook his head and walked out of the arena without waiting any longer.

"Roland, aren't you going to leave?" White glanced and remained in his seat.

Roland was indifferent.

"His Royal Highness will go first, and I will arrive shortly."

"Okay, I won't wait for you." White left, as the prince's protector

Wei and Wei Na naturally wanted to stay close to each other, so they also left together.

Bai Ji, who was silent now, was very puzzled. She was thinking about the cake.

After the incident, he didn't seem to have abused Mula, let alone Ke'er.

, I have always wanted to have a good relationship with the eldest lady of the Duke’s family, no matter what

Even after being there for so long, are you still so afraid of yourself?

Come on, I have a bye in this game, so let’s talk to Mulla

Are they lined up together, are you sure someone didn't do it on purpose?

Under the boos of the audience, Bai Ji left the stage.

Without even thinking about it, she knew that after this game, her name would be

What kind of bad impact will the sound have?

"Your Highness, I'm sorry, but Ke'er didn't expect to cheer people up instead of giving them

She ran away. Listening to the slander and speculation about Bai Ji, she wanted to stand up.

I wanted to say something, but I couldn't say it. I felt very guilty and sad.

"There's nothing to be sorry for." Bai Ji said half-jokingly. "To a certain extent

What you shouted last time was quite powerful. Remember to do the same in the next game.

Come and give me a few shouts. ""

"By the way, are there any more interesting competitions recently?" Bai Jishen

She had a big slump. Fortunately, she was dressed so formally today. She didn’t even think about it.

It comes in handy, doesn't it?

"Probably no more." Before Ke'er could answer, Bai Ji asked herself


Yana was eliminated in the first round, Mula, including most of them said

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