The black-haired boy is lying in the spacious bathtub, with a unique exotic style

The courtyard was shrouded in darkness, and the breeze blew through, causing some ripples.

There is naturally a separate bathhouse in the hotel. Why did White appear?

It's just because it's not easy to get in from my current position.

There is no one of the same gender living with me, which means that daily life must be extremely complicated.

Be careful, such as when opening the door, entering the bathhouse, and dressing.

Always remember to lock

These trivial matters must be done in a watertight manner, as a single mistake may lead to

It causes embarrassment and embarrassment, especially when you find that the only one among your companions is a good brother.

After his younger brother became gay, White became more cautious.

"Your Highness, do you need me to rub your back?

Vina, how many times have I told you that men and women are not allowed to have sex. "listen

Hearing the voice behind him, White said helplessly.

Fortunately, after being together for many years, he knew very well that Wei Na would appear here.

So I wore an extra layer of protection to avoid being too embarrassed.

"I am the personal guard of His Highness the Prince. Guards have no gender. If

It is the greatest sin to put His Royal Highness in trouble because of the gender difference. "

Everything you said is right, but you don’t need to rub your back. Come look at the moon with me.

Bar. "White said with emotion. "The moonlight is so beautiful.

"Does His Highness the Prince want to express his love to Wei Na in this foreign country?

"Ahem, just a casual sigh." Realizing the meaning of his words,

The smell was slightly strange, and White coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

"Vina, what kind of country do you think the Blood Spirit Empire is?" White asked after a long silence.

The unexpected is normal. "

"Unexpectedly normal, what kind of comment is this?" White complained.

"I thought this place should be a barren place where Diao grinds his teeth and sucks blood.

Large non-recyclable garbage dumps are full of people, and monsters that suck human blood are everywhere.

Excrement and blood stains can be seen everywhere, a disorderly and unruly land.

Vina paused and looked up at the crescent moon that lit up the four walls. "Accident

It's normal, except for the people's somewhat surprising personalities, architectural style and food.

Except for the different habits, it's the same as the Qur'an. "

"How else is it different?"

"It's different? That's probably the moon in the sky." Wei Na was right.


“It is said that Saplan is the state closest to the sky and farthest from Baland.

place, this sentence seems to have some truth, the moon in Saplan does look

It's bigger than the one in Quran. "

"Hahaha, really." White laughed a few times for some unknown reason, calmly

When he came down, he raised some ripples in the water and fell into confusion looking at the falling water drops.

"Vina, you saw it too.

"Although these residents of the blood race are different from us in appearance, they are

It is not as ferocious, terrifying and unreasonable as domestic propaganda, the Blood Spirit Emperor

The country is not a place where monsters gather without order. I remember naira two days ago

That girl was caught throwing garbage in the Imperial City and was fined by the guards, haha. "

"Does Your Highness like it here?" Wei Na asked.

"I can't say I like it, I just think that too often we go too far.

I like to look at the blood spirit race through colored glasses. "

"Always like to put themselves on a higher platform and look down at each other

, inciting others to exaggerate their differences. This is how prejudice is formed.


"If we could understand each other better and be less prejudiced, Blood Spirit

The situation with the Quran would not be the same as it is today. "White smiled.

, seems to regard Vina as a tree hole where one can pour one's heart out at will.

"What do you think.

"Your Highness's will is my will." Wei Na said calmly.

It's White's shadow, that's enough, being White's shadow is by his side

, this is the meaning of her survival.

+More than a year ago, a young man with a distinguished status almost fell into a catastrophic situation.

The girl was saved by Ned, and the girl will never forget that warmth.

For her, White was everything to her, even far higher than her and her family.

In the future, maybe Naila or Roland will have opinions that differ from White's

Sometimes, she is the only one who doesn't know how to do it. She is White's will and is willing to be White's will.

He wears special white gloves to do those things he wants to do but is inconvenient to do.

Maybe White will one day marry a wife and have children, and never need her again,

What she wants to do is to stay together forever and wait forever.

She was just White's shadow, and that was enough.

Maybe after chatting with Wei Na for a while, White's mood and state improved.

After a while, the moonlight shone on the young man's fair skin, and suddenly, the water

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